Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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I am a 68 year old male with 2 years of chronic nerve pain in my left hip and left leg down to the knee. This started during a lumbar epidural that appears to have gone bad. Any ideas what happened? Can back issues cause prostate problems like infection?


Hi Frank my name is Joan. I too have dry eye syndrome. It can be very painful and bothersome. Every four hrs eye moisture drops and I refuse to get eye plugs. Medications also can dry the eyes out. My doctor has me do an eye "wash". A warm cloth, place at the eyelid for 30 seconds, and it allows the moisture from between the eyelashes also to moisten the eyes.That surprised me and it helps. I do it 2x/day. He said to keep using the drops. I had uveitis years ago in 1993 and was told it was from arthritis (which I hardly had and was young). Hope you find answers. They do have longer acting eye drops to keep the eyes moist.

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Hi Joan my name is George I also suffer from dry eyes. the tear duct plugs works great for me . it a painless proceeder when the Dr. puts them in .you can try 2 weeks plugs and if they work the Dr. can place the six month plugs. are you seeing a dry eye specialist? they are more versed in dry eye problems than a regular eye Dr. have you tried the microwaveable eye mask they work better than a warm face cloth I hope this info helps you George


Hello my name is George a chronic pain suffer. in a bad accident have multiple problems left knee, lower back, both sides, right shoulder and arm pain, ceviche spin, neck pain headaches, thank you for letting me vent my problems.doing this distracts me from some of my pain thanks George


Hello fellow Chronic Pain sufferers my name is Glen and I'm a 72 year old retired ready mix truck driver (35 yrs.) My lower back pain started with my first laminectomy L-4 in 1979, I had another one L-5 in 2006. They were both successful but as I've aged the pain has gotten much worse. I've been diagnosed with pinched nerves and been through the Morphine, Opioids, and other pain meds. I'm currently taking 6, .75 Nucynta daily. They got me off the Opioids and helped alot at first but have been on them for 3+yrs. and aren't doing anything for me now. The Pain Center that I've been going to recommended that I try a Nevro HF10 Spinal Stimulator. With the trial stimulator implanted I had ABSOLUTELY no pain for a week! They then surgically implanted the battery pack but so far they haven't been able to dial it in to lessen the pain. That was 6 months ago. I'm keeping the faith in this unit but my resolve is weakening daily. I'm hoping some one out there reading this has had the same problems with Nevro? Please reply to give me some hope. Thank you in advance!


I am a 68 year old male with 2 years of chronic nerve pain in my left hip and left leg down to the knee. This started during a lumbar epidural that appears to have gone bad. Any ideas what happened? Can back issues cause prostate problems like infection?

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I have lower back pain for many years .I get shots in my lower back every 4 months,once in awhile the shot in my lower back goes bad, sometimes medication is put to close or on the nerve itself causing the pain to get worse, from my understanding .the worst time it happened the extra pain lasted 2 weeks. do not know about the back causing prostate problems I hope this help George


I have lower back pain for many years .I get shots in my lower back every 4 months,once in awhile the shot in my lower back goes bad, sometimes medication is put to close or on the nerve itself causing the pain to get worse, from my understanding .the worst time it happened the extra pain lasted 2 weeks. do not know about the back causing prostate problems I hope this help George

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Thanks for your help. What do you think of having a nerve decompression? Neurosurgeon wants to do this.


Thanks for your help. What do you think of having a nerve decompression? Neurosurgeon wants to do this.

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I do not know . is it a bulging disc that is causing the pain ? I would ask Dr how he intends to this and how it done. I might be interested having it done .I have multiple bulging disc's in my lumber and cervical spine according to my last MRI. will talk to my Dr about this I hope you find some relief what you decide to do ! good luck George


Just looked up nerve decompression I had it done (1994) in my cervical spine (c5 c6) the Dr. moved (shaved) a little bone material to allow the nerve to move freely and it worked for meow ever I had a lumber fusion(l5 s1) in 2014 and it made me worse, surgery is very tricky what works for one might not work for you .please do you home work on your type of surgery I hope this info will help George


@milo, @mikaylar and all...Last week. I saw my Mayo eye doc hoping to get the new nasal spray I heard helped dry eyes. I've suffered for years and done all I know to do.

Nope. He said it's like slicing an onion! Onion's, he inserted new larger tear duct plugs. I've used them several years, no great answer. These are larger and are helping. Much better. Fewer drops needed. Good thing.

Be well, be safe , be blessed. Elizabeth

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Hi dearest. , my mother is now 82. First study to submit all 15 meds to truly find out which could be the one. Then an allergy test. I mean intenciveeeeee. 🙏outcome,
a few meds from gens to brand.
UV, almost as googles.
nightly pres eye drops.

Ooh? Hair and body wash press.

Sadly though don't have names.
We are in Houston tx.
KEEP ON OK. God will keep the light on


Just looked up nerve decompression I had it done (1994) in my cervical spine (c5 c6) the Dr. moved (shaved) a little bone material to allow the nerve to move freely and it worked for meow ever I had a lumber fusion(l5 s1) in 2014 and it made me worse, surgery is very tricky what works for one might not work for you .please do you home work on your type of surgery I hope this info will help George

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Ooh, my... Almost the same issue. please be firm and try other advice before surgery. Trust me; the pain has a way to take us there. 🙏
I have resorted to decompression of the Asiatic or static nerve ON MY LEFT LEG and
Has been the worths decision in my life. Pain is excruciating. All in search due to my NEUROPATHY OF BOTH FT. And now hands. Since 2008/ 2016 and it has kept me and wife and kids friends on the hunt for treatment but
Not surgery, ok.

It is why I am with MAYO CLINIC NOW.
Enroll a few weeks ago.

Seek decomposition with a Dr in the MASTERING OF IT.
Not yoga ok only at stretching but after you see a specialist.... Do it
I struggled with it as I only wanted PAIN SUPRECIVES AFFECTING 100 other parts of my 56 yr old Latino body. I say this seriously for it has been ingrained in my mind
To see my grandma. Blessed her 91 yrs.
Just the other day she told me to pay a DR. For she ran out of “_______” to tell me 🥰🥰

Byenow and am out to the RODEO

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