COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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@amybeau, hello. I got my Pfizers in Dec/Jan. I quickly (within a week) began having burning sensations in my hands and feet (which to a lesser extent might also pop up just about anywhere on my body), weak feeling in right lower leg, and a little later (about 2 weeks) mild intermittent twitching in right leg and foot. I also get other strange sensations in my legs and feet, hard to explain. And I have the feeling that my whole body is pulsating at times. But very little actual pain thankfully. I underwent just about every neuro diagnostic there is, except for LP. The final consensus is that the inflammation from already existing spinal problems and nerve impingement in my lower back were intensified by the vaccine. I knew I had lower back and neck issues because I have degenerative joint disease. However to go from only experiencing localized pain to these other symptoms in my leg and throughout the rest of my body was shocking, to say the least. It has been a very dark time for me and one in which I have at times been convinced that I have some ominous motor neuron disease. Here I am nearly 9 months later, and just in the last couple of months I feel I’ve seen a big improvement in the leg weakness and twitching. The burning and other sensations are still with me for the most part. What I’ve done: tried to become more active. Al my life I’ve been pretty fit and active until about the last 2 years. I have been getting cardio workouts that don’t hurt my back and resumed yoga at least once a week. I don’t eat a special diet just try to basically eat healthy, although at different times throughout this ordeal I have tried cutting out sugar, carbs, gluten and alcohol and nothing had any effect. I take meloxicam (NSAID for my back), multi vitamins, turmeric, magnesium and ALA daily. A few times per week I’ll also take extra B complex and D vitamins. About every other night I take appr .25 mg clonazepam to help sleep & muscle relaxation. I have on 2 different occasions tried to take Cymbalta and I simply cannot tolerate it. I wish I could because it had a really good effect on my back pain! However I am apparently what’s classified as a poor metabolizer and I have lots of trouble with certain meds. My neuro has mentioned gabapentin a few times but I’m just not going there. So overall, I guess I am improved in some respects and unchanged in others. Thankfully I no longer feel I have something that is going to kill or cripple me. I wish this hadn’t happened but if it doesn’t get any worse I can certainly live with it. Hope my story was helpful and best wishes to you.

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Thank you for sharing your experience, sounds VERY SIMILAR to my story, and seems you have had same thoughts that I do.
I guess all these symptoms are post covid?
I'm 2 1/2months post covid, I too had, and have, the bruising and nerve issues, including DDD in spine and neck, tingling, numbness, in hands, arms and legs (seems to come and go, changing intensity. As you said, difficult to explain precisely. Im on Mobic too, (I know Cymbalta well, Gabapenton too.) I was precovid diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I also had head pressure and Vertigo seeing ENT first time today.
Hard to keep calm and patient when you're dealing with chronic pain and anxiety and the stress with these symptoms.
BTW, I had Moderna vaccine. No one wants to points blame of my symptoms POST-COVID to the vaccine but the virus itself. I was sick day 21 AFTER SECOND vaccine.
Keeping fingers crossed for answers.


Today marks 5 months since my 2nd Moderna shot. Neuropathy that began right after has not gotten any better with time, but the opposite. Have been to the neurologist 3 times now, had all the testing and labs. All negative, no nerve damage. Doctors still refuses to blame vaccine or prior Covid for any of this. I am 53 with no prior health issues. The burning and numbness in feet and toes has slowly progressed up my ankles and calves. I now have same in wrists and starting in my fingers. I have constant feeling of stepping on rocks under balls of my feet when I walk. Also a feeling of tingling in my left ear and nostril. Constant sneezing. Sometimes feeling of something crawling on my right arm and leg, always in the same area. Doctor now says he thinks I have restless leg syndrome????? Put me on meds for that. Makes my legs heavy at night, but burning doesn’t go away. I don’t think this is RLS. Anyway, 5 months and not getting any better. My hope is dwindling as my quality of life slowing diminishing. Doctor makes me feel like I’m crazy. My husband is a neuro radiologist, thank God he sees me everyday and sees what I have been experiencing and let’s me know it’s not all in my head. Thinking I want to get tested for MS. Wish I lived in an area with better healthcare resources. I’m very pro vaccine, but will not be getting any boosters.


I began having numbness and tingling after a Covid vaccine? Has anyone experienced the same symptoms and how long did this last?

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Mine lasted 3 months . Every week that went by was a little bit better but it was still scary . My doctor suggested I stay away from alcohol and any other foods/drink that cause inflation .


