Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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I have been reading all the talk on the internal tremors, which I have also experienced. I haven't been vaccinated for Covid, but will not get into why, it is a very lengthy discussion on its own. I have a few things to add to this that I have discovered in my last week's research. Symptom describing can make a HUGE difference in the area the doctor looks first. For example, I thought saying that "I felt a electrical sensation running up and down my spine" was the right way to describe one on my symptoms. I found that to be inadequate when using that terminology in a Google search and a Mayo search. What I found out I needed to say was "a vibration" the two ways of saying just one symptom made a major difference in what I was given to look up. Okay I'll get to my point. I have appointment with Doctor at Post Covid clinic on March 19th, 2022. Three months waiting for this appointment. The symptoms I started noticing after CV19, some of which I still have, some have stopped, new ones have begun to become a daily routine. I have been a fighter over every obstacle I have been thrown for years, but this time it's been different. This struggle has left me damaged in a way I didn't know was possible. I got to the point of questioning my own sanity. I ended up having to start seeing a therapist after years of not needing one. The pain and lack of sleep have placed an enormous burden on my mental health and overwhelmed my body, to the point of putting me on my back in bed. If not for friends and family I would not be here today. I have several autoimmune diseases, but I have learned so much in one week regarding one of them I have become overwhelmed. I typed this into a search engine just days ago "difficulty breathing while standing" okay I have what's called "Sjogrens Syndrome" my neurologist never made it seem all that big of a deal compared to my other diseases, so I didn't give it much research. The search on breathing brought me to a point on the Sjogrens International site with a warning to those who have it to study information that most doctors don't know about to tell us. I'm trying to make this shorter, doing my best. The Vagus Nerve is mentioned during the information, which is what grabbed my attention to this site as well as Sjogrens. Only specialized doctors even know what tests to run, so if you don't start with a doctor specializing with Dysautonomia, which Vagus Nerve also is attributed to, you may just be lost before you begin. Mayo Clinic has doctors that specialize in "Dysautonomia" of which there are 15 different types. This all has to do with the Nervous System and is quite overwhelming as there Soo much that can be wrong here. I'm just trying to give information to everyone with these out of the normal symptoms as much help as I have been able to find. If you want you can connect with me here and I will also try to put updates on what I find. I am on several groups of Mayo Connect. God bless!!

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I forgot here are two sites you can look up for more information on what I spoke of last. Websites:


@kelmari, @franksgirl210, @mamafluh, @hello123yes, @doorman, and recent members I may have missed.

Hello everyone. I cant imagine the frustration you have between doctors discrediting what you feel and describe, the variety of skeptical diagnoses, and not having a plan to go forward with. Collectively, muscle twitching, vibrations, migraines, tremors, electrical sensations, nerve inflammation, etc...ultimately leads to, can create, or add to, extreme stress, anxiety and depression. I have been there and 100% understand the confusing, draining journey. Your battling against an upregulation of your Central Nervous System (CNS). The causes behind all of this can vary person to person, but one thing unites and that is how do you manage and try to quelle your symptoms?

It breaks my heart to read your stories. I do feel your pain, fear and sense of confusion. I know everyone is on their own journey, but I wanted to throw out to you all a program that treats a multitude of symptoms and diagnoses like you have, and helps. I found out about Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS) through Dr. Sletten's (Mayo Clinic) video. I have posted this video on Connect but am never sure who may not have seen it. It helped me understand my nerve dysfunction and variety of odd symptoms due to CNS upregulation, and offered a rehab program to teach me how to calm my system both physically and mentally, and manage my symptoms for a better quality of life. Here is the video:

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJNhdnSK3WQ

Some of you are already working with Mayo doctors or post-COVID programs. It never hurts to be loaded with more knowledge and info to advocate for yourselves. Know there is an option out there for support and assistance. Sending my best wishes, encouragement and positivity your way!

Do you mind letting me know your thoughts and what your next steps might look like? How do you see a better path forward for yourselves in managing your symptoms?


I had a bad bout with withdrawing from COREG. I developed internal viberations, palpitations. The heart Doc had me wear a heart monitor for 2 weeks. Then he discovered A_FIB and prescribed 3 new heart pills. Lets see what happens!


My friend has internal vibrations now which started 3 days after her booster. Is yours possibly related to that?


In late 2010 early 2011 I came down with a virus and ended up with SOB, internal tremors, flushing and severe anxiety. It was horrible and everything those who had COViD sound exactly like I did. It took a good year and a half to feel better but I slowly pulled out of it. I can’t help but think I had a virus similar to covid and at that time I believe MERS was making its rounds in the US. I was miserable and no one could help me except for an internal medicine doctor who knew I needed to be able to sleep in order to heal. I did heal and pull out of it without a lot of issues but it took time and a lot of rest, good nutrition and dietary changes.


