Want to discuss prolapse bladder or any kind of prolapse

Posted by Tanglefoot @tanglefoot, Aug 2, 2015

I am looking to discuss prolapse bladder or any kind of prolapse that other ladies have experienced as well. I would also like to comment on incontinence as well. There is a lot to talk about when it comes to prolapse bladder etc and it seems to be a silent epidemic among women. If there are others out there like me, lets talk about it and I have some solutions. I am surviving prolapse bladder without surgery and I have been living with it for over ten years. I wear a support garment that is light and easy weight and fits right under my existing underwear. Don't know what you are doing or wearing, but I would like to hear from you. Thanks.


February, 2017.

Thanks to a Connect member, it was brought to our attention that @tanglefoot may have a vested interest in promoting the support garment "hideaway" mentioned in this discussion. Further investigation revealed that @tanglefoot is the designer and inventor of this product, and that she routinely posts on discussion forums using pseudonyms. Posting solicitations or advertisements of any kind violates Mayo Clinic Connect's Terms of Use. We have decided to leave @tanglefoot's past messages as to not interrupt the flow of conversation, but she will no longer be able to post to the community.

Colleen Young

Community Director, Mayo Clinic Connect

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so did you have the abdominal open route? I never had that way but did have the back wall tack. I am watched annually so I don't know if there will be another or not.

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Yes they did. Abdomen as I had vaginal work as well so a lot easier, pessary not good for
Me had several they fell out.. surgery best bet.
Hope I mend well n recovery goes well so far not bad. Ellen307


so did you have the abdominal open route? I never had that way but did have the back wall tack. I am watched annually so I don't know if there will be another or not.

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Tummy surgery , actually 2 surgeries. They took my tube out today good news.
Recovery longer but in long run supposed to be better especially if active from my dr stand point. Ellen307


Tummy surgery , actually 2 surgeries. They took my tube out today good news.
Recovery longer but in long run supposed to be better especially if active from my dr stand point. Ellen307

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You must have a drain speaking from my RN, now retired, viewpoint. I want to stay in touch with you. I see a urogynecologist annually who is not the one who did any of my surgeries so I'd be very interested in how you do. Each of my surgeries failed in a year, the last one failed in 3 months. Such a bummer.


You must have a drain speaking from my RN, now retired, viewpoint. I want to stay in touch with you. I see a urogynecologist annually who is not the one who did any of my surgeries so I'd be very interested in how you do. Each of my surgeries failed in a year, the last one failed in 3 months. Such a bummer.

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After going thru ordeal and only lasting 3 months,
Sad to hear. Keep you post had 2 surgeries April 8th
Dr said this one was for active people. I will be very
Upset if this does not lasts. Uro/gyn did surgery on vagina 22 metal sutures.
Hope to be going home I. 3 to 4 days

Sent from my iPad



After going thru ordeal and only lasting 3 months,
Sad to hear. Keep you post had 2 surgeries April 8th
Dr said this one was for active people. I will be very
Upset if this does not lasts. Uro/gyn did surgery on vagina 22 metal sutures.
Hope to be going home I. 3 to 4 days

Sent from my iPad

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I feel really hopeful for you. At the time of my last surgery by my egocentric doc, I had thought that the abdominal approach would be better so I bet you will do well. Where do you live?


Hello, I am scheduled to have prolapse repair surgery with a hysterectomy and I am super nervous to the point of canceling the procedure. Can anyone help put my mind at ease about this situation?


I had a hysterectomy 25 years ago due to a prolapsed uterus. I’m not sure when it happened but I started feeling some thing else falling down in there. I used to do a lot of Zumba and heavy duty exercises which probably made it worse. Finally in June 2020 I had a laparoscopic bladder lift (The name for it is too difficult to spell.) at that time they also had to go up vaginally. So it was a lot more than they expected it to be. I still have at times a little bit of area that drops which I can go in and get another surgery but at this time it’s not bothering me that much. Then earlier this year in February I started having problems from diverticulitis and I am four weeks postop from having my sigmoid removed. I don’t regret my bladder lift even if I have a little bit drops down here and there it’s not my bladder it is just extra skin according to the surgeon. I had made up my mind after years of feeling that area dropping between my legs I was ready so it was totally my choice.
I hope your surgery goes well. Take your time to prepare for everything you need to have so you won’t have to go out anywhere. And take your time to heal because you definitely don’t want to have to do it again.


Hello, I am scheduled to have prolapse repair surgery with a hysterectomy and I am super nervous to the point of canceling the procedure. Can anyone help put my mind at ease about this situation?

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I am new to this group and am wondering if you did have your surgery. If so, how did it go? and how are you?

Looking forward to hearing from you -


I am having surgery for prolapsed bladder on August 25. Each day closer I get a bit more apprehensive. I will post again after surgery. I am having the colpocleisis procedure.


I am having surgery for prolapsed bladder on August 25. Each day closer I get a bit more apprehensive. I will post again after surgery. I am having the colpocleisis procedure.

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I am also considering colpocleisis surgery. I had prolapsed uterus 30+ years ago with a rectocele. Bladder was fine at that time. 2 yrs ago I had a bladder lift and another rectocele due to prop lapse. One year later bladder is prolapsing again along with rectum. Sent to a euro gynaecologist and was given 3 options. Another lift, which she said since the others have failed it would probably fail again in a year or two, mesh (which I wasn’t too excited about) or colpocleisis (considering because I am not sexually active and don’t plan to be). Please give an update on how yours went. I would like to get more info on how you are doing before I make a final decision. I was also told it is an easier recovery.

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