Cold feet due to neuropathy - need help

Posted by napa @napa, Feb 9, 2020

Hello, I have extremely cold feet due to my neuropathy. The doctors cannot help. Any suggestions or help? Thank you!

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My feet are extremely cold sensitive, However, when I put on shoes, they cycle through a brief comfortable period, then begin to burn. I spend the day putting on and taking off shoes. When I have to go out, especually in the cold weather, I suffer through the burning as long as I can.
Anybody with a similar situation, and even partial solutions?

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Same here. Shoes on and off all day…


My feet are extremely cold sensitive, However, when I put on shoes, they cycle through a brief comfortable period, then begin to burn. I spend the day putting on and taking off shoes. When I have to go out, especually in the cold weather, I suffer through the burning as long as I can.
Anybody with a similar situation, and even partial solutions?

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I hope this doesn't seem like a dumb question but does it make any difference if the shoe is a loose fit vs one that is more snug? My feet get terribly cold in the winter but I haven't had the burning or hot sensation with my neuropathy in my feet.


I hope this doesn't seem like a dumb question but does it make any difference if the shoe is a loose fit vs one that is more snug? My feet get terribly cold in the winter but I haven't had the burning or hot sensation with my neuropathy in my feet.

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Hi John
No question from you is dumb.
I have tried all types and combinations of shoes and socks. Here is what I've found:
Tight, normal shoes (without special linings) are the worst. Flip-flops, in the summer, and sometimes even in slightly cold weather), are the best. Socks are bad, except for a brand I've recently tried (Allbirds, but with very little experience).
The best shoes are ones like Uggs, with fleece lining. They allow me to walk around outside for a couple of hours. At least I can get things done. I've also tried Allbird shoes, but I think the Uggs are better.
All this is not very scientific, or even consistent.
Ironically, I can go on 3 hour bike rides, wearing bike shoes with clip-ons, and no socks. It hurts, but not so much. Maybe I'm more distracted.
Very strange disease, don't you think?


Hi John
No question from you is dumb.
I have tried all types and combinations of shoes and socks. Here is what I've found:
Tight, normal shoes (without special linings) are the worst. Flip-flops, in the summer, and sometimes even in slightly cold weather), are the best. Socks are bad, except for a brand I've recently tried (Allbirds, but with very little experience).
The best shoes are ones like Uggs, with fleece lining. They allow me to walk around outside for a couple of hours. At least I can get things done. I've also tried Allbird shoes, but I think the Uggs are better.
All this is not very scientific, or even consistent.
Ironically, I can go on 3 hour bike rides, wearing bike shoes with clip-ons, and no socks. It hurts, but not so much. Maybe I'm more distracted.
Very strange disease, don't you think?

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Hi Jeff, I've looked at Uggs and like them but thought they were a little spendy. I generally get new pair of Skechers every 6 to 8 months due to the memory foam wearing out and no longer supporting the foot. I also like the slip ons or side zippered ones and was thinking the Ugg version looks really warm for the snowy winter here. I have the opposite problem of the feet never being warm. They are either tingly and cold or tingly and really cold in the winter. I have some neoprene slip over toe covers that just cover the front half of the foot and I use them over my compression socks in the winter when I'm out blowing snow off of the driveway.

It definitely is a strange disease and you may have hit the nail on the head about distraction. If I'm really busy doing something, I don't notice the feet being cold. It's only when I stop to rest or think about my next chore.


I also have ice cold neuropathy. I agree that tight shoes or socks make my feet colder. New Balance Athletic shoes have the widest toebox I could find for women. Rockdove Nomad slippers keep my feet so warm in the house that I sometimes have to take them off! They are washable, fleece lined with a rubber sole so you can wear them out to get the mail and are affordable now at only $30 on Amazon. So at that price I’m going to order another pair so I have on hand! Hope this helps you. Bcool123


I have cold and achy feet, and heat up booties from this company (Southwest Techologies Inc.). They work great.

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Thank you for this recommendation, but I couldn't find the booties at their website. Are they discontinued?


Thank you for this recommendation, but I couldn't find the booties at their website. Are they discontinued?

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Re the booties from Southwest Technologies, yes, they are little hard to find on the website, but they are there. Go to: "Hot and Cold Therapy" (under Products), then Lower Body, then FA6080. The company might use Amazon exclusively as their sales channel Good luck.


Re the booties from Southwest Technologies, yes, they are little hard to find on the website, but they are there. Go to: "Hot and Cold Therapy" (under Products), then Lower Body, then FA6080. The company might use Amazon exclusively as their sales channel Good luck.

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Thank you! I found them and placed an order. I'm hopeful they will help my foot pain at night. Thanks again.


Hi Jeff, I've looked at Uggs and like them but thought they were a little spendy. I generally get new pair of Skechers every 6 to 8 months due to the memory foam wearing out and no longer supporting the foot. I also like the slip ons or side zippered ones and was thinking the Ugg version looks really warm for the snowy winter here. I have the opposite problem of the feet never being warm. They are either tingly and cold or tingly and really cold in the winter. I have some neoprene slip over toe covers that just cover the front half of the foot and I use them over my compression socks in the winter when I'm out blowing snow off of the driveway.

It definitely is a strange disease and you may have hit the nail on the head about distraction. If I'm really busy doing something, I don't notice the feet being cold. It's only when I stop to rest or think about my next chore.

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A few years back my daughter "had to" have Uggs. I took her to the store. We discovered "Bear Paws".
Same boots.
Lots cheaper.
She liked them (which is quite a tribute to someone whose peers are so easily swayed by a label)


I am wondering how everyone can tell if they have cold feet or hot burning feet? I have severe pain in my feet due to neuropathy and I cant figure out if its because they are cold,which can cause a burning sensation, or if they are hot causing the burning sensation. I have tried everything to help with this and the only thing I have come close to getting relief with is called Aspercream w/lidocane. Helps long enough to be able to fall asleep. I use the roll on, less mess. good luck with this issue its a tough one.

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