Nervousness and Worry

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Jan 13, 2019

Does anyone have these problems? How do you handle it?

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I have been taking Cymbalta for many years, maybe 20 years. I have also tried Wellbutrin in the past and it made me too anxious. Recently Cymbalta became less effective so my doc added Wellbutrin to augment Cymbalta. I have now tapered off the Cymbalta and am only taking the Wellbutrin and feel a little more anxiety but also more energy. I am only taking 100mg extended release. Hoping that at this low dose I will not be so anxious as I do like the energy. Seems like I had to drop the Cymbalta to get this effect.

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I'm on Cymbalta & Wellbutrin & they work pretty well for me. I think my anxiety is now too ingrained to change much. I can live with it at this point.


That's funny. I'm with you on that! LOL

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I didn't realize how many others feel the same way.
But of course the that's how anxiety operates. It wants you to think that you & you alone are the big bonehead in the room.


I sure do recognise what you are saying about going out to eat alone. When I was in my early 20s my anxiety got severe enough that I was afraid to walk across the restaurant to go to the ladies room.
My family was incredibly disfunctional and for 5 years or so I would get so nervous around them that I had immediate vomiting. I have thrown up in my hand, in the ocean, in a napkin,etc. Anxiety has so many components but my best trick is deep breathing.

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Too many people, (including family and friends) do not realize how debilitating anxiety can be. It robs us of quality of life and can last years. My anxiety is so bad that it has caused me chronic pain as well. It can really destroy your health emotionally and physically. I wish people that just don't "get it" could walk in our shoes for just ten minutes. As I always say, I pray for all who suffer.


I didn't realize how many others feel the same way.
But of course the that's how anxiety operates. It wants you to think that you & you alone are the big bonehead in the room.

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Yes, and knowing that we are not alone in our nervousness/anxiety will hopefully allow us to not be so hard on ourselves. Right?! Mayo Clinic Connect is a wonderful place to talk out what our problem is, and see that others have come up with some solutions to help.


Yes, and knowing that we are not alone in our nervousness/anxiety will hopefully allow us to not be so hard on ourselves. Right?! Mayo Clinic Connect is a wonderful place to talk out what our problem is, and see that others have come up with some solutions to help.

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It is a comfortable place to hear other’s stories. And to share your own.


It is a comfortable place to hear other’s stories. And to share your own.

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Yes. I get comfort and validation that I’m not just a weirdo. I’m an introvert and there are a lot of us. I am a writer and I need a lot of time to get my work done. And this writing and learning from others is better (for me) than talk therapy.

I’d never knock talk therapy in all it’s different forms. I understand Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is wonderful. I don’t know how it works.

If there’s anyone in this group who has experienced or is familiar with CBT, I would like to hear back. Thx all.


I'm on Cymbalta & Wellbutrin & they work pretty well for me. I think my anxiety is now too ingrained to change much. I can live with it at this point.

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I’ve recently added Wellbutrin to my Citalopram and I’m doing better too. I would like to take only one med though. But the thought of getting off this to try that is scary.


I didn't realize how many others feel the same way.
But of course the that's how anxiety operates. It wants you to think that you & you alone are the big bonehead in the room.

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I’m pretty good at dealing with the public. I worked in a call center for Adult Protective Services and really liked the work. Of course I was burned out after 10 years. But I helped people get services and was very appreciated for the empathy I offered. Now I’m retired and many of those calls contribute to my short stories. Facts are never divulged. It’s the incredible human spirit I like to explore.


I have been taking Cymbalta for many years, maybe 20 years. I have also tried Wellbutrin in the past and it made me too anxious. Recently Cymbalta became less effective so my doc added Wellbutrin to augment Cymbalta. I have now tapered off the Cymbalta and am only taking the Wellbutrin and feel a little more anxiety but also more energy. I am only taking 100mg extended release. Hoping that at this low dose I will not be so anxious as I do like the energy. Seems like I had to drop the Cymbalta to get this effect.

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I wish you success with your meds adjustments. It’s a brave step. I’m taking Citalopram with Wellbutrin and am seeing results also.


Too many people, (including family and friends) do not realize how debilitating anxiety can be. It robs us of quality of life and can last years. My anxiety is so bad that it has caused me chronic pain as well. It can really destroy your health emotionally and physically. I wish people that just don't "get it" could walk in our shoes for just ten minutes. As I always say, I pray for all who suffer.

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Anxiety can control your life. It can
limit what you do, what you hope to achieve, interpersonal relationships & so on. And because there are are no overt signs a sufferer may be viewed as a slacker, someone who does not try or worst of all, “why can't you just get over it?”

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