New Dermatographia: What is helping you?

Posted by jackographia @jackographia, Nov 28, 2021

If you don't know what dermatographia is, please feel free to read and participate, but this discussion is aimed at people who currently suffer from this illness. I have questions that I don't think anyone without the condition can answer. The onset of my symptoms began about a week after receiving the Moderna covid booster shot. (My 3rd covid shot) Which may or may not be a factor. My symptoms began with full body itching, where any scratching would lead to very easy skin reddening. I went into an urgent care soon after and was prescribed steroids (prednisone) and antihistamines. While these work to lessen the itch GREATLY, my skin still reacts to even slight scratches or pressure with easy redness. My condition is largely self-diagnosed, but my primary care physician agrees with it.

There is so little relative information about dealing with this illness that I feel like I need to reach out here to ask. If you have/had this condition:

1. Did you (like I am) develop a tightness in your esophagus? or any bowel issues?
2. Does your face get flushed, fully red and feel warm?
3. Do you know of any support groups that I can reach out to for information and solidarity?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.


@hellopeeps Off topic, but i love your name! It makes me smile! It does seem that dermatographia and the vaccines might be related. Have you read the earlier comments in this section? Maybe @lindarae and @kasondra can help answer questions.
Here is a helpful site that @jcskitz posted.
Why do you think that you are being exposed to Covid while at school? Aren’t there rules governing the kids coming to school while sick?

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@becsbuddy Thank you! I have chicken and look forward to the spring when I hatch a few at school for the students to experience. And add to my flock. I am not on Facebook so I would be blocked from the group. Let me simply say my personal beliefs on a COVID safe school environment are completely different from the school board's. I can only control my actions to keep myself safe.


I too received my Moderna booster on 11/12 and developed whole body itching on 11/23. I tried oral steroids and Benadryl to no avail. Was seen by a dermatologist and was advised to take Zyrtec twice daily. Zyrtec helps tremendously but I do not want to take it daily. I have to be very careful not to scratch or the vicious cycle of itching starts. I hope this helps. Hoping this resolves soon.

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It's been about four months, and you've still not had any relief? The symptoms are still the same?


I was just reading your post and I normally don’t comment on any of these, but felt compelled to do so as you seem to have two of the symptoms I have been suffering with for many years now. I am not vaccinated so I’m not really sure what caused my hives to appear (maybe a vaccine received in my earlier years), but I started noticing my skin changing when I was about 14 years old. I wasn’t diagnosed with dermatographia until I was about 25 (I’m 34 now). Unfortunately I don’t have any tips for you as my doctor didn’t really suggest anything other than an over the counter Benadryl if needed…basically was told just learn to live with it! I was more intrigued when you said you had esophagus problems. Ive also had ongoing difficulties swallowing…somewhat painful at times, but it is ongoing on a daily basis. I went to see a specialist, and was told that it’s related to anxiety. I then went to get a second opinion because I found it really bothersome…..and was told it may just be mild acid reflux. I do also get a warm sensation when I break out in hives. I did speak with someone I know that also suffers from this condition, and she advised me that when she removed sugar from her diet the hives stopped….I haven’t tried it (I like my sugar lol) but she seemed to have success. I don’t know of any support groups, but I was really glad to find your post!


I was just reading your post and I normally don’t comment on any of these, but felt compelled to do so as you seem to have two of the symptoms I have been suffering with for many years now. I am not vaccinated so I’m not really sure what caused my hives to appear (maybe a vaccine received in my earlier years), but I started noticing my skin changing when I was about 14 years old. I wasn’t diagnosed with dermatographia until I was about 25 (I’m 34 now). Unfortunately I don’t have any tips for you as my doctor didn’t really suggest anything other than an over the counter Benadryl if needed…basically was told just learn to live with it! I was more intrigued when you said you had esophagus problems. Ive also had ongoing difficulties swallowing…somewhat painful at times, but it is ongoing on a daily basis. I went to see a specialist, and was told that it’s related to anxiety. I then went to get a second opinion because I found it really bothersome…..and was told it may just be mild acid reflux. I do also get a warm sensation when I break out in hives. I did speak with someone I know that also suffers from this condition, and she advised me that when she removed sugar from her diet the hives stopped….I haven’t tried it (I like my sugar lol) but she seemed to have success. I don’t know of any support groups, but I was really glad to find your post!

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@jbh Thank you for taking the time to comment. I have an allergist appointment in a few days. He mentioned the esophagus issue may be my vocal cords. I will add what I learn after the appointment.


There is a fast growing group of individuals on FB (about 600 new members a week since creation 12/15/21), who have CSU and many also have Dermatographia since covid vaccine/booster. Overwhelming majority appear to be after the Moderna booster, but there are still many affected after vaccine 1 or 2 and Pfizer or J&J.

