Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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I usually do a lot of physical works very healthy lifestyle. I never had any low iron issues in my life. I don’t drink and smoke and love red meat, and I am 41 years old.
I had my first Pfizer in Feb 2021.
Felt a bit tired, a lot easier compared to the past in March and April 2021.
Had my second Pfizer vaccine at the beginning of May.
The situation was getting worse. I started to cough at the beginning of July. Saw the doctor a few times could find any problems.
Middle August 2021. I started feeling extremely weak. I couldn’t work even walk up to the first floor from the ground floor without stopping and had a rest. My heart was pumping like mad. Therefore I went to the A and E departments. They did all sorts of tests and found my haemoglobin level was only 56 (the average level should be 130-165). They gave me two units of blood transfusion immediately (950ml of blood). And brought the Haemoglobin level to 81, it was still low, but I felt much better immediately. And my cough was gone. The doctor explained because my heart was pumping so hard for such a long time. That’s was the reason for the cough.
They didn’t find internal bleeding or any other issues, and no one could explain why my haemoglobin level was that low. I left The hospital Without any Prescription.

The Pfizer vaccine can cause iron depletion. With that in mind, if you are feeling tired after Vaccine. Highly recommend checking the iron and haemoglobin level. If you have any heart conditions and you do nothing, it can be life-threatening.

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Do people recover well after the infusions?


I am still taking iron supplements....iron and ferritin levels have moved back into the normal range but they are at the very low level within that range. My husband also has low iron—and he is still very tired. I had assumed that it was the result of Covid itself but with all the anecdotal evidence out there, I'm thinking it may just as well been from the vaccine. We both had a Regeneron infusion and I never got the second shot (my husband did). We had Covid in March 2021. I do not plan to get the booster because at this point, I don't know what is worse, the virus or the "cure." Thank you for asking.


I am still taking iron supplements....iron and ferritin levels have moved back into the normal range but they are at the very low level within that range. My husband also has low iron—and he is still very tired. I had assumed that it was the result of Covid itself but with all the anecdotal evidence out there, I'm thinking it may just as well been from the vaccine. We both had a Regeneron infusion and I never got the second shot (my husband did). We had Covid in March 2021. I do not plan to get the booster because at this point, I don't know what is worse, the virus or the "cure." Thank you for asking.

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I hope you both continue to improve, keep us posted and take care.


My daughter was diagnosed with severe anemia and has already had two iron infusions. At the time her blood work came back, her doctor also remarked that her iron levels were also the lowest he had every seen. She had the moderna shots in May. She also has O- blood type.

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Thank you for posting the article. I plan to discuss it further with my daughters doctor.


I need to get the new Immuno-Cov (a neutralizing Antibody Test) from Mayo Clinic's Imanis Life Sciences lab. A week ago I applied for a Mayo appt., but was denied because they are too busy. I live in LA and want a zoom appt., I am not clear on if Zoom appts. are less busy and the receptionist didn't know. I've asked the lab on their site for a list of doctors in LA who use their lab, bit they won't respond because I'm not a doctor. Has anyone been able to get this COVID Antibody test? It's only offered by Mayo's Imanis Life Sciences lab. it's the only test that tells you your LEVEL of immunity, post Vaccine. Has anyone been able to get a Zoom Mayo appt. without first visiting unperson?


I am very interested in this conversation. Here is my story. I had a major heart attack in May of this year. 2021. I had two stents. By august, I was feeling somewhat normal. Definitely not fully normal. I had my first COVID-19 vaccine shot of Moderna on August 20th, 2021. I had my second heart attack on August 29th. I had a third stent put in on Aug 31st. This was a mild heart attack. I felt better immediately. This was the best I felt since before May. I was good enough to resume playing golf and hockey.
On September 21,2021 - I got my second shot of moderna. I felt tired from the shot 1-2 days later. But I never recovered. I finally ended up in the hospital on October 3rd with shortness of breath and chest pain. I thought it was another heart attack. This time I had Anemia. It is now October 14th. Still struggling with Anemia.
The doctors appear to be looking at everything else except the vaccine. I have had a scope down my throat and I have had an echocardiogram. My heart has a murmur but doesn’t appear to be urgent. I am starting to look for other answers, which brought me here. Any help is appreciated.


Are you taking iron now. Did they check your iron. This is a min of 6 months to dig out of the low iron and hemoglobin. It is most likely related to the shot or Covid. Focus on getting iron , B12 and other vitamins ASAP. It’s a long road


Are you taking iron now. Did they check your iron. This is a min of 6 months to dig out of the low iron and hemoglobin. It is most likely related to the shot or Covid. Focus on getting iron , B12 and other vitamins ASAP. It’s a long road

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Thank you. I have not been instructed to take iron. I think the doctors are still looking for the source of the problem. My iron is definitely low. I did not realize that it would take so long to repair my iron levels.


Two weeks after I received the pfizer vaccine, I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I fainted and was then helped back to be by my wife I fainted again and the next morning went to the hospital. I was severely anemic and they told me that if my hemoglobin dropped any more, I would need a transfusion. I was admitted and after my hemoglobin dropped more, I received a blood transfusion. I had never been anemic before and they suspected an intestinal bleed. After having a colonoscopy and endoscopy, I was also given a ph capsule to take pictures of my small bowel. An intestinal bleed was ruled out and I never found out what the cause of the anemia was. I also had numerous cat scans, ultra sounds, and chest xrays.. After leaving the hospital I had numerous blood tests and my rbc and hemoglobin normalized after 6 weeks. However my ferriten was still extremely low, so I was put on iron supplements. After being on iron supplement for 5 months everything is now normal. I am a 69 year old male who works out at least 2 hours each day and I am in great physical shape. Although I am in favor of vaccines, I am now VERY reluctant to get the booster. Until I have an alternate theory of how I suddenly became severely anemic, I will assume it was from the vaccine.



Two weeks after I received the pfizer vaccine, I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I fainted and was then helped back to be by my wife I fainted again and the next morning went to the hospital. I was severely anemic and they told me that if my hemoglobin dropped any more, I would need a transfusion. I was admitted and after my hemoglobin dropped more, I received a blood transfusion. I had never been anemic before and they suspected an intestinal bleed. After having a colonoscopy and endoscopy, I was also given a ph capsule to take pictures of my small bowel. An intestinal bleed was ruled out and I never found out what the cause of the anemia was. I also had numerous cat scans, ultra sounds, and chest xrays.. After leaving the hospital I had numerous blood tests and my rbc and hemoglobin normalized after 6 weeks. However my ferriten was still extremely low, so I was put on iron supplements. After being on iron supplement for 5 months everything is now normal. I am a 69 year old male who works out at least 2 hours each day and I am in great physical shape. Although I am in favor of vaccines, I am now VERY reluctant to get the booster. Until I have an alternate theory of how I suddenly became severely anemic, I will assume it was from the vaccine.


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I also had the exact same reaction. I had a complete physical in April 2021, before changing jobs and all blood work was in normal range. I had the 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine in August and the 2nd on Sept 4. I started noticing fatigue, as it progressed by heart rate was elevated. I went to urgent care and they did an ekg, chest x-ray and blood work. My hemoglobin dropped to 6.8. They also suspected an internal bleed. I went to the emergency room and was given 2 pints of blood. I have never has an issue with anemia before. Nothing in my normal routine has changed. I can only assume it is from the vaccine as well.

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