New Dermatographia: What is helping you?

Posted by jackographia @jackographia, Nov 28, 2021

If you don't know what dermatographia is, please feel free to read and participate, but this discussion is aimed at people who currently suffer from this illness. I have questions that I don't think anyone without the condition can answer. The onset of my symptoms began about a week after receiving the Moderna covid booster shot. (My 3rd covid shot) Which may or may not be a factor. My symptoms began with full body itching, where any scratching would lead to very easy skin reddening. I went into an urgent care soon after and was prescribed steroids (prednisone) and antihistamines. While these work to lessen the itch GREATLY, my skin still reacts to even slight scratches or pressure with easy redness. My condition is largely self-diagnosed, but my primary care physician agrees with it.

There is so little relative information about dealing with this illness that I feel like I need to reach out here to ask. If you have/had this condition:

1. Did you (like I am) develop a tightness in your esophagus? or any bowel issues?
2. Does your face get flushed, fully red and feel warm?
3. Do you know of any support groups that I can reach out to for information and solidarity?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

I’m having this exact same issue. Timeline is as follows:
Moderna #1- No issues whatsoever
Moderna #2- Some fatigue, mild fever acutely. Then had a few days of hives 2 weeks later but they resolved spontaneously
Moderna booster Dec 13- Spent 2 days in bed. Fever, fatigue, swollen axillary nodes on same side as shot. Dec 25 hives all over my body with severe itching with any kind of pressure. Worse at night and after a hot shower. Also developed dermatographia which I’d never heard of prior.
I saw an allergist at the end of January who immediately recognized it as related to the vaccine. She’s actually running a study as she’s had many patients come through with these symptoms related to the vaccine.
Meds: First month she had me take 2 Allegra in the morning and 2 Zyrtec at night. This worked and I had no issues.
As of March 1st she had me start tapering the antihistamines so I’m now doing one Allegra in the morning and 1 Zyrtec at night.
I feel like the itch is returning but the dermatographia is better. Not gone, but better.
I feel like if I stop the antihistamines, everything will come back full force. I’m enrolled in the study and getting bloods drawn next week.
A bit relieved that I’m not alone.


I’m having this exact same issue. Timeline is as follows:
Moderna #1- No issues whatsoever
Moderna #2- Some fatigue, mild fever acutely. Then had a few days of hives 2 weeks later but they resolved spontaneously
Moderna booster Dec 13- Spent 2 days in bed. Fever, fatigue, swollen axillary nodes on same side as shot. Dec 25 hives all over my body with severe itching with any kind of pressure. Worse at night and after a hot shower. Also developed dermatographia which I’d never heard of prior.
I saw an allergist at the end of January who immediately recognized it as related to the vaccine. She’s actually running a study as she’s had many patients come through with these symptoms related to the vaccine.
Meds: First month she had me take 2 Allegra in the morning and 2 Zyrtec at night. This worked and I had no issues.
As of March 1st she had me start tapering the antihistamines so I’m now doing one Allegra in the morning and 1 Zyrtec at night.
I feel like the itch is returning but the dermatographia is better. Not gone, but better.
I feel like if I stop the antihistamines, everything will come back full force. I’m enrolled in the study and getting bloods drawn next week.
A bit relieved that I’m not alone.

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The same instances have happened to me. I have AFIB however, so can't take a lot of anti-histamines for a long period. This has been going on for about 8 yrs. now. I have eczema on my hands which causes anxiety which causes more eczema. I have heard that Dupixent clients start up again after they go off of the medication. I think a mast doctor is next for me, not sure what else to do!


I am an allergist, and we have seen a large number of people with dermatographia that develops 1 - 2 weeks after the COVID booster, usually Moderna. It has generally been short lived, with marked improvement within 4-6 weeks and resolution within 2-3 months. Antihistamines are the best treatment, though it often takes 3-4 times normal daily dosing of second generation antihistamines. I recommend seeing an allergist if the dermatographia is not easily controlled.

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I too am experiencing Dermatographia post Moderna vaccine booster. Received 3rd dose 12/14/22. On 12/25/22 experienced sudden onset of extreme itching, redness, and welts. Finally figured out it was Dermatographia. On
Zyrtec 10mg daily. Seems to keep the extreme itching and welts away, but still experience the Dermatographia.
Is the CDC looking into these cases of Dermatographia post booster?