I totally support you, am sorry for what you are experiencing, and understand your feelings. I posted early on and since then have read post after post about those of us with similar experiences. We might differ in exact symptoms or history but we are the same - we had the vaccine and then we had neuropathy - either a flare or a new experience altogether. My symptoms subsided after two months, but then resurfaced and have continued on and off since then. I have received no acknowledgement that this is vaccine related and even though I begged - I couldn't get a round of steroids just to see if it would help. i want to believe that in the future there will be full acknowledgement of this adverse effect but more importantly there will be help for us that are affected. Surely, a protocol can be developed. If there was something more I could do to further this cause, other than report it, I would. In the meanwhile, we need to recognize and support each other in any way possible. If it wasn't for the posts here, I would have thought I was totally alone.

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I developed peripheral nerve issues after my first Moderna shot. My doctor refuses to believe that the shot is to blame. He is testing me for auto immune issues. I was feeling all alone too! Not getting the second shot, at least for now.


I also have peripheral neuropathy that increased after my 1st Moderna vaccine. I am due my second tomorrow and am really scared to get it! I have a lot of pain in my left foot and the feeling that I am constantly wearing socks on both feet. I have been with children in a classroom setting since August and have not been sick once with any illness this year. No social distancing with 5 year olds! They wear mask also except for lunch time. Have to make a decision and an on the fence!

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How are you now?


How are you now?

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Much better. Over the months it has slowly gone back to normal!


I developed peripheral nerve issues after my first Moderna shot. My doctor refuses to believe that the shot is to blame. He is testing me for auto immune issues. I was feeling all alone too! Not getting the second shot, at least for now.

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I have three autoimmune diseases, I have autoimmune disease caused neuropathy. When I got the vaccines my neuropathy increased significantly. My neurologist said that it was probably an autoimmune reaction to the vaccine.


Hi there. I'm sorry to hear your situation. Doctors are gradually figuring things out but it's probably not PEG, which can cause instant allergic reactions, and is the reason you have to wait 15 mins after injection. It's more likely because the spike protein (the thing the vaccine actually makes) remains in your body for several weeks after vaccination. In some cases this causes neuropathy, which feels like burning, because the spike protein can get attached to peripheral nerves, which the body reacts to. In rare cases, this can also lead to autoimmune reactions where the body attacks its own nerves. This typically leads to a numb feeling. There aren't any tried and tested solutions yet but in the meantime I suggest trying bromelain. It helped me. It is thought to potentially snip the spike protein, maybe making it less reactionary and helping the body to remove it. Unfortunately, we're all lab rats at the moment but getting covid without being vaccinated might be a lot worse.

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My son, 34 years, had the 2nd Pfizer injection in May. In July, he complained of tingling in both hands, both legs from the knees to toes. No pain, but sometimes feels weakness and fatigue in these affected areas. MRIs of head, cervical and lumbar are negative as was the EMG/NCV of his legs. Lab work was all negative. The neurologist cannot explain the symptoms, but states he wouldn’t rule out that it may be related to injection. It is now Oct and he says the symptoms are unchanged. I’m greatful that they have not worsened. Any recommendations are appreciated. Has anyone recovered from the symptoms?


I never had any type of Neuropathy symptoms prior to getting the Moderna shot on 3/29/21. Several days later I started experiencing the tingling in the feet and hands. I felt like the symptoms were subsiding and at the advice of my general doctor got the second shot on 4/26/21. Symptoms became more pronounced after the second shot with burning sensations in feet and hands and numbness in fingertips and toes. I went to see a neurologist and he diagnosed me with Small Fiber Neuropathy. I also found out at my appointment that I cannot feel cold temperatures in portions of my feet and ankles. This started out as annoying but has turned into slightly painful. However, it's not debilitating. I was hoping after four months it would go away or subside some. No luck. I chose not to medicate this as it is tolerable. However, I am very concerned on getting a booster shot when that need arises.

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You are experiencing the similar symptoms as my 34 year old son. He is 4 months post 2nd Pfizer injection and had had no changes in the tingling of both hands and feet to knees. Are you better? If so, what treatment worked? God bless you


My son, 34 years, had the 2nd Pfizer injection in May. In July, he complained of tingling in both hands, both legs from the knees to toes. No pain, but sometimes feels weakness and fatigue in these affected areas. MRIs of head, cervical and lumbar are negative as was the EMG/NCV of his legs. Lab work was all negative. The neurologist cannot explain the symptoms, but states he wouldn’t rule out that it may be related to injection. It is now Oct and he says the symptoms are unchanged. I’m greatful that they have not worsened. Any recommendations are appreciated. Has anyone recovered from the symptoms?

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@dag10 your son’s symptoms sound quite similar to mine. I am now almost 9 months out from 2nd Pfizer and am experiencing very slight improvement. I have tried so many things such as dietary changes without any real effect. I do take a few supplements and vitamins but I think more than anything the passage of time is the biggest thing giving me slow improvement. I am just so grateful it isn’t worse and doesn’t really keep me from doing what I want and need to do. But it has been an extremely frustrating and at times frightening experience. Best wishes for your son!

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