Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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I saw a neurologist today about my internal tremors that have been going on for 2 months now. He did a few physical tests on me and said I was ok. But I explained to him that I'm in constant pain from internal tremors, head tremors, hands/feet going numb, restlessness/akinisia, and more. He looked at me and said there's no way I could be experiencing all that. I can't believe the situation I'm in. I'm waiting to see another neurologist on April 8. It's really long to wait, but I have no choice.

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Hello - WOW - I would have to fire that doc on the spot. Always hate a doc that tells me I can't be having those symptoms.

For your upcoming neurology visit -start making a daily log (if you arent already doing that) of everything that you feel is weird. Even stuff you arent thinking much about like - people telling you it is harder to hear you, muscle stiffness (were and how often), Are there any certain positions that trigger the hands / feet going numb?

Reason I mention this is this is a great tool for you and the doc to look at. We can forget things or the context they occurred in between doc visits.
This log can be a great tool for you as well to see if you notice anything that makes things a little better or worse.

This is a tool that I have been using since becoming an Atypical Parkinson's patient (meaning there is another neurological condition causing the Parkinson's symptoms). My neurologist appreciates it. I give him a copy and we talk about each point.

I am in NO way suggesting you have any specific condition. Rather to give you a sense of the importance this can play in getting a diagnosis.

Larry H.


I saw a neurologist today about my internal tremors that have been going on for 2 months now. He did a few physical tests on me and said I was ok. But I explained to him that I'm in constant pain from internal tremors, head tremors, hands/feet going numb, restlessness/akinisia, and more. He looked at me and said there's no way I could be experiencing all that. I can't believe the situation I'm in. I'm waiting to see another neurologist on April 8. It's really long to wait, but I have no choice.

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I feel your pain but my neurological symptoms including internal vibrations, head to toe muscle twitching. Sensory and sensation malfunctions, racing heart
visual disturbances etc etc etc etc for 2.5 YEARS now yet every doctor I've seen from several neurologists, endocrinologist, cardiologist, primary care, ER doctors etc have ALL said the same thing to me as what your numerologist said to you. I'm SO fed up with these doctors. Many of these doctors try to blame all.my many debilitating symptoms on ANXIETY or stress. Fed up with that lame diagnosis as well. Easy way out for these doctors to blame anxiety. These symptoms I'm having on a daily basis for 2.5 years now is not anxiety yet trying to get most doctors to listen to me is impossible.

I finally have my first time appointment with a Neurologist at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville FL on March 9. I'm at my wits end and disgusted with how all these doctors do NOT understand or care to dig deeper into WHY this is happening to me.


Since you have head tremors, this is not Parkinson’s. Also, it doesn’t sound like essential tremor. With my anxiety, I can have wicked internal tremors that give me a headache. I have to be honest….it sounds exactly like horrible anxiety of some sort.


Since you have head tremors, this is not Parkinson’s. Also, it doesn’t sound like essential tremor. With my anxiety, I can have wicked internal tremors that give me a headache. I have to be honest….it sounds exactly like horrible anxiety of some sort.

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I have tremors in my neck which causes my head to have a “vibration” like movement felt inside and seen outside. Not sure if that is what is being talked about.
Mine is from Parkinsonism.
Most likely not the case here……


I have tremors in my neck which causes my head to have a “vibration” like movement felt inside and seen outside. Not sure if that is what is being talked about.
Mine is from Parkinsonism.
Most likely not the case here……

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There are multiple causes of Parkinson’s syndrome….MSA, PSP, CBS,DLB…all can cause internal tremors. Most people get classic Parkinson’s….fairly easy to diagnose in later stages. Since the neurologist has to find any of these to be the case, I have to say this is awful anxiety, unless the neurologist says otherwise.. Anxiety can cause horrible physical symptoms….I know this all to well.


I saw a neurologist today about my internal tremors that have been going on for 2 months now. He did a few physical tests on me and said I was ok. But I explained to him that I'm in constant pain from internal tremors, head tremors, hands/feet going numb, restlessness/akinisia, and more. He looked at me and said there's no way I could be experiencing all that. I can't believe the situation I'm in. I'm waiting to see another neurologist on April 8. It's really long to wait, but I have no choice.

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Please check for superficial siderosis.


I know this is an older thread, but yes I do! I recently developed this a couple of months ago. It's mostly in my head but I do feel it in my spine/limbs. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced these vibrations but also hears them too? I have bilateral ear fullness and constant popping. I did have high-pitched whooshing but I now experience a low rumble/vibration in my left ear that seems to coincide with a swelling feeling and rush of warmth over my left side neck and face and head. I haven't got very far with ENT or neurology who just say migraine but it feels so much more than that to me. I've thought MS due to the sensation of walking through water, the MS hug, tingling and numbness in limbs and face, etc. I fear I'm only going to deteriorate so I would appreciate any feedback.


