Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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If you use the search engine Duck Duck go you will find a bunch of statistics and articles about the the COVID vax causing this! This is why the vaccinated cannot donate plasma! Google censors a lot of this.


I got my 2nd Moderna Covid vaccine in Mid February . Also had surgery in March and my hemoglobin was a little low. In May, my hemoglobin was 7.2 HCT 27%, and Ferritin very low. I had surgery in March but was told I lost very little blood and my anemia definitely were not due to blood loss during surgery. Numbers going back up due to iron supplement, but worried cause getting booster tomorrow at CVS (yes, they are giving full strength Moderna 3rd shots here in California)

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No!! Please don’t!
If you use the search engine Duck Duck go you will find a bunch of statistics and articles about the the COVID vax causing this! This is why the vaccinated cannot donate plasma! Google censors a lot of this.


My daughter is 32 years old, had been a very healthy mom and had the Moderna vaccine in May. She was diagnosed as severely anemic in August after months of being extremely fatigued. Her iron levels were 4%! We did not connect this to the vaccine, initially, because she had the shot in May. Yesterday, I watched a prominent cardiologist give a talk and he warned that anemia caused by PNH was a possible result of the shots. I did some research and found a study. Because i am a newly registered member, I am not eligible to post the link. Here is the title of the study. COVID-19 vaccines induce severe hemolysis in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. I found it in Ash Publications, Volume 137, Issue 26
July 1 2021. If you google it, I am sure you can pull the article.
It uses a lot of medical terminology but as I understand it, it suggests indeed that all these people including my daughter could be experiencing an adverse reaction to the shots. Your thoughts?


My daughters iron never went back up either with iron supplements. The only thing it went up with is a blood transfusion. She will start iron infusions next week. I am hoping it goes up further. The lowest her hemoglobin got was 5.8 which is not good. Her folate levels were the lowest the hematologist has ever seen. She has O- blood type. I'd be interested to know if there is anything that is common in those on this commentary.

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My daughter was diagnosed with severe anemia and has already had two iron infusions. At the time her blood work came back, her doctor also remarked that her iron levels were also the lowest he had every seen. She had the moderna shots in May. She also has O- blood type.


My daughter is 32 years old, had been a very healthy mom and had the Moderna vaccine in May. She was diagnosed as severely anemic in August after months of being extremely fatigued. Her iron levels were 4%! We did not connect this to the vaccine, initially, because she had the shot in May. Yesterday, I watched a prominent cardiologist give a talk and he warned that anemia caused by PNH was a possible result of the shots. I did some research and found a study. Because i am a newly registered member, I am not eligible to post the link. Here is the title of the study. COVID-19 vaccines induce severe hemolysis in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. I found it in Ash Publications, Volume 137, Issue 26
July 1 2021. If you google it, I am sure you can pull the article.
It uses a lot of medical terminology but as I understand it, it suggests indeed that all these people including my daughter could be experiencing an adverse reaction to the shots. Your thoughts?

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Hi kvdp, welcome. I noticed that you wished to post a URL to a resource with your post. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe. Clearly the link you wanted to post is not spam. Please allow me to post it for you.
- COVID-19 vaccines induce severe hemolysis in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

This article presents case studies of 4 patients with a pre-existing condition called paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH). Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare acquired, life-threatening disease of the blood. The disease is characterized by destruction of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia), blood clots (thrombosis), and impaired bone marrow function (not making enough of the three blood components).

In these patients, it appears that the vaccine may induce worsening anemia.

Kvdp, does your daughter have PNH? How are doctors treating her low iron levels?


I am new here. I found this link after searching for low ferritin. I felt well after the first dose of vaccine. After the second, I became extremely tired. I have had anemia on and off for years. My anemia has been much worse before but my ferritin levels have never been any where near this low before, they are a 3. Since there are several people here with the same issue, can't the monitors report this to the CDC? I had the Pfizer vaccine.

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Hi Kaswick2 how are you at the moment? A family member is having a similar problem with iron levels.


Hi, all my numbers plummeted, iron, iron saturation and all my CBC’s. I got the CBC’s to come up, but am struggling with the iron. After the next blood test, I will request an iron infusion. I am so tired..

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Hope you are feeling better.


Yes. My husband has never had any history of anemia or low iron. He received the Pfizer vaccine in March. He began feeling more tired over the next two months. He saw his physician and she suspected some type of internal bleeding based on the blood test, He had an upper and lower endoscopy. No internal bleeding was found. They are going to try the camera endoscopy next week. We don't think this is going to reveal anything. His iron, ferritin and red blood cell count is extremely low. The only change in has been receiving the vaccine.

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I hope your husband is feeling better, a family member is reporting the same issue i.e. feeling very tired with low iron levels.


My 82-year-old mother received both doses of the Moderna vaccine in April. A couple/few weeks ago she was throwing up, nausea, severe fatigue and shortness of breath because of the fluid around her lungs as she had a lot of fluid retention (swollen midsection, legs and feet). When they tested her they found the iron level in her blood was very low. This has never been a problem in the past and she's always taken a multi with Iron. They looked for any internal bleeding to be a possible cause and found none. They looked at her heart and found nothing new there. They prescribed an Iron supplement and diuretics to shed the excess fluid. It works off and on. If she gets out and about too much her legs and feet start swelling up again and her Iron level is still low. The vaccination was not my first thought, but then I seeing/hearing about vaccine and blood iron levels, and I now see there is some of that here on the Mayo site. And it seems to be happening in people who have had the Pfizer vaccine and the mRNA vaccines. This needs to be researched.

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A family member is reporting the same problem, how is your mother now?


I, too, at 75 years of age, have never had an anemia or RBC problem. One or two months after one Moderna vaccination, actually getting CoVid and a Regeneron infusion, I noticed that my hair, in addition to getting extremely thin, had gotten dry, brittle, and began breaking off, one to two inches from my scalp. Had my iron checked and the iron was below the normal range and ferritin was so low that it was just about out of range as well, on the low side. Doctor put me on iron pills but to this date, five months later, I don't see any improvement. I have not yet had the level of iron in my blood re-checked. I believe this is either related to having had the virus or the vaccination.

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A family member is reporting the same thing, how are you at the moment?

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