Is the Vaccine safe for someone who has the MTHFR mutation?

Posted by bet @bet, Jul 9, 2021

Has anyone with the MTHFR gene mutation taken the COVID vaccine? If so, were there any bad side effects?

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Yes, I am a certified Forest Bathing Guide! I did the 23 n me and then turned that to genetic genie for the results

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@forestguide Hello! I recently did and found I have MTHFR deficiency due to two mutations in the MTHFR gene A222V. Says I should have my homocysteine level checked. I wonder how I should approach my physicians on this or if they will take the seriously? Anyone have advice?


I have both mutations and got the moderna vaccine and Will get the booster. I’m fine!


I am desperate to get this information as well. ! for my daughter who is mandated to take it for college:/

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I have the MTFHR gene. I have had blood clots twice (I am 51 years old.) I was taking eliquis, and was recommended to get the covid vaccine, and reassured the eliquis would prevent any blood clots. My doctor was WRONG. This time I got a blood clot from groin to ankle in the right leg 1 week after my 2nd moderna vaccine. I ended up on 120mg of lovenox TWICE a day (normal dose is 30mg), in addition to Warfrin (which varries depending on labs.) Right now I have completed 2 weeks of lovenox treatments with a stomach that looks like it has been hanging in a meat factory from incredible bruising and hematomas. My warfrin is 7.5mg 5 days a week and 10mg 2 days a week. My INR is tested twice a week, so this is subject to change. I will NOT get the booster.


Is it safe to have the covid vaccine when you have the MTHFR gene?


Is it safe to have the covid vaccine when you have the MTHFR gene?

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Hi Becki, welcome. I moved your message to this existing discussion where @bet asked the very same question "Is it safe to have the covid vaccine when you have the MTHFR gene mutation?"

Please review the past comments from @grammanancy @forestguide @blendedmom and others.

Becki, what does your doctor recommend for you?


My daughter has the MTHFR gene mutation and received the Pfizer vaccination with no major side effects.


I’m homozygous for C677T and Factor II. I will not get the vaccination. I had Covid (back in December 2019) and survived quite well. I did just recently got the Covid antibody test and it turns out I have natural immunity which I guess isn’t any good any more according to the scientific and medical fields as they push and push these vaccinations. Oh that’s right it doesn’t make any money. I am honestly terrified because my 16 year daughter who is also homozygous C677T and Factor VIII and who already had and tested positive for Covid last year (again natural immunity) is being pushed to get the jab in order to participate in society. Tell me Mayo Clinic can you guarantee that when she gets this clot shot that she is going to be fine? That’s a rhetorical question.


Sorry for answering late. I have the MTHFR gene. I have now had 3 vaccines. I had side effects but nothing major. Had restless legs for a few weeks which isn’t on the list of side effects.


Hello @bet. I can see you would like to connect with members who have experience with the MTHFR mutation. I'd like to introduce you to @gldnrtrvrlvr who has shared about also having MTHFR and may have feedback from consulting with her doctor.

There is so much to still learn about COVID-19 and other health conditions that all the answers are not available as we would all like, so in most cases, consulting with your personal doctor may prove to be the best until there is more widely available recommendations. Also, it seems as though everyone reacts very individually to the vaccine.

Are you wanting to get the vaccine?

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I have MTHFR A1298C heterozygous mutation - which the sciense says does not put me at risk. Unfortunately I had a subclavian thrombosis at age 30 as a healthy, non-smoker, athlete, and was considered a high risk pregnancy during which I gave myself a shot of Lovenox in the belly every day for 9 months.
Fast forward to covid - I did fine with the first Moderna shot, not even a sore arm. The second booster landed me in the ER on day 3 due to disorientation and rapid heart beat. my D-Dimer was elevated but chest CT showed no evidence of embolism.

Before I could get the booster I got covid. Had two days of very mild symptoms - 100.2 fever and mild aches. Suddenly lost consciousness on day three which landed me in hospital for two days and had seizure like events for 8 weeks. Now five months after initial covid diagnosis I still have cognitive issues and am officially diagnosed with long covid.

I got the Pfizer booster last Friday and did fine until day 3 when started having mild "brain fog" and felt fluid in my lungs - constant need to clear throat. Chest CT showed 4mm pericardial effusion. Waiting to get EKG and Echocardiogram this week. Dr suspects I am having an inflammatory responses to the vaccine and was cautious and is looking for more research to see if I need to forgo future boosters. I do not regret getting the vaccine and feel my covid would have been significantly worse if I had not been vaxed.

Curious if MTHFR is a factor in both my reaction to covid and the vaccines, or if it is something else.


I am homozygous C677T. I had no issues prior to getting COVID in august 2020 and again October 2020. I also had it in December of 2021. I am a health care worker and take precautions. I was not hospitalized as the symptoms were not that bad. Since December 2020 I have had chest tightness, shortness of breath, debilitating fatigue, short term memory is gone, numbness in my arms at night and swelling in my hands. I have plenty of other odd symptoms that keep kicking up. I have had every test in the book and will be going for an emg soon. The long hauler clinic has no other options for me and suggested I get the shot. So if COVID kicked up or made me have an autoimmune reaction causing inflammation, why would I get a vaccine that would just enhance that inflammation? I have no faith in the long hauler clinics. I feel like they need to be doing generic research as to those that are getting reactions and long haulers in order to determine if they CAN safely get the vaccine.

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