Lifestyle Changer and coping

Posted by hithere @hithere, Apr 7, 2022

Hi, I live in the Sierra Cascade Mountain Range, which is roughly 4800+ elevation. I aquired the Delta Virus and was hospitalized for 4 weeks. During the double pneumonia and Covid, my lungs got trashed with scarring. I live in a very rural area with two Doctors and unfortunately, neither knows how to handle my situation. I owned a thriving business, hiked and did tons of activities throughout my weeks, and now… I’m on Oxygen 24/7, at a 2, and Eliquis, because of two bilateral blood clots found on a CT scan in my lung area. I was told I’m lucky to be alive. I now get winded walking to the kitchen from my bedroom. Without a Pulmonologist or special Lung Rehab, I want to get better and I try and exercise lightly daily, eat nutritious foods low in histimines, etc. Take vitamins and really trying to do everything I can to help get rid of these blood clots lodged in my respiratory track. My question is this, is there anything I can do like vapor baths etc with essential oils? Or anything that will aid in reducing these clots from my lungs, in hopes I can breathe again on my own? Without much knowledge in these rural mountains or services. I haven’t even gotten a smidgen of hope for this. I can’t cope! Help????

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In reply to @sueinmn…I really have no concrete ideas. However, our tribal and local community offer loan forgiveness for doctors who work here for two years. I think this serves as an incentive to increase the possibility of retaining medical personnel, but it doesn’t happen. I asked a neurologist once (we presently don’t have any here) her reasons for leaving and she stated there was no community here for her (meaning cultural diversity-other than Caucasian and American Indian) and it’s so small that there isn’t local shopping for cultural foods or much to do, in general. We are geographically so very far away for most people of various cultures to find comraderie and our weather is extremely harsh. Also, although many people may disagree with me; I moved to this community a very long time ago and I am still considered an “outsider” because I wasn’t born here. The medical personnel who do stay are very committed to their work.

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I wonder how many of us can relate to your remark "I moved to this community a very long time ago and I am still considered an “outsider” because I wasn’t born here"? I never really thought about that as a reason why doctors and other professionals leave remote communities, but I am sure it applies. Perhaps as larger health systems become more prevalent in Minnesota, they can build a "circuit rider" model, where specialists rotate to underserved areas a week or two at a time. When I worked for the Feds, that is how we served the "outstate" posts.


I wonder how many of us can relate to your remark "I moved to this community a very long time ago and I am still considered an “outsider” because I wasn’t born here"? I never really thought about that as a reason why doctors and other professionals leave remote communities, but I am sure it applies. Perhaps as larger health systems become more prevalent in Minnesota, they can build a "circuit rider" model, where specialists rotate to underserved areas a week or two at a time. When I worked for the Feds, that is how we served the "outstate" posts.

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In reply to @sueinmn…I do not see how this would work as how would we even know about these doctors? They would have no established relationships with patients; most people in the community do not even have primary care doctors as there are not enough; and the quality of care would definitely be suspect. As a patient, I would rather travel the 6 hours for an ongoing relationship with a specialist than repeatedly see different specialists who may or may not have any interest in coming here, along with an enormity of different opinions.


@hithere, I'd like to add my welcome. Mayo Clinic's COVID specialist Dr. Vanichkachorn offers these recovery tips:
- Early Care Tips for COVID Longhaulers

The Health & Mindfulness expert blog is a good place to find Breathing Exercises See the Resources tabs for videos.

Members share great tips and success in this discussion:
- Deep Breathing & Mindfulness Class: Anyone else having success?

You also asked "is there anything I can do like vapor baths etc with essential oils? Or anything that will aid in reducing these clots from my lungs, in hopes I can breathe again on my own?"
I would be cautious about vaporizing with anything without talking to a health professional. There are risks and benefits to using essential oils.

Are you on blood thinners? Were compression socks recommended?


@hithere, I'd like to add my welcome. Mayo Clinic's COVID specialist Dr. Vanichkachorn offers these recovery tips:
- Early Care Tips for COVID Longhaulers

The Health & Mindfulness expert blog is a good place to find Breathing Exercises See the Resources tabs for videos.

Members share great tips and success in this discussion:
- Deep Breathing & Mindfulness Class: Anyone else having success?

You also asked "is there anything I can do like vapor baths etc with essential oils? Or anything that will aid in reducing these clots from my lungs, in hopes I can breathe again on my own?"
I would be cautious about vaporizing with anything without talking to a health professional. There are risks and benefits to using essential oils.

Are you on blood thinners? Were compression socks recommended?

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Hi there, Thank you for the assistance. Yes I’m on 5mg of Eliquist 2x a day. Nothing was recommended like compression socks , but I’ve been wearing knee sleeves etc. just to make sure everything is flowing properly. I did this on my own. I do practice my breathing as I’ve always been one to breathe thru my mouth and not my nose to much, boy had that changed. I try to get some exercise everyday, but can’t do much there. I was hospitalized over a month and during that time I never was allowed up to walk or even go to the restroom. Hence, I’m super weak now. Living in rural Northern Calif doesn’t help much as the Dixie Fire ripped through here and left a lot of ash etc ion her wake, it’s everywhere in everything. Which I’m sure doesn’t help things as it is. I ran two businesses and was quite successful and now I’m grounded and had to close my doors. I guess alls I can do is continue to be proactive in seeking professional help. I’ve called everyone in my area or within a 5 hour drive, can’t get help . Found this forum and it brought me back some hope ! Thank you for your help, thank you.

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