Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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This is something I need to work on as I always tend to push just that extra bit which gets me. I am not sure why I do that last little burst maybe out of stubbornness even though I know it gets me nowhere. I sincerely appreciate the tip and will be trying it....TODAY actually. Thank you Rachel!

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@7lilsnkr This is one of my favorite visuals for the importance of moderation and modification. Keep hope alive!


Hi, I’m Annette, or anne4u.
I have experienced chronic pain for over 19 years. Back in 2005 I noticed something was going on with my body, I just couldn’t understand what. After seeing a few doctors, I was referred to a rheumatologist and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It wasn’t widely understood or accepted as a diagnosis then, and it’s still a controversial diagnosis! But it’s a very real illness! My symptoms began with flu symptoms, swollen glands and all, fatigue, weakness and body pain. I’ve had rash problems, with biopsy’s that showed nothing. Head to toe body pain so bad I’m unable to work. I also have degenerative disk disease, myofascial pain syndrome, chronic fatigue, hypothyroid, osteoarthritis, insomnia, TMJ, GERD, IBS, depression… I have been through numerous treatments over the years! I’m experiencing pretty bad withdrawal symptoms from recently reduced and stopped opioid medication. That’s wreaking havoc on my body. All my pain symptoms are on alert! I’m doing the best I can to get through this particularly difficult time.
I’ve belonged to some support type groups, online and in person in the past. It’s been a few years since I’ve participated in any. I like what I’ve seen here on Mayo Clinic’s Connect. Glad to be here!

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@anne4u Hello Annette, welcome to Connect. I am so glad you've joined us. Kudos to you on your discontinuation of opiates. You are brave and strong for being resilient and persevering through this difficult time. Keep doing the best you can and take it one day at a time.

While I was experiencing withdrawals from opiates, I kept my mind busy and distracted as much as possible. I did word search puzzles, listened to audio books, tv, music, spoke with friends and family. Do you have loved ones around you? How are you keeping focused? Do you like podcasts?


I’ve done the same ‘self care’ as you. I do meditation, try to eat right and maintain some exercise. Right now I walk when ever I’m able. Usually 2-3 times a week for at least 30 minutes. I have FM, another source of pain is degenerative disk disease. My back has been neglected for several years from doctors I’ve seen. I know Covid didn’t help any of us seeking help for pain conditions! I gave up my career, which I loved after a head on auto accident triggered fibro, with injuries. I hung in another year, until I couldn’t get out of bed. That was 19 years ago. I think the losses we experience when we start having serious health problems are like mourning a death. I was also very active prior to disability. I owned a Harley Davidson and put 20,000 on my 1st bike in 18 months. I was a buyer for Harley Davidson and traveled all over the US for my job. It was heartbreaking to give it up, and sell my bike!
I hope you are able to find the help you need. I’m currently looking for a new pain doctor. Finding the right doc is so important!

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@anne4u Hi again. Wow! Your job sounded very cool!! What a blessing to have had those joys. I bet you still keep your eye on the Harley industry. 😊

I'm curious if you have ever looked into or considered Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center (PRC)? You might want to check this out:


Also, perhaps you will find this conversation about the program helpful:


I can't speak highly enough about PRC. You seem to be someone that might greatly benefit from it. What do you think?


@anne4u Hi again. Wow! Your job sounded very cool!! What a blessing to have had those joys. I bet you still keep your eye on the Harley industry. 😊

I'm curious if you have ever looked into or considered Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center (PRC)? You might want to check this out:


Also, perhaps you will find this conversation about the program helpful:


I can't speak highly enough about PRC. You seem to be someone that might greatly benefit from it. What do you think?

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I just read that Rachel has left us! But I want to thank her anyway for her kind messages to me. I’m new here, but I have enjoyed reading her knowledgeable posts! She will be missed!


I just read that Rachel has left us! But I want to thank her anyway for her kind messages to me. I’m new here, but I have enjoyed reading her knowledgeable posts! She will be missed!

