Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


@rosemarya, @alive, @becsbuddy, and all...Rosemary, I'm not sure what I can do to help with this issue. I'm using Symbicort 2x daily to control the coughing and reduce phlegm.. But, don't know if this is a good thing over time or if I may be able to get the hair under control??? May be able to clean better and more often as I get stronger, although my housekeeper has back problems and has left the job. Don't have a new one yet, looking. More vacuum, dusting, getting rid of the loose hair on the bed, etc. will surely help

She adopted me several years ago, had 5 babies on my patio as a tiny kitty herself. She's somewhat of a slut kitty, as she got pregnant while nursing the babies. I took her to the doc after finding the litter good homes and had her spade. An abortion that broke my heart. I didn't know she was pregnant,but I couldn't have raised another litter so I took her to the vet. She is much happier and a great companion. She talks, calls me 'mama', tells me exactly what she wants me to do or not do. She understands and follows my instrutctions re 'lie down'. 'no', 'ok', 'hop up; or hop down and on and on. I can't believe this. Didn't know cats could talk and have so much interaction that makes sense to humans. I sinerely believe she was sent to me by God to help me through tough times, to help me deal with the illness and loss of my dog of 14 years, to give me love and support. I'm very thankful!

Be well. Blessings as we meet this new year with hope and prayer. elizabeth

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Hi lizzy,
I never heard a cat talk before but I heard a dog talk. I also saw a dog climb a tree.
I hope you feel better although not so you can clean house. House cleaning is a killer so I hope you find a new housekeeper. Phyllis Diller used to say “housecleaning won’t kill you but why take a chance.” So I’m playing it safe and not taking a chance. Although I do have to have clothes to wear so I do a little laundry but I also take it to the laundry and cleaners. It gets a little costly but since I ruined some of my clothes I figure I come out about even. I haven’t quite figured out how to not have any dishes. I use paper plates but I have to use pots and pans since my doctor and dietitian said I can’t eat prepared foods.
Take care of yourself,


I walked 2.6 miles 2 days this week.
I was at the mall walking. They have a walking group there.
I saw a 15” cookie! If I win this contest I’ll send you their web info, hopefully they are on the web. Unless you found a bigger one. If I had one of those I could probably just eat one cookie a day too. How far have you been walking?
Happy trails!!

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We walk 2+ miles once a week in our favorite border town in Mexico, then settle in for a feast at our favorite restaurant. Today is beautiful so we'll walk here, later this week it will be at the butterfly center one day, a national park another. Then a "blue norther" hits again and I will hibernate - these bring wind and a cold mist and I am a wimp when it is wet. I already managed a mile just doing laundry this morning.


Today, February 1, 2022 - I am going to start walking around my long block. And plan on doing so 6 days a week.


Today, February 1, 2022 - I am going to start walking around my long block. And plan on doing so 6 days a week.

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Good for you!! A whole bunch of us will be strutting right along with you!
I think you’ll be amazed at how great you’ll feel every day. There’s something very peaceful about walking and yet, it’s so energizing. You see so much life around you when you tune into nature.
What’s it like where you live? Warm and sunny all the time or do you face harsh winters?


Today, February 1, 2022 - I am going to start walking around my long block. And plan on doing so 6 days a week.

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Today I walked up the road with my sister-in-law to a local quilt show. Now I am headed out to walk in a nearby park, then enjoy happy hour with friends there. Hoping for 4 miles today, split in 3 walks.


Good morning all! I just spent five months on the east coast with my grandson and daughter-in-law. My grandson has a CHD and my son works as a teacher. They made a big sacrifice since my grandson is high risk if he would get CoVID. My son moved out and I moved in. Luckily they have a backyard to play and walk in. So each month my grandson and I started a new story telling book with a theme ie “The Great Turkeys” and then we would walk in circle while making up these stories. So fascinating how many miles we would walk and enjoy the company of each other. He started kindergarten, virtually, as well. Oh the joy and excitement! My son was approved to work, virtually, for the remainder of the school year begininning January. They have reunited and I have returned to the Midwest’s frozen tundra! It’s taking me a little while to adjust from damp cold to dry cold, however I am blessed to have had all of that quality walking time with my grandson holding my hand and telling great and funny stories. Hopefully everyone is up for a short walk today, if not, I hope that you can do a few chair exercises just to keep going.
Take care all!


Good morning all! I just spent five months on the east coast with my grandson and daughter-in-law. My grandson has a CHD and my son works as a teacher. They made a big sacrifice since my grandson is high risk if he would get CoVID. My son moved out and I moved in. Luckily they have a backyard to play and walk in. So each month my grandson and I started a new story telling book with a theme ie “The Great Turkeys” and then we would walk in circle while making up these stories. So fascinating how many miles we would walk and enjoy the company of each other. He started kindergarten, virtually, as well. Oh the joy and excitement! My son was approved to work, virtually, for the remainder of the school year begininning January. They have reunited and I have returned to the Midwest’s frozen tundra! It’s taking me a little while to adjust from damp cold to dry cold, however I am blessed to have had all of that quality walking time with my grandson holding my hand and telling great and funny stories. Hopefully everyone is up for a short walk today, if not, I hope that you can do a few chair exercises just to keep going.
Take care all!

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What a great opportunity to spend time with your grandson. Last year, I did the same while my daughter worked from home and it was such a blessing (but exhausting some days?)
I shall be walking as much as I can today and tomorrow morning, as our "winter" is about to return here in south Texas for the weekend, complete with freeze warnings. I would certainly continue to walk, but for the wind-blown drizzle that comes with the North winds - I am such a wimp while down here!

Happy walking all.


Hi lizzy,
I never heard a cat talk before but I heard a dog talk. I also saw a dog climb a tree.
I hope you feel better although not so you can clean house. House cleaning is a killer so I hope you find a new housekeeper. Phyllis Diller used to say “housecleaning won’t kill you but why take a chance.” So I’m playing it safe and not taking a chance. Although I do have to have clothes to wear so I do a little laundry but I also take it to the laundry and cleaners. It gets a little costly but since I ruined some of my clothes I figure I come out about even. I haven’t quite figured out how to not have any dishes. I use paper plates but I have to use pots and pans since my doctor and dietitian said I can’t eat prepared foods.
Take care of yourself,

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I use a set of clear glass storage containers (Costco). I’ll cook in one, then eat directly from it. I actually prefer them to regular dishes now and because of their sides, you are able to mix ingredients together in them too.
I find this reduces dishes to a bear minimum. This works for a single person.


I walked 2.6 miles 2 days this week.
I was at the mall walking. They have a walking group there.
I saw a 15” cookie! If I win this contest I’ll send you their web info, hopefully they are on the web. Unless you found a bigger one. If I had one of those I could probably just eat one cookie a day too. How far have you been walking?
Happy trails!!

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@jakedduck1 I’m glad you’ve walking! Unfortunately, I’m not walking as much. We’ve had too much ice and snow. I do wear my “cleats” so I don’t fall. My little dog gets pretty cold even though he has a new coat!
Today there was a newspaper article about See’s candy. Said it was the best!


@jakedduck1 I’m glad you’ve walking! Unfortunately, I’m not walking as much. We’ve had too much ice and snow. I do wear my “cleats” so I don’t fall. My little dog gets pretty cold even though he has a new coat!
Today there was a newspaper article about See’s candy. Said it was the best!

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Snow and ice, we’re lucky to occasionally get a little frost but it only lasts a short time.
I walked 1.7 miles today and went up 7 flights of stairs.
See’s is my favorite too.

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