Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - Introduce yourself and meet others

Let's talk about living with rheumatoid arthritis.
As moderator of the Autoimmune Diseases group, I noticed that several people were talking about RA, but those conversations were scattered throughout the community. I thought I would start this discussion to bring us all together in one place.

Let’s grab a cup of tea, or beverage of choice, and let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.


Has anyone been PRC tested for intracellular bacteria? Has anyone been put on antibiotics for RA? I just recently learned I have RA (seropositive and dna). My rheumatologist appointment is next week so, I’m not on medication yet. My PCP gave me a Vitamin B shot in the right arm. The next day I had an excruciating flare in my right shoulder and could not raise my right arm. The shoulder flare subsided by the next day but even a week later I’m still tender in the muscle near the injection site. Has anyone noticed flares from getting shots?

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Over a year out from the Covid vaccine and I still do no have enough energy or motivation to take on diagnosing and treating of two of the three autoimmune diseases. When I had my first overwhelming attack of Hashimotos, I was bed riddem for two years and just basically vegged the whole time. Until this old physical psychological breakdown, I was a busy practicing psychologist in private practice. I took a two year sabbatical and just lay around unable to do anything more than absolute basics. I was never diagnosed or treated, but eventually I started seeing a few clients as something was shifting. I was 38 years younger and the disability knocked completely on my butt for 2 years. Had to take a sabbatical from my private pschology practice. What I am going through now is somewhat similar like being a deep black hole of no physical or psychological energy or motivation, but worse because of the long list of additional physical problems on top of the Hashimotos and my 89 years of age. There is no conserving energy because i am off the scale in low energy. I am always happiest with my head on a pillow in bed. Added to all the problems, I've had open heart surgery with a valve replacement and double kidney infections which are incipient, always there, but barely suppressed because of the weekly infusions of gamma globulin, plus a list of other serious issues. I am so nonfunctional, I am living with my son, and can barely get up the stairs to make a meal. Son has been kind and helpful, doing much of the physical stuff for me. Somehow, I have the sense that there can be a recovery. I have ordered magnets because of stories of healing from similar diseases. I am open to suggestions. My former house and present bedroom are like an alternative pharmacy for having tried so many different types of over the counter stuff, hoping for a miracle. If anyone has found new sources of energy, I am open to stories of healing. Appreciate all who are reaching out or concerned.


Hi @tob, People with rheumatoid arthritis often have an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR, also known as sed rate) or C-reactive protein (CRP) level, which may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Other common blood tests look for rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies.

Have you discussed the possibility of your having RA with your doctor?

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Yes. I had described my ankle fluid and two other autoimmune diseases. Dr did ANA test, which was abnormally high confirming the autoimmune processes. However, I have not been physically able to go to a cardiologist or rheumatologist to follow through with needed exams. I can barely function and I am just giving into it for the time being, hopi/rng for the effects of the vaccine to diminish or a miracle.


Gillysmom, you've been through a lot. I think you and other members would also appreciate joining this discussion about pacing yourself. I bet you'd have tips to add.

- How do you plan your day and conserve energy? Are you a Spoonie? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/how-do-you-plan-your-day-and-conserve-energy-are-you-a-spoonie/

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I just checked out definition of spoonie No. I do not look well, and no one would believe I was healthy. I do not plan my day other than to take my weekly gamma globulin infusion, of order food from a grocery that delivers. My computer is my friend with info, games, movies, etc. Before the vaccine a year ago Jan, I was reading the Hashimotos posts on my Facebook page with compasion because I remembered what it was like to be lying in bed helpless. I knew there was a good chance of a resurgence of acute symptoms with the vaccine, but chose to take it because my son was so adamant. That acute or breakdown phase similar to the onset of the Hashimotos is happening again., preventing me from functioning at all. There is no fighting it. My most serious disease is my suppressed immune system, so the weekly infusions are critical to keep me alive. The others will eventually be treated when and if I have enough strength to do so. RA is treated the opposite of a suppressed immune system, and so far the ankle pain has been minimal. I did fight the malaise for a few weeks and ended up with an autoimmune response of vertigo that was resistant to treatment, and am suffering some effects from it. My best bet right now is laying low, treating symptoms, staying as healthy as possible, and checking everywhere for possible solutions. when I have the energy to follow through without making myself sicker.


