Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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Nothing really helps and it’s harder to breath now too.


Nothing really helps and it’s harder to breath now too.

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@hockeyguy13 Wow, I'm happy to hear that you are still able to get to the gym!

Do you mind sharing what physicians and specialists have you seen so far? Are you working with your general practioner? Have you met with a neurologist yet? What tests have been performed to help rule out causes? These details are important so that others here on Connect may be able to help you from their experiences.


@hockeyguy13 Wow, I'm happy to hear that you are still able to get to the gym!

Do you mind sharing what physicians and specialists have you seen so far? Are you working with your general practioner? Have you met with a neurologist yet? What tests have been performed to help rule out causes? These details are important so that others here on Connect may be able to help you from their experiences.

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I have seen many physicians and specialists through Health Partners. I have had many blood tests and neurologist checked for Parkinson’s which he didn’t really check for anything else at Stillwater Clinic and at Mayo Eau Claire. They just pin it as anxiety. I see another neurologist Thursday at Neuroscience St. Paul. I know I have extensive nerve damage in brain and body even though no tests detect anything. I had an MRI and those don’t show everything either.


I have seen many physicians and specialists through Health Partners. I have had many blood tests and neurologist checked for Parkinson’s which he didn’t really check for anything else at Stillwater Clinic and at Mayo Eau Claire. They just pin it as anxiety. I see another neurologist Thursday at Neuroscience St. Paul. I know I have extensive nerve damage in brain and body even though no tests detect anything. I had an MRI and those don’t show everything either.

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@hockeyguy13 I'm glad you are getting a second neurological opinion this Thursday. Hopefully anything left to be ruled out, will be through more testing like EMG/Nerve Conduction study or skin biopsy. Do you keep a journal of your symptoms and time lines? I always found that to be beneficial when visiting doctors.

Although anxiety can cause neurological misfires, I understand you feel strongly that anxiety is not the sole underlying cause of your nerve misfires.. You say you know you have extensive nerve damage in your brain and body. Have you been upfront with all of your doctors regarding this matter and your fears?


Yes I have. Life was so good before all this.


Yes I had Covid in Nov and have had many different symptoms since my full random body vibrations and twitches started in jan amd are still not going away can’t get the neurologist to do test and Reg doctors can’t give me any answers idk what to do next but none of this was ever normal for me before Covid


Yes I have. Life was so good before all this.

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@hockeyguy13 Life is good, you've just hit a speed bump and are not the only one. Life will get better, if you believe it will. Don't defeat yourself!

Your brain believes what you tell it...start telling it POSITIVE things.

Best of luck Thursday. Will you keep me updated on how it goes?


I have in my head, neck and back. They seem to be new but I didn’t have any or very much feeling or any senses since I got Covid 4/4/2020. Last month I had my 6th accupuncture mainly for my daily headaches and loss of taste/smell but he added an electrical pulse? I have about 1/3 of all of my senses back and started to notice this tingling/ vibration feeling. I go for accupuncture tomorrow & a neurologist & psychologist appointment next month & will ask all about it and update you if they have any feedback. I did just start imitrex & propanol for daily headaches & migraines. Not sure their side effects on so many meds I can’t keep up 🥴


After 21 Yrs of fibromyalgia, Occipital Neuralgia and some nerve damage from Microneurosurgery neck surgery, I have both internal vibrations and head/neck fasciculations (tiny wiggles in muscles caused by excessive motor neuron firing). I’m on Lyrica tic. Baclophen and Clonazapam at bedtime. Dr says avoid stimulating foods, additives, dyes, gluten, GMO food, too many starchy carbs, high sugar fruits.


After 21 Yrs of fibromyalgia, Occipital Neuralgia and some nerve damage from Microneurosurgery neck surgery, I have both internal vibrations and head/neck fasciculations (tiny wiggles in muscles caused by excessive motor neuron firing). I’m on Lyrica tic. Baclophen and Clonazapam at bedtime. Dr says avoid stimulating foods, additives, dyes, gluten, GMO food, too many starchy carbs, high sugar fruits.

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@irr4et Hi again! I'm sorry you have struggled with fibromyalgia for so long. I responded to your post about RFA's and I'd also like to jump in here and thank you for joining the conversation about internal vibrations. They affect many and are annoying as heck. Again, CSS helps to explain the unexplainable sometimes as it's an umbrella over many symptoms patients have to live with and learn how to manage as best as possible. Thank you for mentioning diet and avoiding triggering foods, so very true! What other tips have you found helpful over the years of managing fibro?

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