Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.


I am interested in your result. I am sure you are not happy. I was on a Zoom call last month by a Neurologist in N.Carolina who is a chief investigator. Perhaps you were on that call also. I have a St.Jude Medical Neuromodulator installed in 2016. It may help a bit but probably not worth the inconvenience of not being able to get an MRI. I do have a friend who has had great success with a neuromodulator from a different. company.

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Lisette, thank you for responding. I will keep you informed of my future happenings with this device.


Hi Rachel, I have a St Jude/Abbott Neuromodulator installed but when the battery dies I think I will have it removed. I got 2 dogs 7 yrs ago to keep me walking and company since I live alone. I do have stretches prescribed by a PT. I volunteer for 3 organizations but recently felt overwhelmed so I cut back to only one until I start feeling emotionally comfortable again. I do rely on God and talk with Him often. I find I have more time to read my Bible and enjoy it. I would like to have more positive social interactions however church & support groups help to fill that need. I am blessed to have a neighbor that expects me to be accountable to her. I have two sons, daughter-in-laws, and granddaughters but they don't have time for me lately. I used to babysit alot and miss that. Thanks for asking and sharing.

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@lisette43 It sounds like you have a pretty good thing going for yourself and are checking a lot of the pain management plan boxes. Good for you! You are doing awesome overall. I understand being lonely and wanting more positive social interactions. My kids are grown, my husband and friends all work, and I work to keep myself as active mentally and physically as I can. You are blessed to have your faith, volunteer opportunities, 2 dogs, family, and a neighbor that holds you accountable to them (that one cracked me up - tee hee).

It's commendable that you recognize the need to pull back on volunteering for now. You come first before you can help anyone else. Push/crash cycles are not fun and generally not worth it either.

You mention that you will have your neuromodulator removed when the battery dies. How long have you used a neuromodulator? Why do you think it's time to remove it?


@lisette43 It sounds like you have a pretty good thing going for yourself and are checking a lot of the pain management plan boxes. Good for you! You are doing awesome overall. I understand being lonely and wanting more positive social interactions. My kids are grown, my husband and friends all work, and I work to keep myself as active mentally and physically as I can. You are blessed to have your faith, volunteer opportunities, 2 dogs, family, and a neighbor that holds you accountable to them (that one cracked me up - tee hee).

It's commendable that you recognize the need to pull back on volunteering for now. You come first before you can help anyone else. Push/crash cycles are not fun and generally not worth it either.

You mention that you will have your neuromodulator removed when the battery dies. How long have you used a neuromodulator? Why do you think it's time to remove it?

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I don't think the neuromodulator is helping me much. The Abbott Rep has been working with me recently to try to improve the function. For a while I felt like they insert these devices and then forget about you. Perhaps Abbott is trying to do better fu with the patients.


I don't think the neuromodulator is helping me much. The Abbott Rep has been working with me recently to try to improve the function. For a while I felt like they insert these devices and then forget about you. Perhaps Abbott is trying to do better fu with the patients.

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@lisette43 I get that. Customer service is important. Will you keep me posted on how things go if you decide to have your neuromodulator removed?


Where do I go to find any new additions to chronic pain section. Each day I receive an e mail , when I click on Chronic pain, all I see the same headings each day


Where do I go to find any new additions to chronic pain section. Each day I receive an e mail , when I click on Chronic pain, all I see the same headings each day

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Hi Berge, Here is a link to the Chronic Pain group page with the list of all the discussion topics:

They are listed in order of most recently active.


Hi, I'm Donnahanford933. I've had chronic headaches and migraines since age 4. Fibromyalgia (FM) started right after the birth of my second child. I have several Autoimmune diseases and Spinal Degeneration.
I've recently acknowledged that I experienced trauma from the womb on. Am desperately looking for a therapist. Staying sane,, sorta 🤪, by reading Gabor Maté and watching his movie, The Wisdom Of Trauma. His book, When the Body says No" is fascinating! The last chapter explains areas of our lives to address in order to help heal ourselves. It has given me hope and a reason to want to live. I am NOT suicidal, however, daily life revolves around how my body is feeling and winter is unmitigated hell for me where the pain actually gets worse March through May.! I think that my severe allergies kick-in starting mid-February and my body has used all its "spoons" for the season. However, feelings aside for a minute, I am a very determined person & 'I will surthrive!'


Hello Donna @donnahanford933, welcome. Thank you for sharing your story. It takes courage to acknowledge trauma. Good for you for taking that step. I like your determination, and admire that you practice self-help.

I find positive distraction to be the best medicine. What sort of things bring you positive distraction from chronic symptoms?


Has anyone found relief/solution for abdominal scar tissue? I’ve had 16 hernia repairs and several other abdominal surgeries. Just seeking relief from chronic pain. I’m currently taking at least 5 hydrocodone per day. Thank you for any recommendations.


Hi, my name is Warren. I have dry eye disease, whose cause has yet to be determined (after 6 years). I don't have pain in the sense of "hurt", but I do have it in the sense of irritation that is constant any time I have my eyes open. For that reason it seems I am more similar and sympathetic to people who have chronic pain than other types of disorders. People do not understand how it feels to constantly have sand in your eyes, or large foreign objects, and burning, and when one looks--there's nothing there! When I leave home or go outdoors, I find that wearing a snug-fitting pair of high-school chemistry lab goggles help keep my eyes from drying out so fast helps, but it is humiliating, and you should hear the comments some people make! I've said enough for now, but I am so glad to be part of this group. I hope I can help some of you. Thanks. Warren

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Warren, I also treat for dry eye. You must massage under your eyes. The Mibomian oil glands get clogged. They release oil to lubricate your eyes. Also, 2x day use eye heat pads that you warm in the microwave. Also, I use Restasis 2x days. All of this worked for me. Please try them. Mikayla

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