Over a year out from the Covid vaccine and I still do no have enough energy or motivation to take on diagnosing and treating of two of the three autoimmune diseases. When I had my first overwhelming attack of Hashimotos, I was bed riddem for two years and just basically vegged the whole time. Until this old physical psychological breakdown, I was a busy practicing psychologist in private practice. I took a two year sabbatical and just lay around unable to do anything more than absolute basics. I was never diagnosed or treated, but eventually I started seeing a few clients as something was shifting. I was 38 years younger and the disability knocked completely on my butt for 2 years. Had to take a sabbatical from my private pschology practice. What I am going through now is somewhat similar like being a deep black hole of no physical or psychological energy or motivation, but worse because of the long list of additional physical problems on top of the Hashimotos and my 89 years of age. There is no conserving energy because i am off the scale in low energy. I am always happiest with my head on a pillow in bed. Added to all the problems, I've had open heart surgery with a valve replacement and double kidney infections which are incipient, always there, but barely suppressed because of the weekly infusions of gamma globulin, plus a list of other serious issues. I am so nonfunctional, I am living with my son, and can barely get up the stairs to make a meal. Son has been kind and helpful, doing much of the physical stuff for me. Somehow, I have the sense that there can be a recovery. I have ordered magnets because of stories of healing from similar diseases. I am open to suggestions. My former house and present bedroom are like an alternative pharmacy for having tried so many different types of over the counter stuff, hoping for a miracle. If anyone has found new sources of energy, I am open to stories of healing. Appreciate all who are reaching out or concerned.

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Have you seen youtube videos about nutrition protocol for autoimmune? Improving your microbiome might provide a miracle healing or at least improvement in how you feel. Don’t rely on information from just one youtube video, watch as many as you can and start making small modifications to your protocol. A good one to look at is Dr. Terri Wahl’s but don’t stop there. Keep making small changes towards getting more veggies, fruits and less processed foods.


I' ve been living with autoimmune diseases all my life. I read widely in all places, including medical journals. I belong to several groups including this one and have changed many things. When you are 89 years old and have 7 chronic diseases which are suddenly all present after years of working to quiet them reasonably successfully, the way back is all uphill and not easy or fast. I was doing reasonably well until the Covid vaccine despite my age and illnesses, and now the trip to health is starting over again 30 years later . I appreciate your suggestion and will look up the Dr. Wahl's protocol. I am off dairy and gluten and most grains, etc. for years, and follow a preserve kidney diet to some degree, because of double chronic kidney infections. With a suppressed immune system on the one hand, and an attacking immune system on the other hand, the post covid vax stuff is much more complicated. As helpless as I am now, following a protocol rigidly is difficult because I am bedridden. With a recent vertigo attack that lasted weeks, I am not strong or driving since then, and new progress was erased. The vertigo was a direct result of taking new supplements that activated more autoimmune antibodies. Will check out Terri Wahl soon and thank you for the suggestion.


Have you seen youtube videos about nutrition protocol for autoimmune? Improving your microbiome might provide a miracle healing or at least improvement in how you feel. Don’t rely on information from just one youtube video, watch as many as you can and start making small modifications to your protocol. A good one to look at is Dr. Terri Wahl’s but don’t stop there. Keep making small changes towards getting more veggies, fruits and less processed foods.

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I wnt directly to printouts of Terry Wahls protocols, research, and ditets. TThnak you for this information. I will need to recover more to be able to drive to start implementing her ideas. Plenty of time to research and get an idea of what needs to happy and why. Again thank you.


