Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Walking is so boring to me.
Walked 2 1/2 miles yesterday.

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Oh, Leonard @jakedduck1 ! I think you made this post just to rile all of us up! The only thing stopping me the last few days has been the gale force winds. My little Poppy would blow away! We’re going out as soon as i eat my banana. Happy walking, Leonard!


Oh, Leonard @jakedduck1 ! I think you made this post just to rile all of us up! The only thing stopping me the last few days has been the gale force winds. My little Poppy would blow away! We’re going out as soon as i eat my banana. Happy walking, Leonard!

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Becky, I know you’re right about our beloved @jakedduck1 and his need to get us all riled up. 😅 I couldn’t help myself but to respond.
I think our replies will make him smile because he succeeded. 🤣


Ah yes, Judy I can relate to that choking feeling. I learned in my early MAC days to always use both inhalers before I leave for my walk, and drink a bunch of water before & during. I also carry both inhaler and tissues with me so I can stop & huff cough along the way. Some days it works, somedays it doesn't.

We have been walking faithfully every day - early AM as day temps are now between 94-105 every day. We're also on "cactus blossom patrol" in our little community - they are late this year, but a few only bloom from 3/4am until 11am and then fall, so we are waiting...they are called night blooming cereus.

Today our walk will be across the bridge to the nearest Mexican border town, where there is a procession - Via Cruz - at noon, depicting the crucifixion. It is done in costume, with ominous drums, and the local people follow to the town square. Very moving.

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@sueinmn, @loribmt, @jakedduc1, @rosemarya, @jusyhodgern, @becsbuddy, and all...Well, my walking friends, congratulations on getting in the miles/steps,/good times. Sue, now back in the desert I take it? It's in the '80s in the daytime here in Florida, cooling down in the '60s. Pretty nice for a new Spring day, but I do think summer is close by. Not great for my outside walking, but I'll get it in any way...

Next week I'm thrilled to say I have my evaluation by PT to begin the therapy pool again, finally! I'll be walking in the pool a few days later and then soon, as I'm stronger, I'll be back at Mayo walking the buildings. Maybe I can catch up to Jake and his remarkable 21/2 miles! Prayers!

Sue, thanks for your insights, and for sharing your system for being outside. Now I understand how you can do it. You get outside exercise all year round, work in the garden, walking, sanding windows for your daughter, you are remarkable. Now, I see how you can do these things and breath.

I'll try some of your suggestions and hopefully, this will improve my exercise level. Greatly! I thank you again, Sue, for this information. I'll let you know what happens.

Was in Mayo Hospital last week for a few days with a UTI I think that caused all kinds of problems. I didn't know I had that silly infection...back hurt but that's nothing new since I have herniated discs, etc. So, I'll be following up with nephrology again. This is nuts, but it is what it is and it keeps on, doesn't. I think getting into that pool and walking will be my salvation. Looking forward to it.

Be well, be safe everyone, and be blessed. Elizabeth


@sueinmn, @loribmt, @jakedduc1, @rosemarya, @jusyhodgern, @becsbuddy, and all...Well, my walking friends, congratulations on getting in the miles/steps,/good times. Sue, now back in the desert I take it? It's in the '80s in the daytime here in Florida, cooling down in the '60s. Pretty nice for a new Spring day, but I do think summer is close by. Not great for my outside walking, but I'll get it in any way...

Next week I'm thrilled to say I have my evaluation by PT to begin the therapy pool again, finally! I'll be walking in the pool a few days later and then soon, as I'm stronger, I'll be back at Mayo walking the buildings. Maybe I can catch up to Jake and his remarkable 21/2 miles! Prayers!

Sue, thanks for your insights, and for sharing your system for being outside. Now I understand how you can do it. You get outside exercise all year round, work in the garden, walking, sanding windows for your daughter, you are remarkable. Now, I see how you can do these things and breath.

I'll try some of your suggestions and hopefully, this will improve my exercise level. Greatly! I thank you again, Sue, for this information. I'll let you know what happens.

Was in Mayo Hospital last week for a few days with a UTI I think that caused all kinds of problems. I didn't know I had that silly infection...back hurt but that's nothing new since I have herniated discs, etc. So, I'll be following up with nephrology again. This is nuts, but it is what it is and it keeps on, doesn't. I think getting into that pool and walking will be my salvation. Looking forward to it.

Be well, be safe everyone, and be blessed. Elizabeth

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@sueinmn, @loribmt, @becsbuddy, and all...Sue, I love that night-blooming cereus. It's a beautiful cactus. We have a huge and ancient cactus on one of our corners in the condo that I thought is a Century Cactus. My neighbor said not, he's been in the plant business all his career and I can't remember what he said, but that I was wrong. Anyway, when new roads were built, they almost threw it away until I raised all kinds of noise. It's planted now on a safe corner and thriving. No blooms...I've lived here 35 years and saw it bloom once. So, maybe it blooms every 20 years? Whatever...I'll send you a picture when I am out and you tell me...

