Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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Has anyone had vibrations inside their bodies? Sometimes has an electrical current flowing feeling.

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Welcome Avash, Since you were talking in your post about internal shaking, I moved your post here to this discussion on internal vibrations so you could talk with others who have had similar experiences. Please meet @jager5210 @asquires @redladyjoni @2016dodge and others, who may recognize the vibrations you are talking about as well as the "electrical current flowing feeling.

I'm not sure if you know the underlying cause yet. You may be interested in these related discussions:
- Internal vibration with "nerve firing" https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/internal-vibration-with-nerve-firing/
- Internal Body Tremors and Tinnitus https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/internal-body-tremors-and-tinnitus/
- GI Disorder and Internal Shaking https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/gi-disorder-and-internal-shaking/

Have you been to see a neurologist about this issue? What do the suspect to be the cause?



Has anyone had vibrations inside their bodies? Sometimes has an electrical current flowing feeling.

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@avash Hello and welcome. Thank you for joining the conversation about internal vibrations, they are annoying, that's for sure. I hope you've taken time to review others accounts in this conversation, and gained insight. I have experienced vibrations due to Small Fiber Neuropathy. How long have you been experiencing internal vibrations? Where do you feel them? Have you been seen by a neurologist yet?


I have started with tremors in the back of my head. They start at rest and don’t stop. It feels like the occipital area, base of my skull. They are debilitating, and I wake up exhausted, with weak neck muscles. I have been suffering from occipital nerve pain for 6 months and now these tremors have started. I need to do something, I can’t sleep. Has anyone experienced this? Does Botox work? I have been waiting for a reply from a neurologist I saw at Mayo but no one has called me back. I’m basically terrified to go to sleep. Any advice appreciated.


@avash Hello and welcome. Thank you for joining the conversation about internal vibrations, they are annoying, that's for sure. I hope you've taken time to review others accounts in this conversation, and gained insight. I have experienced vibrations due to Small Fiber Neuropathy. How long have you been experiencing internal vibrations? Where do you feel them? Have you been seen by a neurologist yet?

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Hi Rachael. I had covid in Jan last yr this is when it began. Under my feet into my arms chest stomach head. Now it's all over internally. Sometimes has like an electric feeling. I did see 3x neurologist who has done bloods, mri, nerve conduction since all was good they didn't do any biopsy though. Which is why I'm confused as the one neurologist says it's anxiety. What meds have helped u? I trier Lyrica and gabapentin, 5 antidepressants


Yes I have this vibration in my head stomach chest all inside my body. Have u gotten and meds to help


Welcome Avash, Since you were talking in your post about internal shaking, I moved your post here to this discussion on internal vibrations so you could talk with others who have had similar experiences. Please meet @jager5210 @asquires @redladyjoni @2016dodge and others, who may recognize the vibrations you are talking about as well as the "electrical current flowing feeling.

I'm not sure if you know the underlying cause yet. You may be interested in these related discussions:
- Internal vibration with "nerve firing" https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/internal-vibration-with-nerve-firing/
- Internal Body Tremors and Tinnitus https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/internal-body-tremors-and-tinnitus/
- GI Disorder and Internal Shaking https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/gi-disorder-and-internal-shaking/

Have you been to see a neurologist about this issue? What do the suspect to be the cause?

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@colleenyoung Thank u for adding me. Iv seen an endocrinologist, rheumatologist and 3 x neurologist and all is fine. It began during after covid. I have tried gabapentin and lyrica along with antidepressants but it didn't help.


@redladyjoni have u had any luck with getting ur symptoms sorted? Lyme disease did he do tests? I have this issue from last yr during and after covid in Jan.


I have started with tremors in the back of my head. They start at rest and don’t stop. It feels like the occipital area, base of my skull. They are debilitating, and I wake up exhausted, with weak neck muscles. I have been suffering from occipital nerve pain for 6 months and now these tremors have started. I need to do something, I can’t sleep. Has anyone experienced this? Does Botox work? I have been waiting for a reply from a neurologist I saw at Mayo but no one has called me back. I’m basically terrified to go to sleep. Any advice appreciated.

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Welcome @lisa2022, I know it has to be awful having the tremors on top of the occiptal nerve pain and not being able to sleep. You mentioned you have been waiting for a reply from a neurologist you saw at Mayo but no one has called you back. Another thing you might try if you are setup with a Mayo patient portal is to send your neurologist or care team a message and ask for a follow up. Here are the details on how to setup your portal -- https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/featured-topic/connect-to-the-care-you-need-with-patient-online-services.

You might also be interested in the following discussion -- Occipital Neuralgia: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/occipital-neuralgia/

Have you tried calling your neurologist again to make sure they got your message?


Welcome @lisa2022, I know it has to be awful having the tremors on top of the occiptal nerve pain and not being able to sleep. You mentioned you have been waiting for a reply from a neurologist you saw at Mayo but no one has called you back. Another thing you might try if you are setup with a Mayo patient portal is to send your neurologist or care team a message and ask for a follow up. Here are the details on how to setup your portal -- https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/featured-topic/connect-to-the-care-you-need-with-patient-online-services.

You might also be interested in the following discussion -- Occipital Neuralgia: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/occipital-neuralgia/

Have you tried calling your neurologist again to make sure they got your message?

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I have emailed in the portal, how do I get a "direct" contact number for the doctors office, all I have is the main number.


I have emailed in the portal, how do I get a "direct" contact number for the doctors office, all I have is the main number.

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Normally they tell you on the portal you will get a response within 48 to 72 hours since they don't want you to use if for medical emergencies. My Mayo doctors have always given me a business card with a phone number to contact their secretary for any followup questions. You might want to send another message on the portal to see if your care team has a number you can call during normal business hours for followup.

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