COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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That’s wonderful! I was wondering how many mg you took each day. I am now 5 months out since my vaccine and unfortunately my pain did not subside. In fact it has intensified and spread. It may be too late to work for me but who knows. I’m going to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

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500 mg (1000 GDU) x3 per day.


Hi, and sorry for my english, it's not my mother tongue.
I was floxed with Cipro nearly four years ago, and my tendons have never returned the same.
After my first Pfizer shot, I've had a bad neuropathy on both hands and fingers (never experienced before) and I thought it could be connected with the flox. Perhaps something in my floxed cells is not working as it should do.
The neuropathy is not over (4 weeks have passed): I'm taking some supplements and the pain is better, but my hands are still suffering.
Wednesday I'll have my second Pfizer shot and I'm concerned...

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I hope your second shot went well with no worsening of your neuropathy.


It seems AZ and J&J vaccines give worse side-effects than Pf or Mod. However all have been linked with exacerbating PN. In my case, my PN got much worse after my 2nd Pf dose. Originally my PN was from an ADR to Cipro, like some others in this forum. After a week of significant pain, I did research and found that Bromelain (the pineapple enzyme) snips the covid spike protein, potentially attenuating symptoms (I would provide the link to the paper but this website won't let me). As vaccines are basically the spike protein, I took bromelain x3 per day and after just 3 days my PN got much better and is now almost gone. Of course, it may have got better by itself anyway... Maybe others in this forum with worsened PN after vaccination can try replicate the same result?

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Bought some on my way home this evening. Here's hoping...

Everything about this neuropathy is weird. With the gabapentin, the soles of my feet no longer burn, but the tingling and numbness are still there. My calves almost always feel like they're swaddled or compressed by something. My fingertips have electric like tingling in them. I can no longer wear my rings because my finger joints are swollen.

It's all just so weird. I'm 7 months post vax now and am afraid to stop the gabapentin to see if it's working or not. I don't want this stuff to come back with a vengeance, but I also want to know if it's waning on its own.

I also kind of want to go ahead and get my booster to see if it's simply aging that's causing this or if it is, in fact, the vaccine. At the same time I dread getting the booster because I don't want to exacerbate the condition.

Again, just weird stuff.


I also saw an interesting YouTube video of Dr. Brandon Beaber, neurologist, who was talking about some of the side effects he's seen from the vax. At the end of his video, he talks about a patient he consulted and discussed with the doctor of a patient (he didn't actually treat the patient) who developed, after the Pfizet vaccine, Transverse Myelitis. This sounded suspiciously like what I'm experiencing.

I still haven't had any more blood work done. I work in a pharmacy. You can only imagine how busy we are with all this Covid stuff. It's crazy!

I will be talking with my doctor next week about getting some additional blood work done targeting the suggestions y'all have made. (Thanks for all of the useful tips.)


Bought some on my way home this evening. Here's hoping...

Everything about this neuropathy is weird. With the gabapentin, the soles of my feet no longer burn, but the tingling and numbness are still there. My calves almost always feel like they're swaddled or compressed by something. My fingertips have electric like tingling in them. I can no longer wear my rings because my finger joints are swollen.

It's all just so weird. I'm 7 months post vax now and am afraid to stop the gabapentin to see if it's working or not. I don't want this stuff to come back with a vengeance, but I also want to know if it's waning on its own.

I also kind of want to go ahead and get my booster to see if it's simply aging that's causing this or if it is, in fact, the vaccine. At the same time I dread getting the booster because I don't want to exacerbate the condition.

Again, just weird stuff.

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I was told the neuropathy was brought on by having chemotherapy. My oncologist said it should go away. I did my own research and it said it might go away in 3to 5 months after my last treatment. It has now been 3 months. I ordered a supplement for it. Nervasure4 I 'very been taking 1 capsule a day for 9 days only. There are 60 in a bottle. Take one 20 minutes before eating.


I also saw an interesting YouTube video of Dr. Brandon Beaber, neurologist, who was talking about some of the side effects he's seen from the vax. At the end of his video, he talks about a patient he consulted and discussed with the doctor of a patient (he didn't actually treat the patient) who developed, after the Pfizet vaccine, Transverse Myelitis. This sounded suspiciously like what I'm experiencing.

I still haven't had any more blood work done. I work in a pharmacy. You can only imagine how busy we are with all this Covid stuff. It's crazy!