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Hi there@anne4u, I am wondering if you are reading an older post about Rachel. Let me check. I wouldn't want you to lose her as a mentor.


Hi there@anne4u, I am wondering if you are reading an older post about Rachel. Let me check. I wouldn't want you to lose her as a mentor.

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You may be right! I just checked too. The post is from 2020. I’m sorry about that!


You may be right! I just checked too. The post is from 2020. I’m sorry about that!

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Thanks.......she, @rwinney will be in touch with you I am sure.


I just read that Rachel has left us! But I want to thank her anyway for her kind messages to me. I’m new here, but I have enjoyed reading her knowledgeable posts! She will be missed!

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@anne4u Hugs to you Anne, I am still here! Those older posts can catch you if not aware of the dates. I did take a brief departure from Connect in order to work on myself, From time to time I may lay low, but for the most part you will find me kicking around these parts. I hope you stick around too and we can all learn from each other. 😊


@anne4u Hugs to you Anne, I am still here! Those older posts can catch you if not aware of the dates. I did take a brief departure from Connect in order to work on myself, From time to time I may lay low, but for the most part you will find me kicking around these parts. I hope you stick around too and we can all learn from each other. 😊

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Thank you Rachel! You’re right, I didn’t pay close attention to the dates.
I looked at the link you provided in your message for PRC. The program at Mayo sounds great. How are you doing two years after your experience there?
I’m very interested in any program or therapy that improves function and pain relief! I have been involved in several over the years. They have made a huge impression on my awareness of the mind body connection to pain. I apply what I’ve learned daily. I haven’t been to an inpatient program though. My main concern right now in financial. I’m living on disability insurance and making ends meet is difficult. I would need to check into my options there. AZ would be the closest facility to me.
I’m looking for a new pain doctor now. As you mentioned, I’m getting off opioid medication. I know some of my heightened pain right now is because I’m going through this transition. I was cut off of one prescription without taper, and the other is being tapered. It’s a lot to take on! I found some ‘taper’ tincture that seems to be helping. When I decide on a new pain doctor, I will be talking to him or her about treatment for my pain conditions. And I’ll talk to my insurance about going to Mayo. My insurance covers Scripps, which is local to me. So I’m moving forward!
Right now, I’m doing what I can to improve pain. I think things will continue to improve as I get through this difficult time. However, this is a life commitment for me! So although things should get better with withdrawal and the heightened pain I experience from it, I know my search for better quality of life goes on!


@anne4u Hello Annette, welcome to Connect. I am so glad you've joined us. Kudos to you on your discontinuation of opiates. You are brave and strong for being resilient and persevering through this difficult time. Keep doing the best you can and take it one day at a time.

While I was experiencing withdrawals from opiates, I kept my mind busy and distracted as much as possible. I did word search puzzles, listened to audio books, tv, music, spoke with friends and family. Do you have loved ones around you? How are you keeping focused? Do you like podcasts?

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Thanks for this encouragement! I do enjoy podcasts. I haven’t listened lately, but that’s something to keep in mind. Do you know of any to recommend?
I have some tv programs I enjoy and I listen to music. I do have my mom and brother who are close by and they are very supportive. And a few friends who take time to visit when I’m not feeling well. I have a weekly commitment with my mom on Friday nights. I go to her home with my dog, who gets to play with her dog while we have dinner and watch movies!
I’ve been dealing with another health concern for a couple months and I finally had an appointment with a specialist yesterday. I have a procedure next Thursday and hope to feel better after! I will be glad to get this behind me.
I’ve actually had a few pretty good days. It’s so encouraging! I do try to keep myself focused on what is helpful rather than the pain! I’ve learned how to do that over the years. As you know, some days are more difficult than others.
I’ve been treated pretty awful by a couple pain doctors recently as I look for a new one. I don’t understand that attitude and behavior. With everything I go through as a chronic pain patient, I will not see a doctor who doesn’t treat me with respect as a human being. I guess it’s good to find out on the 1st visit rather than later! My search continues!

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