@kelmari, @franksgirl210, @mamafluh, @hello123yes, @doorman, and recent members I may have missed.

Hello everyone. I cant imagine the frustration you have between doctors discrediting what you feel and describe, the variety of skeptical diagnoses, and not having a plan to go forward with. Collectively, muscle twitching, vibrations, migraines, tremors, electrical sensations, nerve inflammation, etc...ultimately leads to, can create, or add to, extreme stress, anxiety and depression. I have been there and 100% understand the confusing, draining journey. Your battling against an upregulation of your Central Nervous System (CNS). The causes behind all of this can vary person to person, but one thing unites and that is how do you manage and try to quelle your symptoms?

It breaks my heart to read your stories. I do feel your pain, fear and sense of confusion. I know everyone is on their own journey, but I wanted to throw out to you all a program that treats a multitude of symptoms and diagnoses like you have, and helps. I found out about Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS) through Dr. Sletten's (Mayo Clinic) video. I have posted this video on Connect but am never sure who may not have seen it. It helped me understand my nerve dysfunction and variety of odd symptoms due to CNS upregulation, and offered a rehab program to teach me how to calm my system both physically and mentally, and manage my symptoms for a better quality of life. Here is the video:

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJNhdnSK3WQ

Some of you are already working with Mayo doctors or post-COVID programs. It never hurts to be loaded with more knowledge and info to advocate for yourselves. Know there is an option out there for support and assistance. Sending my best wishes, encouragement and positivity your way!

Do you mind letting me know your thoughts and what your next steps might look like? How do you see a better path forward for yourselves in managing your symptoms?

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Thank you so much for posting the link to the video of this neurologist from Mayo and Jacksonville. I go to Mayo on May 9th for my symptoms that have been debilitating for 2.5 years now yet no neurologist here in Tampa Florida area or in Augusta Georgia area as well as endocrinologist and cardiologist and primary care configure anything out as to why I have all these debilitating symptoms. Some symptoms have come and gone some return some have never went away and it seems like it's just gotten worse. This is a very informative educational video and I think a lot of neurologists across America that try to shrug off their patients symptoms as anxiety and depression and want to immediately put you on antidepressants they all need to watch this video. I've been strung along for 2.5 years now by far too many different so-called specialist that just shrug off these symptoms and want to blame it on and anxiety and for 2.5 years now I've suffered to hell and back and back to hell again. Shame on all the other neurologists and other specialist that want to give a quick diagnosis of stress and anxiety for people that have symptoms like mine and others I'm reading on this Mayo Clinic blog


@kelmari, @franksgirl210, @mamafluh, @hello123yes, @doorman, and recent members I may have missed.

Hello everyone. I cant imagine the frustration you have between doctors discrediting what you feel and describe, the variety of skeptical diagnoses, and not having a plan to go forward with. Collectively, muscle twitching, vibrations, migraines, tremors, electrical sensations, nerve inflammation, etc...ultimately leads to, can create, or add to, extreme stress, anxiety and depression. I have been there and 100% understand the confusing, draining journey. Your battling against an upregulation of your Central Nervous System (CNS). The causes behind all of this can vary person to person, but one thing unites and that is how do you manage and try to quelle your symptoms?

It breaks my heart to read your stories. I do feel your pain, fear and sense of confusion. I know everyone is on their own journey, but I wanted to throw out to you all a program that treats a multitude of symptoms and diagnoses like you have, and helps. I found out about Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS) through Dr. Sletten's (Mayo Clinic) video. I have posted this video on Connect but am never sure who may not have seen it. It helped me understand my nerve dysfunction and variety of odd symptoms due to CNS upregulation, and offered a rehab program to teach me how to calm my system both physically and mentally, and manage my symptoms for a better quality of life. Here is the video:

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJNhdnSK3WQ

Some of you are already working with Mayo doctors or post-COVID programs. It never hurts to be loaded with more knowledge and info to advocate for yourselves. Know there is an option out there for support and assistance. Sending my best wishes, encouragement and positivity your way!

Do you mind letting me know your thoughts and what your next steps might look like? How do you see a better path forward for yourselves in managing your symptoms?

