Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Neuropathy group.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet other people who are dealing with neuropathy. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with neuropathy, coping with the challenges and offering tips.

I’m Colleen, and I’m the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. Chances are you’ll to be greeted by volunteer patient Mentor John (@johnbishop) and fellow members when you post to this group. Learn more about Moderators and Mentors on Connect.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.
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Jeff, thank you for your private message. So that other members may benefit, I wanted to respond publicly to your thoughts about mindfulness training being the only thing that may help you with small fiber neuropathy symptoms. I understand your thought process given so many other things have failed.

There are many self-help tools to build upon in addition to cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness. CBT is a hugely successful tool, one that has helped me tremendously. I liken pain management to the expression "it takes a village to raise a child". It takes a village "of tools" to manage chronic pain and symptoms, these include:

Exercise, strengthening, cardio, daily stretching, proper nutrition, moderation, modification, managing emotions and stress, behavioral changes, distraction, scheduling, mindfulness, diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, reduction of chemicals, understanding how pain originates, stopping pain behaviors (anything you do, say, or think that reminds you of pain), humor, socialization, good sleep hygiene, perseverance, positive attitude, goal setting, positive support system, acceptance.
And now you know why I say it takes "a village".

I was given this blueprint over a 3 week period at Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center. It was a crash course and continues on for the rest of my life because my chronic conditions aren't going anywhere. Although I understand not everyone can attend Mayo PRC, I feel that making small changes one at a time is a great place to start for positive change. Which of the tools listed can you see yourself improving upon or adding to your self-help regiment in addition to mindfulness?

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Thanks, Rachel, for your excellent answer.
That's a big list, and all of it is true.
I have "started" some, but not all, and it helps. I was hoping you knew some "secret" method or teacher. The usual magic bullet, that I know does not yet exist.
Back to work.
Thanks again.


Hi, my name is Evie. I recently been diagnosed with neuropathy in my fingers and in my feet and toes. I also have restless leg syndrome, but in the last two months it's gotten severe. It's constant. All day and night. My doctor gave me Gabapentin 100mg ×3 a day but I recently got a migraine injection called Emgality that's been giving me chest pain and the Gabapentin seems to be making it worse. I've tried Gabapentin years ago at 400mg when I just had the RLS and didn't have any problems, but stopped taking it when I exercized my legs well. But now nothing works. Any advice?

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Welcome Evie @archermac15, Since you didn't have any bad reactions from the Gabapentin when you were on it before, do you think it might be an allergic reaction from the Emgality? Have you discussed the chest pain with your doctor?


Thanks, Rachel, for your excellent answer.
That's a big list, and all of it is true.
I have "started" some, but not all, and it helps. I was hoping you knew some "secret" method or teacher. The usual magic bullet, that I know does not yet exist.
Back to work.
Thanks again.

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@jeffrapp Agreed, it is a big list. The only secret teacher I know is Dr. Sletten. I wish I could offer more.

Please give yourself a pat on the back for thinking outside of the box. I admire your determination and proactive search of self help tools. Celebrate your small wins. I'm rooting for you!


Hi, my name is Evie. I recently been diagnosed with neuropathy in my fingers and in my feet and toes. I also have restless leg syndrome, but in the last two months it's gotten severe. It's constant. All day and night. My doctor gave me Gabapentin 100mg ×3 a day but I recently got a migraine injection called Emgality that's been giving me chest pain and the Gabapentin seems to be making it worse. I've tried Gabapentin years ago at 400mg when I just had the RLS and didn't have any problems, but stopped taking it when I exercized my legs well. But now nothing works. Any advice?

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@archermac15 Hello, Evie, I'm Rachel, it's nice to meet you.. I've taken Emgality injections for migraines but never experienced chest pain. Do you work with a neurologist who prescribes both Emgality and Gabapentin? Have you let your doctor know about the chest pain?

You mentioned exercising helped RLS in the past? Do you continue to exercise?


Welcome Evie @archermac15, Since you didn't have any bad reactions from the Gabapentin when you were on it before, do you think it might be an allergic reaction from the Emgality? Have you discussed the chest pain with your doctor?

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Yes, I just spoke to him right now. I got the injection on the 9th of this month and the next couple of days noticed chest tightness. I still would get migraines. I woke up a few times with chest pain. He also prescribed Prampexiole for the restless leg syndrome and neuropathy, but that caused pain on the left side of my chest. I only took two pills and then quit. It did seem to help. On Thursday I spoke to my Psychiatrist and told him how much pain I'm in and he prescribed the Gabapentin and it helps, but again I'm getting chest pain. It seems like it has increased. The Neurologist said that the Emgality doesn't cause chest pain, but I looked it up online and it says it causes chest tightness. This all started with the Emgality. Now everything I take besides my usual medications such as Tylenol, aspirin, Prampexiole and Gabapentin seem to increase my chest pain. I haven't taken Gabapentin all day and I'm in so much pain. And I'm on pain medication for chronic neck and back pain but that stopped working because I've been on the same dose for 16 years.


