Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
Let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What concerns would you like to talk about?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


legs crippling up, no feeling in feet, charley horses frequently. WHAT CAN I TAKE???? had bloodwork done and diabetes is under control with INSULIN and GLUCOPHAGE twice morning and evening...M.

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I found that taking two magnesium tablets per day eliminated my painful leg cramps. After a few years, I thought maybe I could get along with just one a day, but then I soon began experiencing cramps again. So being an intelligent person (usually) I'm back to two per day, one in the morning and another with my evening meal. The magnesium supplement I take is "High Absorption Magnesium" by Doctor's Best, but I suspect there are other good brands as well.
Best wishes!


hi my name is miho I am a new member. have lower back pain and numbness down both legs into my feet, cervical pain, shoulder and arm pain and numbness 1st time tryIng gabapentin .can gabapentin cause more pain or more nerve pain thanks miho


hi my name is miho I am a new member. have lower back pain and numbness down both legs into my feet, cervical pain, shoulder and arm pain and numbness 1st time tryIng gabapentin .can gabapentin cause more pain or more nerve pain thanks miho

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Welcome @miho, Sorry to hear your pain worsened with gabapentin. There is another discussion where members have asked similar questions that you might want to read through.

Can Gabapentin make neuropathy pain worse?:

Have you talked with your doctor about the gabapentin not helping? Are you able to share a little more about your diagnosis?


I haven't had a chance to talk to dr. just started gabapentin 3 days ago I had cervical lamonectomy c5 c6 1994 left knee surgery minniscus tear 2005 right shoulder torn labrum, frayed bicep tendon blown out bursar sac 2005 ,2014 lower back fusion L5 S1, 2016 another lower back surgery to remove rods and screws 2022 another right shoulder surgery to debreed my shoulder . also not very good on the computer took me 5 mInutes. to type this out thank you John for your response. thanks mIho


I'm 87 year old male. Have pain on both legs from foot to upper thighs.i served in Viet Nam with agent orange. Foot Dr. tells me there is nothing that he can do (Foot Surgeon) . I use Voltaren Arthritis Pain with some relief. I have medicare with Tricare foe life insurance. Can you help/


Hello @jbskinner, Welcome to Connect. I'm not sure if you have seen this information from the VA about peripheral neuropathy and agent orange but it may provide some additional information for you --- Peripheral Neuropathy and Agent Orange:

I know that it can be pretty depressing when a doctor tells you there is nothing they can do. It's the same story I got from my neurologist after I was diagnosed with idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy. That's what brought me to Connect to learn as much as I can about neuropathy. There are different treatments out their that can provide some relief or reduction in your pain. The problem in finding one is that each of us are a little different and what works for one may or may not work for others. There is another discussion where members have shared their neuropathy journey and what has helped them. This would be a good place to start --- Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?:

Two good sources of reliable information for neuropathy that may help you learn more:
-- Neuropathy Commons:
-- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy:

You mentioned your foot doctor said there was nothing he could do. Have you thought about setting up an appointment with a neurologist to see if they may be able to provide any treatments?


hi my name is miho I am a new member. have lower back pain and numbness down both legs into my feet, cervical pain, shoulder and arm pain and numbness 1st time tryIng gabapentin .can gabapentin cause more pain or more nerve pain thanks miho

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Gabapentin has helped my pain but the med has side effects.Read up on the med before starting to us it.


Gabapentin has helped my pain but the med has side effects.Read up on the med before starting to us it.

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@fields123 and @miho, I have found gabapentin to be helpful. However, I can only take it at bedtime because it makes me a bit foggy-brained if I take it during the day. I would like to eliminate or find an alternative for neuropathic irritations. One night I forgot to take it and I paid the price. The discomfort and heavy-duty tingling woke me up.

I was able to titrate off 600 mg of Gabapentin with the help of my PCP
and replace it with a medical cannabis tincture. I also found a topical balm that helps with the tingling. So, for now, I stay with the remaining 600 mg every
evening. You know, we are all different, different ages, different bodies, and different tolerances. There does not seem to be one perfect solution for everyone. Hang in there..........

Have you found any other helpful medications or treatments for your neuropathy? Have you either heard of or tried MFR, Myofascial Release Therapy. It is my wonder treatment. I have two sessions a week and I give them the credit for improving my quality of life and staying on top of this progressive condition called SFN.



My name is Terrie and I’m living with neuropathy day in and day out. Severe tingling, sharp pains and on and on. I’m on Gabapentin but it doesn’t seem to work. I’ve started taking Neuro Pure capsules that include passionflower, corydalis, prickly pear and California poppy. I just started talking about three days ago so we’ll see.


My dad has neuropathy. I am looking for some relief for him.

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