My vanda orchid may not make it after staying outside all winter. It was fine and happy until the last hard freeze we had in March, very very very late for a hard freeze for us and I wasn't able to get it inside. It appears to have some life in some of the larger, long roots, so I'm hoping it will come back. I've had it for over 10 years, so it's part of the family. My 'new' orchids I got last month from the garden store, being discarded so I got them for a couple of dollars...are blooming and leafing like crazy. I love saving plants!

Hope all are well...blessings, elizabeth


Yes, I know all too well that being able to walk is something I should be very grateful to be able to do and many many more things. My dad was paralyzed from the waist down so I know all to well how lucky I am but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy those things, does it? Walking to me is definitely boring.
It's boring because of its repetitiveness and time passes so slowly and I'm in pain with every step.
Even if I concentrate on the health benefits that doesn't make it less boring. I'm thinking of getting a bike. I think I would enjoy that more it’s a faster pace. Walking is so slow, at least the way I walk, but it’s like you’re never going to get anywhere.
However I do greatly admire you for walking so far and you are an inspiration so on my next walk I’ll be thinking how grateful I am that I’m not walking as far as you and being bored for so long.
Happy trails to you,


Oh, Leonard @jakedduck1 ! I think you made this post just to rile all of us up! The only thing stopping me the last few days has been the gale force winds. My little Poppy would blow away! We’re going out as soon as i eat my banana. Happy walking, Leonard!

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ME rile up people? When have I ever done that? I can't imagine doing that.
Is that a chocolate covered banana?


Yes, I know all too well that being able to walk is something I should be very grateful to be able to do and many many more things. My dad was paralyzed from the waist down so I know all to well how lucky I am but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy those things, does it? Walking to me is definitely boring.
It's boring because of its repetitiveness and time passes so slowly and I'm in pain with every step.
Even if I concentrate on the health benefits that doesn't make it less boring. I'm thinking of getting a bike. I think I would enjoy that more it’s a faster pace. Walking is so slow, at least the way I walk, but it’s like you’re never going to get anywhere.
However I do greatly admire you for walking so far and you are an inspiration so on my next walk I’ll be thinking how grateful I am that I’m not walking as far as you and being bored for so long.
Happy trails to you,

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Hi Jake. I really intended my comment to be light hearted so I’m sorry that it rang a little too close to home with your dad’s situation. I hope you know I meant no offense and apologize if it came out wrong. That’s the problem with written comments sometimes, we can’t hear the voice inflections.

I can certainly understand your reluctance to walk if you’re in pain with every step! That’s a game changer. I think your idea of getting a bike is great! It’s a wonderful way to get exercise without wear & tear on knees and feet. Invest in a nice cushy seat…just sayin’. 😀
Do you have any scenic bike trails nearby?


You said nothing wrong and no apologies necessary. I knew what you were saying and you were right. It never hurts to remind someone. My dad’s accident taught me not to take things for granted. I do walk quite a bit squawking every inch of the way like when I’m at a shopping center. I walk all around it before I go in the store I’m parked in front of or if I go to the mall I’ll walk around the outside perimeter which is a considerable jaunt but I don’t enjoy walking although a candy bar or two helps. My brother walked to & from the mall, 10 miles each way. I swam 5 miles a day but afterwards I drove across the street to get my ice cream bar.


Oh Jakey…I can’t help but give you a little razzing here. Do you know what a privilege it is to be walking or bored? 🙃
Now that I’m done giving you a nudge in the side, what do you find boring about a walk? It’s one of my favorite activities. I put on at least 7 miles of dedicated ‘walking outside my home’ and generally my Fitbitch will have 10+ miles and 24,000 steps at the end of the day. I love being outside in the fresh air, sunshine if we’re lucky, and listening to the birds, wind in trees, etc.

If you’d rather tune out, how about some earbuds and listen to a podcast or some favorite music to motivate you along the way. Maybe there’s a Podcast on the love of chocolate or you can come up with jokes to share with us. 😅 Or grab a friend to walk along with you.

It’s better to think of the health benefits of walking and how it’s increasing your life span and quality of life, rather than thinking of it as a daily drudge.
What’s your music flavor?

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@loribmt. @jakedduck1, and all...I'm sure Leoonard's favorite song, by far, is
Smothers Brothers singing 'Fell into a Vat of chocolate.



@loribmt. @jakedduck1, and all...I'm sure Leoonard's favorite song, by far, is
Smothers Brothers singing 'Fell into a Vat of chocolate.


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@ess77 I found the link to the Smother’s Brother’s song! I’d forgotten how funny they were. 😅 That would sure add some excitement to @jakedduck1 ‘s walk!

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