Covid and AFib Connection?

Posted by cece55 @cece55, Oct 8, 2021

Hello Everyone,

I am curious and would like to ask this group a question. I have AFib but had not had an event for over a year except for last November. In early February of this year I took the Phizer Vaccine for Covid and had several Afib events with one lasting over a month even with cardioversion. I ended up having an ablation in May and the electrophysiologist found an enlarged and scarred atrium.

I have been doing well and am still on Flecainade, Metoporal and Eliquis. He is about to take the Flecainade away. It is time for my booster shot and I am scared that it will put me into Afib again. My Electrophysiologist and Cardiologist at Mayo said they don't feel that the vaccine had anything to do with my Afib events starting up again.

Has anyone here experienced this? I am debating whether or not to cancel my appointment next week or just take the shot. My doctors said it is better to take the booster than to get Covid.


Thank You...Blessings to all of you during this trying time. CeCe55

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I have struggled with PVC's for 15 years. Had no trouble after pfizer one and 2, but after the 3rd I had increased and stronger PVC's for about a month after. I even scheduled a visit with my Mayo Cardiologist, but just like that they stopped and I've been fine ever since. But definitely booster related, I am sure of it.

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So interesting, thanks. While I have Afib, the trigger could certainly be the same. Something to do with the immune system response maybe. Great to hear it went away after a month, I'm half way there at this point (it's driving me nuts).


As with all vaccines, there are risks. For some of us, the risk is worth taking as many of us have unfortunately been eyewitnesses to the side effects of the virus itself. My sister, who is/was incredibly healthy but also has long suffered with A-fib, had covid last March. In April, she was having such bad aFib that she had to have a monitor inserted in her chest to monitor her heart. As a result of that, it got infected and she had to have it removed, but there is no doubt in her, or her doctors, opinion, that the worrisome increase and dangerous AFIB was a result of her having a very mild version of the virus. IN addition, she has a new diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. That is something that is not in our family and has never been on the radar for her. She, too, is not a believer in the vaccine. But it made me believe it in it even more. I had increased PVC's after the vaccine, but they resolved themselves and I never needed any treatment. Good luck to you.


May 2019 had open heart surgery for replacement of Aortic valve. Aug 2021 was diagnosted with right ventrical enlargement which turned into severe tricuspid regurgitation. Cardiologist has no idea why. Could this be from the vaccine? Had it Feb 2021. Has anyone had similar experience


I had my Moderna booster on 11/19 I went into afib on 11/22. In the middle of the night. No previous of history of heart issues. Low BP normal BMI good A1C good Lipid profile etc
I am a 65 year old martial artist.
The Drs at Stanford didn’t register that this was after a vaccine. No CRP test was done
PS I am pro vaccine and believe in public health. However I also believe in data collection


I had my Moderna booster on 11/19 I went into afib on 11/22. In the middle of the night. No previous of history of heart issues. Low BP normal BMI good A1C good Lipid profile etc
I am a 65 year old martial artist.
The Drs at Stanford didn’t register that this was after a vaccine. No CRP test was done
PS I am pro vaccine and believe in public health. However I also believe in data collection

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Thank you for sharing this. Has your a fib resolved without treatment?


Hello Eveyone! I am also very curious about the vaccine vs afib connection. I had my first afib episode back on 10-19-19 - then nothing for two years. I had my first pfizer shot on 1-6-21, second on 2-6-21, booster on 9-9-21. Then, on 10-11-21 I experienced afib, then again 4 days later on 10-15-21. Since then I am having episodes just about every two weeks! I do find this very coincidental.
Are there any thoughts that as the booster begins to wane, so will afib episodes? I am so perplexed by all of this. I will meet with an electrophysiologist on 2-14-22, at Mayo. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Be healthy in the new year.


Hi all,
If you are experiencing symptoms of atrial fibilatration, regardless of the potential cause, please see a doctor right away.

These are stressful times. Stress can contribute to heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias) such as atrial fibrillation. I though some of you may appreciate this article from Mayo Clinic.
- Atrial fibrillation and managing stress

Here is vaccination guidance
- Mayo Clinic
- Heart & Stroke Foundation: Questions About COVID-19 Vaccination
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: COVID-19 vaccination and heart issues
- COVID-19 infection and the heart


I had my Pfizer booster and the next day entered Afib AGAIN and gave not been out of it . I was scheduled for my 2nd Ablation and before it had a TEE and a blood clot is now in my LAA. My doctor also says he doesn't think it is the booster. I differ with his opinion


Sorry to hear - very frustrating. No one seems to be studying this link between our immune response and Afib.


I had my Pfizer booster and the next day entered Afib AGAIN and gave not been out of it . I was scheduled for my 2nd Ablation and before it had a TEE and a blood clot is now in my LAA. My doctor also says he doesn't think it is the booster. I differ with his opinion

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I am so sorry to hear this. I will be rooting for you.

I had my Moderna booster on January 12 and 6 hours later my heart rate had accelerated to 80 bpm (my normal is 150). If exerted myself in the simplest way (for instance, to fix lunch or to walk one block for a newspaper - it went to 150 bpm. I contacted my EP and we agreed to give it a couple of days and see if it would clear up because it appeared to be an acute reaction to the booster. That night my heart went back to normal and was still normal when I woke up the next morning. By mid-morning it had accelerated to 80 bpm again with a rise to 150 with any exertion. This pattern continued for four days and and finally resolved on Jan. 16. My hr has been normal since then and I have felt exhausted. There is no question, as far as I'm concerned, that the booster triggered it.

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