Name of the Facebook group if you'd like to join: Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria After COVID-19 Vaccine Support Group

I also reported to VAERS 1‑800‑822‑7967 and called ModernaTX, Inc. at 1‑866‑MODERNA (1‑866‑663‑3762) directly to report the adverse event. Moderna performed a detailed interview and also had me complete a form with more details post interview, so they are definitely documenting immune system response/reactions like CSU and Dermatographia.


I had a similar reaction. 10 days after the Moderna booster I started with itchiness around my neck and scalp. Then hives all over my body (very itchy ). That night I felt tightness in my throat and even had reflux symptoms. Esophagus tightness and some coughing that would come and go but very intense at times. Got tested for Covid , it came negative. Drs sent me prednisone for a week and an antihistamine. The prednisone helped with the esophagus and reflux issue but the hives kep coming and going. got tested for allergies and no allergies were found. It has been amore than a month and I can not pass 2 days without taking the antihistamine because I start getting hives all over. I never had any hives before and I am starting to read that many people have been getting them after the moderna shots.

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I have similar urticaria develop 15 days after booster taken on Dec 12. My first 2 shots were Moderna and booster was Pfizer. It has been 2 months and urticaria persists. I have been on Zyrtec everyday and 3 weeks ago added Pepcid. Urticaria still persists. I want to know if there is any case where symptoms of urticaria ever resolved? How long did it take and seems to help?


Mine is better, it’s been two months. I take Claritin every day (missed a day and itch came back) and I still get daily episodes but the affected area is not as large and the itch isn’t as severe. I still get hives on my neck fairly regularly.
My kids both had COVID (omicron) this last week and my hives and dermographia worsened for about 6 days, similar to how it was at the onset. I’m wondering if I had COVID this past week right along side them (tested negative with home tests on three different occasions) because my hives and dermographia returned and this is how my body handled the virus? Has anyone else experienced this?
I’m learning to live with it, take the Claritin daily, and have Hydrocortisone cream handy!

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I sincerely hope that you recover from this. I have a similar situation for past 1.5 months with no relief from urticaria. Please let me know if your symptoms improve, so we all have some hope.


My daughter, who is pregnant and serving in the military in the medical field developed Dermographism after her Moderna booster shot (January 2022). Her symptoms started 14 days after her booster. Her previous Covid vaccines were in the beginning of 2021. She developed hives all her face and hands. Her doctor originally thought this was due to her pregnancy and allergies. After a visit today to a dermatologist it was confirmed her hives, skin writing is due to the booster. She is on allergy pills and once the baby is born she was told to increase her intake of said allergy pills. She is extremely worried this will not go away and is concerned how she can continue to work in healthcare and care for a baby without having all the hives and breakouts. I'm trying to find out what treatments are available and if other's have seen improvements with taking allergy pills such as Zyrtec?


My daughter, who is pregnant and serving in the military in the medical field developed Dermographism after her Moderna booster shot (January 2022). Her symptoms started 14 days after her booster. Her previous Covid vaccines were in the beginning of 2021. She developed hives all her face and hands. Her doctor originally thought this was due to her pregnancy and allergies. After a visit today to a dermatologist it was confirmed her hives, skin writing is due to the booster. She is on allergy pills and once the baby is born she was told to increase her intake of said allergy pills. She is extremely worried this will not go away and is concerned how she can continue to work in healthcare and care for a baby without having all the hives and breakouts. I'm trying to find out what treatments are available and if other's have seen improvements with taking allergy pills such as Zyrtec?

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@nicolemm Please send well wishes and a big thank you to your daughter. The CDC approved the Moderna Booster Oct. 21, 2021. I had my Moderna booster Oct. 25, 2021. Hives and Dermatographia developed 10 days (November 4) after the booster. I am currently taking Allegra 180 mg. 5:30 am and 5:30 pm. The dermatologist told me I could take up to 4 doses a day. (Zyrtec did not work at all for me.) I have had the Dermatographia for the past 3 1/2 months. The hives went away after a month. The Allegra makes the work day tolerable. The evening hours for some reason are terrible for me. My ears, neck, chest and upper back continue to be the most affected areas with Dermatographia. Tell her to hang in there and congrats on your new grandchild! @hellopeeps


@hellopeeps Thank you for your response and well wishes for my daughter and grandbaby. I hope your Dermatographia gets better. I will let her know if she isn't seeing results with Zyrtec to try Allegra. After the baby is born they will allow her to increase her allergy pill doses. I really hope all the people impacted by the vaccine booster see improvements soon.

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