Incisional hernia after transplant: Anyone else?

Posted by btwest6 @btwest6, Dec 26, 2020

Would be interested to hear others experience with incisional hernia after liver transplant. Thank you.

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@rosemarya I haven't done any diamond painting since 2019 😌The trembling did eventually stop though. I have a consult with the surgeon (a woman yay!) on Mar 30th (I am on a cancellation list though). My transplant team is aware of what is going on. All surgeries aside from emergencies have been put on hold due to covid and lockdown. They said take tylenol for the pain. I bought a hernia belt to wear and it helps to a certain degree. I was supposed to gave an MRI this morning but we got hit pretty hard yesterday in Ontario with a blizzard and I'm snowed in until the plow comes.

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@gaylea1, We have had more than our share of snow this year, but where I live in central Kentucky, the temperature usually goes above freezing within a few days, and we are not snowed on for very long.
I think it sounds like you have a good plan in place in spite of the shut downs and weather. I have my fingers crossed that you will will be notified before Mar 30 to fill in for a cancellation.
Do you have far to travel? Will someone be going with you to the appointment?


I don't have far to travel and I'll be going alone. We had a big dump of snow Monday but most of it has disappeared already. Very cold the last week though.


I don't have far to travel and I'll be going alone. We had a big dump of snow Monday but most of it has disappeared already. Very cold the last week though.

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@gaylea1, I hope that you are still on course for March 30. Or did you by chance get an earlier appointment?
Either way, I'm thinking about you❤


Hi Rosemary...yes I have alot of trust with my PCP. Should I start feeling any pain, fever or vomiting immediately go to the ER...period. As with everyone else in this 'covid' world I'm trying to adjust my life, doing the best I can to live as normal a life as possible, yet stay safe so I can live. My family is everything to me...blended family with 7 children, 4 in laws, 16 grandchildren, 3 great granddaughters...they are the reason I live.

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@kathycaudle, How's it going for you?
I hope that you have avoided any ER visits that we transplant recipients sometimes need. Over the years, I am pleased with how much my local hospital has learned about transplantation! For me, when I say I'm a transplant patient, they immediately take action. It didn't used to be that way. Fortunately, though I have not needed ER care for a while 😀.

Have you been able to see the grandkids? Do they live nearby?


@melody12 - I'm past due for a follow-up, but I'll blame the holidays. I am wondering if you were in the hospital over the holidays? How far along are you with the surgeries? What is next?

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Hi Rosemary and all, So sorry it has been so long. All is well and surgery and recovery are all behind me for now. Recovery was spent in the Mountains without internet. (Can you believe it?) Yes, I was in the hospital during holidays (12/21 - 12/30) What a relief getting rid of that watermelon. I feel like a new person for sure. Next obstacles will be to work on Lipedema (newly diagnosed) and my back/leg weakness issues. Prayfully nothing else comes up in the meantime.


Hi Rosemary and all, So sorry it has been so long. All is well and surgery and recovery are all behind me for now. Recovery was spent in the Mountains without internet. (Can you believe it?) Yes, I was in the hospital during holidays (12/21 - 12/30) What a relief getting rid of that watermelon. I feel like a new person for sure. Next obstacles will be to work on Lipedema (newly diagnosed) and my back/leg weakness issues. Prayfully nothing else comes up in the meantime.

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Congratulations on your successful surgery @melody12. I hope your new health obstacles resolve as well. Stay positive!


@kathycaudle, How's it going for you?
I hope that you have avoided any ER visits that we transplant recipients sometimes need. Over the years, I am pleased with how much my local hospital has learned about transplantation! For me, when I say I'm a transplant patient, they immediately take action. It didn't used to be that way. Fortunately, though I have not needed ER care for a while 😀.

Have you been able to see the grandkids? Do they live nearby?

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Hi Rosemary...I'm doing well. I was suppose to have surgery on my right hand Jan 21, but tested positive for covid on the surgery has been postponed to Mar 3. My time with covid was pretty mild from others bots....sore throat,stuffy nose, no fever but extreme fatigue...still dealing with that. My tx team had me get the monoclonal infusion on Jan far so good.
My hernia, my melon is still there...I've decided to live with it as is until I can no more. And live with it is exactly what I intend to do..not stupidly, but now that I've had covid & survived, I'm not gonna restrict my life.
Thanks for caring & checking on me💚


Hi Rosemary and all, So sorry it has been so long. All is well and surgery and recovery are all behind me for now. Recovery was spent in the Mountains without internet. (Can you believe it?) Yes, I was in the hospital during holidays (12/21 - 12/30) What a relief getting rid of that watermelon. I feel like a new person for sure. Next obstacles will be to work on Lipedema (newly diagnosed) and my back/leg weakness issues. Prayfully nothing else comes up in the meantime.

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Hi glad to hear from you and that all went well!!! Keep up the good vibes❤


Hi glad to hear from you and that all went well!!! Keep up the good vibes❤

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Hi Kathy, Yes keeping up the vibes! I am a little behind and see that your scheduled for surgery. I hope it isn’t anything serious. I will definitely keep you in my prayers.


@gaylea1, It has been a while since I've had the opportunity to sit down and send you a "Thinking of You 💐" greeting and to catch up with what's happening with you.
Are you still scheduled to have your procedure on Mar 30? Do you know how long you will be in hospital? Or what to expect with your recovery?

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