Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Should I use this Mayo Connect for migraine or contact Dr. Cutrer, my migraine doctor?

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Total99, if you need medical attention for your migraine, please contact your doctor. Mayo Connect is not a substitute for medical care.

Should you wish to meet other people like you who deal with migraines and talk about things that help, you can go to this patient discussion:
– Migraines


Hello, I am suffering with Chronic Pain Syndrome for the last 8 years. I have many other issues including Lewy bodies Dementia and Bipolar 1.
I try very hard to keep a positive attitude and find the simple beauties in each day, but the pain gets so bad that I crawl on the floor just to get around.
I have a little rescue dog and I feel she gives me hope each and every day.
At this point, I am very frustrated with the quality of care I am getting. I signed up to be able to speak with others who understand because my family just doesn't get it.
I'm not sure if this is the way I am supposed to introduce myself, but I figured I would just put it out there.


Hello, I have various disc problems, arthritis from neck to ankles, and I am 78 years old. Was going to the gym for water exercise and now covid has stopped that activity for me. In the past 1 .5 years or more I have lost a lot of mobility. Dr. put me on gabapentin 400 3x a day. Also, had an epidural in the spine for pain.
Being on gabapentin has made me a zombie all the time. Sleep, sleep and sleep. Went down to to 2 pills a day. Want to go down to 1 pill only at bedtime. Anyone have any advice? I will call my dr and ask the nurse what to do. But I also would like to hear from people who have gone off Gabapentin.


I was on 600mg 3 times a day Gabapentin affects your brain i would never recommend this drug to anybody


Hello, I am suffering with Chronic Pain Syndrome for the last 8 years. I have many other issues including Lewy bodies Dementia and Bipolar 1.
I try very hard to keep a positive attitude and find the simple beauties in each day, but the pain gets so bad that I crawl on the floor just to get around.
I have a little rescue dog and I feel she gives me hope each and every day.
At this point, I am very frustrated with the quality of care I am getting. I signed up to be able to speak with others who understand because my family just doesn't get it.
I'm not sure if this is the way I am supposed to introduce myself, but I figured I would just put it out there.

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@eloise44 Hello there! You most certainly can introduce yourself anyway you'd like. We're happy to have you join the conversation and seek support. I understand family not getting it. Living with chronic pain and symptoms tends to be our own personal journey and it can be difficult for others who aren't in our shoes to imagine.

I love that you try to keep a positive attitude and persevere 😊,
that can be the best medicine. Also, having a support dog is incredible for you. How long have you had your dog?

You mention being frustrated with the quality of care you are getting. How would you like to see that change? How are you presently managing your symptoms?


Your right, Gabapentin does affect the brain as do all Anticonvulsants. I know, i’ve been taking them for 55 years. Most however don’t bother me at all. It's to bad you had a bad experience with this drug that is very beneficial to many.
I took the max dose of 3,600 mg for seizures and Neuropathy and I didn't have any side effects. Unfortunately it didn't help either problem. My brother is on the max does for Neuropathy and other pain from a severe auto accident that helps him tremendously. I know a number of people who take this as monotherapy for Focal seizures with great results.
There are some drugs that I refuse to take but I know they give others relief so I can't condemn them based only on my experience.
I hope you find something to ease you pain without any side effects. Take care,


I was on 600mg 3 times a day Gabapentin affects your brain i would never recommend this drug to anybody

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Have you tried pregablin?


Hello my name is Elizabeth. Two years ago I went to the Mayo clinic in which they confirm fibromyalgia. Along with that I do have the generated this disease and osteoarthritis. I am supposed to take gabapentin but I hear it makes you gain weight and since I'm a little beast I need to lose weight. My rheumatologist put me on Tylenol 500 mg three times a day what are your thoughts about that?


Hello my name is Elizabeth. Two years ago I went to the Mayo clinic in which they confirm fibromyalgia. Along with that I do have the generated this disease and osteoarthritis. I am supposed to take gabapentin but I hear it makes you gain weight and since I'm a little beast I need to lose weight. My rheumatologist put me on Tylenol 500 mg three times a day what are your thoughts about that?

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Hi @elizabethmartinez! 🙂 I have been taking Gabapentin 4x/day for 1 year now and have never gained any weight off that medication. It's not a side effect I'm familiar with...I'm not discounting your concern, just in speaking for myself I have not associated any truth with that as of yet. There are a lot of members here on Gaba, so hopefully many will weigh in soon and you can find peace about it. Wishing you all the best!

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