I will be talking with my doctor next week about getting some additional blood work done targeting the suggestions y'all have made. (Thanks for all of the useful tips.)

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Thank you for posting this. I posted in this discussion last February after my neuropathy became significantly worse following the first Pfizer shot I received. Because I’m a transplant recipient, I went ahead and got the second shot. Again, my neuropathy increased.

I only started having neuropathy symptoms late last year. I had my first appointment with a neurologist shortly after my second shot. My neurologist thought my neuropathy was caused by a new autoimmune disease (I already have two, previously diagnosed). Labs confirmed this.

He also told me that he wasn’t surprised that I had such a reaction to the vaccines, as such reactions apparently occurred after other vaccinations as well. Needless to say, even though a booster is recommended for immunocompromised people, I won’t be running out to get one! Which is really too bad as I’m very supportive of the need for people to be vaccinated in order for this pandemic to end.


I didn’t have neuropathy before the shot and after second shot day three neuropathy in my right leg, foot and hand. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten this stupid shot. I have enough health issues and now this.

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Hi bcsurvivor2, I'm in the same boat as you, I got the first shot of Moderna on August 25, 2021 at 3pm. At 8pm I started having kidney pain. I had kidney and back pain for 10 days. My pain seemed to be in 2 places, my kidneys and RIGHT buttock. The kidney pain seemed to come and go, but my RIGHT buttock was constent. I went to the ER because I didn't feel right. I ended up having elevated White Blood Cell count (11.4) and a trace of blood in my urine. The doctor said that wasn't high enough for a kidney infection so he gave me an MRI. The MRI said I had a 2mm kidney stone in my LEFT kidney. The doctor didn't know why the pain was on my right when the stone was on the left, he gave me FloMax for the kidney stone and sent me home. Its been 5 days since the ER and the pain has increased immensly in my RIGHT buttock and it's shooting down my leg. I've never had nerve pain but t feels like nerve pain, it's a constant, shooting, sharp pain.

I tell you all this because I'm wondering your story, did you have any problems with the first shot? And how are you since you posted this? My whole family is vaccinated and had no problems. I was a hold-out on the vaccination because I don't like putting anything foreign in my body. I am scared to death of getting the second shot, I probably won't get it.


I’m a 36yo male, healthy and physically active w/no prior history of neuropathy.
On 4/21 I received my first dose of the Moderna vaccine in my right arm and within two minutes had a vasovagal reaction—tingling in my underarm, flush feeling face and stiffness and tingling in my upper lips. That mostly subsided within 30 minutes as the dull arm pain set in. Over the next 7 days my arm pain intensified some and moved up my shoulder and down my triceps and into my elbow.
4/28 I awoke with numbness and tingling in my pointer and middle finger of my shot (right) arm in addition to the arm pain and neck and shoulder muscle tightness.
5/8 Arm pain and finger numbness still present, I did some yard work which exacerbated the arm pain, and at this point it was the first day I recognized the pain as a specific intense nerve pain from my shoulder, down my triceps, across my forearm and into my pointer and middle fingers. From this point on the nerve pain and finger numbness/tingling persisted and included intermittent cold forearm/fingers.
5/11 Met with my primary physician who diagnosed me with cervical radiculopathy (C7) as cause for the specific finger numbness without any prior trauma. Prescribed physical therapy, prednisolone and flexeril.
5/12 Had a massage w/aroma therapy, cryotherapy, and cupping. Provided some relaxation, but no change in nerve pain or symptoms.
5/14 First day of PT; neck and arms stretches, neck traction and nerve glides
5/17 Completed Medrol dose pack, steroids seemingly had no effect. Flexeril at night helped relax neck and shoulder muscles a bit.
5/20 (Today) Still have numbness and tingling in my pointer and middle fingers with specific nerve pain down my triceps, elbow, across forearm and into my two fingers that intensifies with activity and at night. Intermittent cold sensation in right hand, underarm inflammation and tenderness, and general weakness of right hand and arm. My 2nd dose is scheduled for tomorrow and given my reaction to the first, I don’t think I’ll be getting it. At this point I’m not concerned with when these symptoms resolve but if they ever resolve.

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Hi , its september, curious if your symptoms have gotten better?
I am experiencing the same , i got my first dose 08/20 and am having neuropathy issues, its been 3 weeks.


could it be sciatica shooting down your leg.

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