I feel your pain but my neurological symptoms including internal vibrations, head to toe muscle twitching. Sensory and sensation malfunctions, racing heart
visual disturbances etc etc etc etc for 2.5 YEARS now yet every doctor I've seen from several neurologists, endocrinologist, cardiologist, primary care, ER doctors etc have ALL said the same thing to me as what your numerologist said to you. I'm SO fed up with these doctors. Many of these doctors try to blame all.my many debilitating symptoms on ANXIETY or stress. Fed up with that lame diagnosis as well. Easy way out for these doctors to blame anxiety. These symptoms I'm having on a daily basis for 2.5 years now is not anxiety yet trying to get most doctors to listen to me is impossible.

I finally have my first time appointment with a Neurologist at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville FL on March 9. I'm at my wits end and disgusted with how all these doctors do NOT understand or care to dig deeper into WHY this is happening to me.

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Hello. I have muscle twitching all over and have internal vibrations, all brought on by viral illness. Do you remember at the onset if you were ill prior to/about the same time, or had some other extreme stress? It doesn't sound like anxiety at all to me, and I am astounded at how many doctors, especially neurologists, seem to know very little about this.


I saw a neurologist today about my internal tremors that have been going on for 2 months now. He did a few physical tests on me and said I was ok. But I explained to him that I'm in constant pain from internal tremors, head tremors, hands/feet going numb, restlessness/akinisia, and more. He looked at me and said there's no way I could be experiencing all that. I can't believe the situation I'm in. I'm waiting to see another neurologist on April 8. It's really long to wait, but I have no choice.

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Did you have Covid or the Covid vaccines? Many people are reporting internal vibrations as a side effect of the vaccines. A recent study is linking vagal nerve inflammation to Long Covid. There is evidence that vaccine long-haulers resemble Covid Long-Haulers. Perhaps the internal vibrations are due to inflammation of the vagus nerve. No one knows yet.


I know this is an older thread, but yes I do! I recently developed this a couple of months ago. It's mostly in my head but I do feel it in my spine/limbs. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced these vibrations but also hears them too? I have bilateral ear fullness and constant popping. I did have high-pitched whooshing but I now experience a low rumble/vibration in my left ear that seems to coincide with a swelling feeling and rush of warmth over my left side neck and face and head. I haven't got very far with ENT or neurology who just say migraine but it feels so much more than that to me. I've thought MS due to the sensation of walking through water, the MS hug, tingling and numbness in limbs and face, etc. I fear I'm only going to deteriorate so I would appreciate any feedback.

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I have been reading all the talk on the internal tremors, which I have also experienced. I haven't been vaccinated for Covid, but will not get into why, it is a very lengthy discussion on its own. I have a few things to add to this that I have discovered in my last week's research. Symptom describing can make a HUGE difference in the area the doctor looks first. For example, I thought saying that "I felt a electrical sensation running up and down my spine" was the right way to describe one on my symptoms. I found that to be inadequate when using that terminology in a Google search and a Mayo search. What I found out I needed to say was "a vibration" the two ways of saying just one symptom made a major difference in what I was given to look up. Okay I'll get to my point. I have appointment with Doctor at Post Covid clinic on March 19th, 2022. Three months waiting for this appointment. The symptoms I started noticing after CV19, some of which I still have, some have stopped, new ones have begun to become a daily routine. I have been a fighter over every obstacle I have been thrown for years, but this time it's been different. This struggle has left me damaged in a way I didn't know was possible. I got to the point of questioning my own sanity. I ended up having to start seeing a therapist after years of not needing one. The pain and lack of sleep have placed an enormous burden on my mental health and overwhelmed my body, to the point of putting me on my back in bed. If not for friends and family I would not be here today. I have several autoimmune diseases, but I have learned so much in one week regarding one of them I have become overwhelmed. I typed this into a search engine just days ago "difficulty breathing while standing" okay I have what's called "Sjogrens Syndrome" my neurologist never made it seem all that big of a deal compared to my other diseases, so I didn't give it much research. The search on breathing brought me to a point on the Sjogrens International site with a warning to those who have it to study information that most doctors don't know about to tell us. I'm trying to make this shorter, doing my best. The Vagus Nerve is mentioned during the information, which is what grabbed my attention to this site as well as Sjogrens. Only specialized doctors even know what tests to run, so if you don't start with a doctor specializing with Dysautonomia, which Vagus Nerve also is attributed to, you may just be lost before you begin. Mayo Clinic has doctors that specialize in "Dysautonomia" of which there are 15 different types. This all has to do with the Nervous System and is quite overwhelming as there Soo much that can be wrong here. I'm just trying to give information to everyone with these out of the normal symptoms as much help as I have been able to find. If you want you can connect with me here and I will also try to put updates on what I find. I am on several groups of Mayo Connect. God bless!!

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