Over a year out from the Covid vaccine and I still do no have enough energy or motivation to take on diagnosing and treating of two of the three autoimmune diseases. When I had my first overwhelming attack of Hashimotos, I was bed riddem for two years and just basically vegged the whole time. Until this old physical psychological breakdown, I was a busy practicing psychologist in private practice. I took a two year sabbatical and just lay around unable to do anything more than absolute basics. I was never diagnosed or treated, but eventually I started seeing a few clients as something was shifting. I was 38 years younger and the disability knocked completely on my butt for 2 years. Had to take a sabbatical from my private pschology practice. What I am going through now is somewhat similar like being a deep black hole of no physical or psychological energy or motivation, but worse because of the long list of additional physical problems on top of the Hashimotos and my 89 years of age. There is no conserving energy because i am off the scale in low energy. I am always happiest with my head on a pillow in bed. Added to all the problems, I've had open heart surgery with a valve replacement and double kidney infections which are incipient, always there, but barely suppressed because of the weekly infusions of gamma globulin, plus a list of other serious issues. I am so nonfunctional, I am living with my son, and can barely get up the stairs to make a meal. Son has been kind and helpful, doing much of the physical stuff for me. Somehow, I have the sense that there can be a recovery. I have ordered magnets because of stories of healing from similar diseases. I am open to suggestions. My former house and present bedroom are like an alternative pharmacy for having tried so many different types of over the counter stuff, hoping for a miracle. If anyone has found new sources of energy, I am open to stories of healing. Appreciate all who are reaching out or concerned.

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Hi, I do have a comments about using magnets. 10 yrs. ago I was suffering from terrible neck pain, diagnosed with “arthritis “ pinched nerves needing to have cervical surgery.. I refused surgery and continued to suffer used all kinds of alternatives including Chinese meds.
We attended a street fair where I tried on a strong magnet bracelet after wearing it for 15 minutes my pain started to decrease taking off the bracelet the pain returned.
I continue to wear that bracelet and other magnet jewelry.
5 yrs. ago I was diagnosed with RA on meds which are slowing down the progress, but I do rely on the magnets for days with more pain.
I do believe that they are helpful. Do talk with someone who uses them in their practice.
Best wishes to you, jill

Editor's Note:

Research has shown that there is little to no evidence that magnetic bracelets have any future in pain management.


Thank you for your personal healing magnet story. I am searching for a way through the maze of illness and will try any option that has merit. I research very carefully before taking the plunge, but so far age and illness has been like an incoming tide. In the last four year I have had no real support from traditional medicine. I have too many chronic problems that defy simply answers for my recent American docs who know best how to treat symptoms. I ordered a sampler of magnets with several instruction booklets from a reliable company, and am waiting on their arrival. Researching the background, research, and testimonials with the use of the magnets, there are some amazing success stories.

I am also researching a company that creates antibodies that attack antibodies. It sounds pretty dangerous for an antibody factory like my body to be playing with fire, but the concept makes sense to me, and monoclonal antibodies have been successful in many different situations. I simply need to find out more, and whether tese treatments ave entered the mainstream or are only used in animal studies. More on both when I find out what's happening.


I' ve been living with autoimmune diseases all my life. I read widely in all places, including medical journals. I belong to several groups including this one and have changed many things. When you are 89 years old and have 7 chronic diseases which are suddenly all present after years of working to quiet them reasonably successfully, the way back is all uphill and not easy or fast. I was doing reasonably well until the Covid vaccine despite my age and illnesses, and now the trip to health is starting over again 30 years later . I appreciate your suggestion and will look up the Dr. Wahl's protocol. I am off dairy and gluten and most grains, etc. for years, and follow a preserve kidney diet to some degree, because of double chronic kidney infections. With a suppressed immune system on the one hand, and an attacking immune system on the other hand, the post covid vax stuff is much more complicated. As helpless as I am now, following a protocol rigidly is difficult because I am bedridden. With a recent vertigo attack that lasted weeks, I am not strong or driving since then, and new progress was erased. The vertigo was a direct result of taking new supplements that activated more autoimmune antibodies. Will check out Terri Wahl soon and thank you for the suggestion.

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@gillysmom You have certainly had a difficult time with multiple chronic diseases! And now even more so, what with being bedridden. Are you able to be up and about at all? Do you have someone caring for you?
What is most bothering you right now?


Yes, after my second dose yesterday, I noted decreased pain and swelling. I'll need to get in the swing of things because last night I felt like I'd had 15 Red Bulls and had SO much energy I couldn't get to sleep.

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Hi Bridget, how are you doing? Are you managing better with the prednisone and feeling wired?

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