Nervousness and Worry

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Jan 13, 2019

Does anyone have these problems? How do you handle it?

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Yes. 'Why can't you just get over it?' is a painful response. 'We all have problems.' is another one. Yeah, but you don't have illness from it.


It's a disease that isn't visible much of the time so it “doesnt really count.”


The human spirit is truly amazing.


I’ve recently added Wellbutrin to my Citalopram and I’m doing better too. I would like to take only one med though. But the thought of getting off this to try that is scary.

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I was on Duloxitine & Wellbutrin for a good while then my PCP thought I should try to get down to one med. That actually worked for quite a few years but the past political climate had a very negative impact on me. After days of tears she put me back on Wellbutrin & I am as well as I except to be.


I was on Duloxitine & Wellbutrin for a good while then my PCP thought I should try to get down to one med. That actually worked for quite a few years but the past political climate had a very negative impact on me. After days of tears she put me back on Wellbutrin & I am as well as I except to be.

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@marionwilhelm Brave you. Sticking with it and getting what you need. I guess there will always be a need for adjustment. I say that a lot more easily than I experience it. I'm so grateful to be able to share the difficulties we all face. As my mom used to say, Courage Camille!


Anxiety can control your life. It can
limit what you do, what you hope to achieve, interpersonal relationships & so on. And because there are are no overt signs a sufferer may be viewed as a slacker, someone who does not try or worst of all, “why can't you just get over it?”

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So true.


Yes. 'Why can't you just get over it?' is a painful response. 'We all have problems.' is another one. Yeah, but you don't have illness from it.

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How long will it take until people realize this is a disease and should be treated and approached as such ? There are so many physical symptoms associated with this as with other "accepted" diseases.


It's a disease that isn't visible much of the time so it “doesnt really count.”

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This attitude makes it so much harder for us to heal.


This attitude makes it so much harder for us to heal.

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And to be understood. I am *not* a slacker. I don’t want to take to the bed. I’m not lazy, in fact I’m quite the opposite.


And to be understood. I am *not* a slacker. I don’t want to take to the bed. I’m not lazy, in fact I’m quite the opposite.

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People don't realize how paralyzed we can get. I go and sit on my patio every day and sometimes for 15 hours at a time, just unable to move. Things don't get done that need to be taken care of but I just freeze. Afraid to move. I am not a slacker either but the fear of leaving my "safe space" is greater than trying to function.

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