(MAC/MAI) Mycobacterium Avium Complex Pulmonary Disease: Join us
I am new to Mayo online .. I was hoping to find others with .. MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM COMPLEX PULMONARY DISEASE (MAC/MAI) and/or BRONCHIECTASIS. I found only 1 thread on mycobacterium accidently under the catagory "Lungs". I'm hoping by starting a subject matter directly related to MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM COMPLEX PULMONARY DISEASE (MAC/MAI) I may find others out there!
I was diagnosed by a sputum culture August 2007 (but the culture result was accidentally misfiled until 2008!) with MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM COMPLEX PULMONARY DISEASE (MAC/MAI) and BRONCHIECTASIS. I am now on 5 antibiotics. Working with Dr. Timothy Aksamit at Rochester Mayo Clinic .. he is a saint to have put up with me this long! I was terrified of the treatment . started the first antibiotic September 3, 2011 ... am now on all 5 antibiotics for 18 mos to 2 years. Am delighted at the very bearable side effects!
I wrote on the 1 thread I found: If you google NON-TUBERCULOUS MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM COMPLEX PULMONARY DISEASE (MAC/MAI) you will learn a LOT about the disease. But PLEASE do NOT get scared about all the things you read .. that is what I did and nearly refused to do the treatment until after a 2nd Micomacterium was discovered! Educate yourself for "due diligence" .. but take it all with a grain of salt .. you are NOT necessarily going to have all the terrible side effects of the antibiotics! Good luck to you!
January 2017 Update
One of our great Connect Members .. @Paula_MAC2007 .. had a wonderfully helpful idea that I wanted to share! Her idea .. as you read through the pages to gather information on our shared disease of MAC you can develop a personal "file cabinet" for future reference without the necessity of reading all the pages again!
If you have the "MS Word" program on your computer:
- Document Title Example: Mayo Clinic Connect MAI/MAC Information
- Then develop different categories that make sense to you such as: Heath Aids .. Videos .. Healthy Living .. Positive Thinking .. Baseline Testing and Regular Testing .. Antibiotics ..
Tips for
- As you read the pages .. copy/paste/save things of interest into that MS Word document under your preferred categories for future reference.
Then as you want to refer back to something in the future .. YEAH! You have now created your own personal "file cabinet" on MAC/MAI! Go to it!
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.
spencersok - After 8 months coughing violently, and being diagnosed with MAC, my complementary medicine doctor Dr. Elen Apthomas at the Medical Sanctuary in Ashmore, Queensland, Australia, initially gave me celery juice 300 mis 30 minutes before food in the morning, a B12 injection, a supplement called SAMe, a Bio zinc formulation, and a high powered probiotic. I stopped coughing quite quickly - 3 to 7 days, even though I am taking the big 3 drugs for 18 months. I take these preparations on the days I am not taking the antibiotics - 4 days per week. I think you could shop around for a complementary medicine doctor. Dr. Andrew Weil in the USA would fall into that category. So far after 3 months taking antibiotics, other than needing an afternoon snooze, I have had no side effects. The supplements my doctor gives me are mostly only available to doctors. My lung specialist, does not give these supplements a lot of credit, however he does tag her in my regular blood tests. Every three months Dr. Elen changes what I am taking - with the goal of improving my immune system. I am paying Dr. Elen around $400 every three months - cheaper than a funeral. 🤪😆🧐
I would try a complementary medicine doctor - my doctor is on the ball, and she does not use over the counter stuff - but the best researched quality - specially tailored for me and my situation.
To auntnanny. What is Toby?? I am couching so violently that I vomit. And my nose gets stuffed up as well. I have been taking tessalon pearl but it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick anymore. I am interested in anything new that does not interfere with my heart meds or agravate my afib. I have both bronchiectisis and Mac. I recently coughed so hard that I injured my ribs and when I cough now it causes pain in my ribs and chest.
sounder27 Toby is short for the word tobramycin. Mayo's say they are having great results but that it takes a few months. They recommended (to me) 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off. Then repeat for several months. Windwalker on this site has used it successfully and I'm trying. It is an inhaled antibiotic that goes directly to the lungs and I believe one bacteria it targets is pseudomonas (which I have). They asked me to use a different dispensing cup from the one that usually comes on a nebulizer. This one breaks it down into a fine mist. I believe it is available (not costly) on Amazon and I'll get the name of it if you are interested. I told Mayo Doctor I had been on this two weeks and was still coughing and he assured me that we needed to stay longer. Two weeks would not take care of it. I just hope he's right. Perhaps Windwalker will come on and help you more with this product. I believe she said after using it she was cough free for a couple of years. Sounds like heaven to me. I believe tobramycin is an older antibiotic but the new way of getting it into your lungs seems to be what they feel is so important. I hope this is helpful to you in some way. Windwalker is also with Mayos (Florida) and I'm with them in Minnesota so I believe it is what they are recommending.
To auntnanny. Thanks so much. I will mention this to my doc when I see him in 2 weeks. I don’t know how it will be with my afib. That seems to be the problem for me not taking the big 3. The mycin type drugs activate the arythmias and cause me to go into atrial flutter. But the delivery system sounds like maybe it would bypass a systemic reaction?? Here’s hoping. I’m willing to try whatever I can at this point.
Thanks @anniepie Its so frustrating when they do not trial on NTM, this could be great for us.
sounder27 Please let me know what your doctor says
To anyone wanting natural help with a horrendous cough...
not from a doctor but from my homeopathic naturalist .
Order from Amazon:
Broncolin/Propolis honey cough syrup, also their cough drops and
Blue Label Clear Lung Capsules!