I too am experiencing Dermatographia post Moderna vaccine booster. Received 3rd dose 12/14/22. On 12/25/22 experienced sudden onset of extreme itching, redness, and welts. Finally figured out it was Dermatographia. On
Zyrtec 10mg daily. Seems to keep the extreme itching and welts away, but still experience the Dermatographia.
Is the CDC looking into these cases of Dermatographia post booster?

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@melony just wondering if you reported your adverse reaction to the vaccine to VAERS? The scientists there are keeping report of all the bad reactions and will probably start studying them.
Has your doctor made any suggestions other than Zyrtec?


@melony just wondering if you reported your adverse reaction to the vaccine to VAERS? The scientists there are keeping report of all the bad reactions and will probably start studying them.
Has your doctor made any suggestions other than Zyrtec?

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I reported on the vaccine follow up survey, but not directly to the cdc. When this first started, the provider didn’t seem to think it was related to the booster since it started 10 days after. I haven’t followed up and have just been trying to wait it out.
I will go report on cdc.


Thank you for your post. I experienced an onset of Raynauds 7 days after my Moderna booster and hives and a wheezing sensation 10 days after. Prednisone and a continuous combination of Zyrtec/Pepcid/Benadryl work for the most part. I discontinued these medications for three days to prepare for an allergy test and the hives flared very severely. I had a burning sensation from scalp to my toes and itching on every inch of my body. Even when stable on the antihistamines, I have the presence of dermagraphia minus the itching. I also had a flushed/hot face, no noted bowel changes. I don’t know of a support group, but it’s hopeful to know other people had a similar experience and that hopefully it’s more short lived than lifetime as I’m 63 days in after onset.


Hi everyone. I hope you are finding some combination of relief that works for you. After dealing with the hives, itching and Dermatographia for 4 1/2 months I decided to receive Xolair injections. I struggles with the "warnings" associated with the biologic. I took into consideration how miserable I have been for the past 4 1/2 months. I reached out to my PCP. I reached out to the Dermatologist. I reached out to the Allergist. I reached out to family. I reached out to friends.

I received my first dose of Xolair in February. Immediately, I found relief with my scalp. I have not itched my scalp since. I still have Dermatographia, the level of histamine/swelling has been significantly reduced. I receive my second dose next week.

I will share an update in a month...hoping the second dose of Xolair will be my solution. Hang in there, everyone!


Hi everyone. I hope you are finding some combination of relief that works for you. After dealing with the hives, itching and Dermatographia for 4 1/2 months I decided to receive Xolair injections. I struggles with the "warnings" associated with the biologic. I took into consideration how miserable I have been for the past 4 1/2 months. I reached out to my PCP. I reached out to the Dermatologist. I reached out to the Allergist. I reached out to family. I reached out to friends.

I received my first dose of Xolair in February. Immediately, I found relief with my scalp. I have not itched my scalp since. I still have Dermatographia, the level of histamine/swelling has been significantly reduced. I receive my second dose next week.

I will share an update in a month...hoping the second dose of Xolair will be my solution. Hang in there, everyone!

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@hellopeeps . It sure sounds like the Xolair injections were the right thing for you! Will you be able to administer your own injections?
Tell me about reaching out to family and friends; what did you hope to learn from them?


@hellopeeps . It sure sounds like the Xolair injections were the right thing for you! Will you be able to administer your own injections?
Tell me about reaching out to family and friends; what did you hope to learn from them?

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Hi, @becsbuddy. I plan to go into the Allergist's office monthly. I hope to be done with Xolair ASAP. I do not like taking medication. That is why I reached out to others who would share their honest opinion with me. Outweigh the possible side effects with the benefits. All I can do is take this day by day, hoping my immune system will calm down. Have a nice day!


Hi All - I was just searching this to see how long this symptom would last. I too experienced dermatographia after my booster dose (got dose in December, developed rash about 10 or 11 days later) - had an appointment in mid January with a dermatologist and she 'diagnosed me with dermatographia and instructed me to take Xyval (OTC third generation anti-histamine) and it has helped completely!! However, now I've been taking it daily or every other day for 2 months and when I try to space to every third day, the rash and itch comes back. I am wondering how long I will be having to manage this. Seems like from this thread - it is ongoing for a lot of you. Sorry to hear.

I will say that Xyval (levocetirizine) has made an immense difference in my symptoms and would recommend this to people who are not having success with benadryl or zyrtec or other antihistamines.

I will continue to follow this thread periodically, in a way glad to hear that others are going through a similar thing. And I will check out the FB group too. Wishing a quick reduction of symptoms for us all.!

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