@archermac15 Hello, Evie, I'm Rachel, it's nice to meet you.. I've taken Emgality injections for migraines but never experienced chest pain. Do you work with a neurologist who prescribes both Emgality and Gabapentin? Have you let your doctor know about the chest pain?

You mentioned exercising helped RLS in the past? Do you continue to exercise?

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Yes, I started exercising my legs and stretching and that helped, so when I first was prescribed the Gabapentin at 400mg 4 years ago, I used it once. Then my Neurologist prescribed me Baclofen and Topiramate to help with my Migraines and the Baclofen which is a Muscle relaxant really helped with the RLS but it's been 3-4 years now and the restless leg syndrome has come back worse then ever. I continue to exercise and stretch but it still is very painful and now I have the Neuropathy in my fingers and toes. Does anyone have any advice?


Yes, I just spoke to him right now. I got the injection on the 9th of this month and the next couple of days noticed chest tightness. I still would get migraines. I woke up a few times with chest pain. He also prescribed Prampexiole for the restless leg syndrome and neuropathy, but that caused pain on the left side of my chest. I only took two pills and then quit. It did seem to help. On Thursday I spoke to my Psychiatrist and told him how much pain I'm in and he prescribed the Gabapentin and it helps, but again I'm getting chest pain. It seems like it has increased. The Neurologist said that the Emgality doesn't cause chest pain, but I looked it up online and it says it causes chest tightness. This all started with the Emgality. Now everything I take besides my usual medications such as Tylenol, aspirin, Prampexiole and Gabapentin seem to increase my chest pain. I haven't taken Gabapentin all day and I'm in so much pain. And I'm on pain medication for chronic neck and back pain but that stopped working because I've been on the same dose for 16 years.

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I meant to write that besides my usual medications, everything else I take such as the Prampexiole, Excedrin migraine, and Gabapentin cause me chest pain. My Neurologist said that the Gabapentin shouldn't cause chest pain either but if I want to wait until the Emgality is out of my system then I could do that. I've been taking Baclofen and Topiramate for 3-4 years for Migraines and they have helped but not that much anymore, but if I try to stop, I can't sleep. I'm on so much medication that I would like to get off of. It's so hard when you have chronic pain and can't sleep. It's not just migraines, I have damage neck and lower back and I'm also seeing a pain management Doctor but he won't increase the medication.


I meant to write that besides my usual medications, everything else I take such as the Prampexiole, Excedrin migraine, and Gabapentin cause me chest pain. My Neurologist said that the Gabapentin shouldn't cause chest pain either but if I want to wait until the Emgality is out of my system then I could do that. I've been taking Baclofen and Topiramate for 3-4 years for Migraines and they have helped but not that much anymore, but if I try to stop, I can't sleep. I'm on so much medication that I would like to get off of. It's so hard when you have chronic pain and can't sleep. It's not just migraines, I have damage neck and lower back and I'm also seeing a pain management Doctor but he won't increase the medication.

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@archermac15 My dear, my dear, my dear, Evie. I hear all of what you're saying and want to help. You're central nervous system is in overdrive and oh how I understand what you are experiencing. I too was a hot mess from small fiber neuropathy, on ample meds, receiving multiple injections for migraine, neck, back and hip pain, ablations, infusions, doctor after doctor and just basically chaos in my body which caused anxiety, depression and frustration. My life box got very small between age 46 and 49 and I needed to figure it out.

I'm sorry that you have been dealt this hand. I'd like to share helpful information with you that helped educate me and turn my life around allowing for better success and management of chronic pain and symptoms.

Here is a video by Mayo Clinic's Dr. Sletten presenting on Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS):


Will you please watch and let me know if any of what you learn resonates and makes sense to you?


Pain from lumbar neuropathy and dizziness/lightheadedness which goes away when I sit down or drive .
Roger Gaby Deltaville


Roger Gaby. 79 years old. History of. Prosthetic mitral valve 2008, transcatheier mitral valve replacement 2021. Presenting with lumbar stenosis and peripheral neuropathy. Symptoms- difficult to walk, extreme lightheadedness and dizziness upon standing not present when sitting or driving. Orthostatic HP ruled out ( not present) . This problem is making life unbearable. Neurologists are baffled.
Please help. Roger Gaby

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