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Also I believe my symptoms are all autonomic misfirings etc. Does this doctor do a video on not the central nervous but the Peripheral Nervous System?? I hope I get some answers finally on March 9. Problem is I live seven hours away so gas., Hotel and food is expensive if I need to keep driving back to Jacksonville


Thank you so much for posting the link to the video of this neurologist from Mayo and Jacksonville. I go to Mayo on May 9th for my symptoms that have been debilitating for 2.5 years now yet no neurologist here in Tampa Florida area or in Augusta Georgia area as well as endocrinologist and cardiologist and primary care configure anything out as to why I have all these debilitating symptoms. Some symptoms have come and gone some return some have never went away and it seems like it's just gotten worse. This is a very informative educational video and I think a lot of neurologists across America that try to shrug off their patients symptoms as anxiety and depression and want to immediately put you on antidepressants they all need to watch this video. I've been strung along for 2.5 years now by far too many different so-called specialist that just shrug off these symptoms and want to blame it on and anxiety and for 2.5 years now I've suffered to hell and back and back to hell again. Shame on all the other neurologists and other specialist that want to give a quick diagnosis of stress and anxiety for people that have symptoms like mine and others I'm reading on this Mayo Clinic blog

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@joannemm30809 Hi Joanne. Dr. Christopher Sletten, Ph.D., L.P. is not a neurologist. His Mayo departments are Psychiatry and Psychology. His Specialty Group is Pain Management - Pain Rehabilitation Center, where he educates on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and has a team of physical therapists, occupation therapists, nurses, bio-feedback specialists, and nutritionists.

- https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/pain-rehabilitation-center/sections/overview/ovc-20481691

Dr. Sletten's video incorporates both the Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System where upregulation of pain, sensory and autonomic dysfunctions occur. The peripheral nervous system is comprised of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. Pain stems from our brain and spinal cord sending false signals. The aforementioned certainly can result in anxiety and depression, but that is not what causes the pain and symptoms of Central Sensitization and all of the diagnoses which fall under its umbrella.

Specialists are educated to work within their specialty lane and can take you just so far. It's ultimately up to the patient to find closure that they have left no stone unturned and accept when they have turned the corner from acute to chronic then educate themselves on how to manage chronic.

I also hope you find answers March 9th when you visit a Mayo neurologist. I'm looking forward to hearing what you learn. Best of luck, Joanne.


I have been reading all the talk on the internal tremors, which I have also experienced. I haven't been vaccinated for Covid, but will not get into why, it is a very lengthy discussion on its own. I have a few things to add to this that I have discovered in my last week's research. Symptom describing can make a HUGE difference in the area the doctor looks first. For example, I thought saying that "I felt a electrical sensation running up and down my spine" was the right way to describe one on my symptoms. I found that to be inadequate when using that terminology in a Google search and a Mayo search. What I found out I needed to say was "a vibration" the two ways of saying just one symptom made a major difference in what I was given to look up. Okay I'll get to my point. I have appointment with Doctor at Post Covid clinic on March 19th, 2022. Three months waiting for this appointment. The symptoms I started noticing after CV19, some of which I still have, some have stopped, new ones have begun to become a daily routine. I have been a fighter over every obstacle I have been thrown for years, but this time it's been different. This struggle has left me damaged in a way I didn't know was possible. I got to the point of questioning my own sanity. I ended up having to start seeing a therapist after years of not needing one. The pain and lack of sleep have placed an enormous burden on my mental health and overwhelmed my body, to the point of putting me on my back in bed. If not for friends and family I would not be here today. I have several autoimmune diseases, but I have learned so much in one week regarding one of them I have become overwhelmed. I typed this into a search engine just days ago "difficulty breathing while standing" okay I have what's called "Sjogrens Syndrome" my neurologist never made it seem all that big of a deal compared to my other diseases, so I didn't give it much research. The search on breathing brought me to a point on the Sjogrens International site with a warning to those who have it to study information that most doctors don't know about to tell us. I'm trying to make this shorter, doing my best. The Vagus Nerve is mentioned during the information, which is what grabbed my attention to this site as well as Sjogrens. Only specialized doctors even know what tests to run, so if you don't start with a doctor specializing with Dysautonomia, which Vagus Nerve also is attributed to, you may just be lost before you begin. Mayo Clinic has doctors that specialize in "Dysautonomia" of which there are 15 different types. This all has to do with the Nervous System and is quite overwhelming as there Soo much that can be wrong here. I'm just trying to give information to everyone with these out of the normal symptoms as much help as I have been able to find. If you want you can connect with me here and I will also try to put updates on what I find. I am on several groups of Mayo Connect. God bless!!

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@bamma The only possible answer I can offer regarding why might you vibrate has to do with Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS). CSS can cause internal vibrations/tremors. It sometimes helps explain the unexplainable. Have you heard of CSS?

Has removing yourself from doctors and medications helped you?

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