Does Stem Cell Therapy work for Neuropathy?

Posted by jlsoerens @jlsoerens, Jun 13, 2018

Does Mayo Clinic use stem cell therapy for neuropathic issues? Have any of you tried stem cell therapy?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


Hello @qvt, Welcome to Connect, an online community where patients and caregivers share their experiences, find support and exchange information with others. There is another discussion on this topic that you may want to read through the posts and learn what others have shared. I have idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy and would love it if regenerative medicine had some solutions for neuropathy but I don't believe the science is there yet.

-- Stem Cell Therapy for Neuropathy:

I shared a post in that discussion with links to a couple of articles on the status but it's from 2015-2016 ---

You might also find the following discussion helpful to learn what other members with neuropathy have shared helps them.
-- Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?:

If I may ask, what symptoms do you have with your neuropathy and what kind of treatments have you tried?

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John, the regimen of vitamins you take, how long did it take for you to notice a difference?


John, the regimen of vitamins you take, how long did it take for you to notice a difference?

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Everyone one is different but for me, I noticed a difference after 2 months but others have noticed within a week or two and others a lot longer. I think it depends on a lot of different factors. Here's a post by a member from the UK who had tried everything else and it was about 3 months for him -


Everyone one is different but for me, I noticed a difference after 2 months but others have noticed within a week or two and others a lot longer. I think it depends on a lot of different factors. Here's a post by a member from the UK who had tried everything else and it was about 3 months for him -

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When you started the protocol were you on other meds or had you tried meds and if so what did you try?


When you started the protocol were you on other meds or had you tried meds and if so what did you try?

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Nope, I have no pain with my neuropathy, just numbness and tingling and there are no drugs that help with either of those symptoms.


This post will be more of comfort info that has helped me. It won't work all the time as my SFN can be a moving target. For my feet I found wrapping 3 inch Cohesive Bandage, Self Adherent Medical Tape around the arch seems to ground the sensations. Items sold for the arch either have a seam or arch padding which irritates me. With the tape I choose how tight I want it and it is seamless. When it feels like things are crawling on my legs I found that a pair of pantyhose calms the feeling. Not the sheer type but more of the all day support. Not compression style. Hope this helps someone!


Nope, I have no pain with my neuropathy, just numbness and tingling and there are no drugs that help with either of those symptoms.

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I also have no pain, just numbness and tingling. I am currently trying pregabalin which seems to be helping. Time will tell.


Hello @don261, Welcome to Connect, an online community where patients and caregivers share their experiences, find support and exchange information with others. Many of us have wasted a lot of money on suspect treatments. It falls back on each of us to do our own research before signing up for expensive treatments with no real science or clinical trials behind them. Here are a couple of references you might find helpful for evaluating treatments.

The International Society for Stem Cell Research has created a take-along PDF handbook with information to help you and your family make informed decisions about stem cell treatments.

NIH's National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) which offers guidance about integrative health and how to evaluate it.

Are you able to share a little more about your diagnosis and any other treatments you have tried?

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I did stem cell therapy on leg and it didn't help.


Hello @jlsoerens -- Welcome to Connect. I have no medical training or background but I've not read any breaking news about the use of stem cell therapy for neuropathy. I did a search and could not find any posts related to anyone who has tried it. However I did find an interesting article on using stem cell therapy to treat arthritis.

Mayo Clinic finds surprising results on first-ever test of stem cell therapy to treat arthritis

You might want to post your question in the following group where there are a lot of members with many different treatment experiences:
Groups > Neuropathy > Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

@jlsoerens may I ask what your neuropathy diagnosis is? Are you able to share what type of treatments you have tried? I have idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy but only have numbness in both legs and feet. I do not have any sharp pains that go with it.

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I have the same but a lot of pain in my feet when I walk. I have been sent for physical therapy but otherwise nothing. I use THC to sleep at night and it helps with the pain.


Years ago I tries stem cell therapy for my neuropathy in my feet. The only thing it did was reduce my bank account by about $9,000.


Hello @bchbych48, Thank you for the private message. I thought I would respond to you in this discussion (Does Stem Cell Therapy work for Neuropathy?) so that you can read the experiences shared by other members who have tried or looked into stem cell treatment for neuropathy. I referrenced this discussion in a reply to your first post but I'm not sure you saw it.

You mentioned having increasing burning pain and equilibrium problems and haven't had any help from the doctors or 6 different neurologists you've seen. @julkun, @jimbeams21524, @don261 and others have mentioned stem cell therapy wasn't helpful. I mentioned my thoughts on stem cell treatment in a post earlier in this discussion here -

Neuropathy can definitely affect equilibrium and cause balance problems. I have balance issues too and have learned to do the senior shuffle quite well, especially during the winter months 🙂 The following article has some exercises to help with balance - Exercises for Peripheral Neuropathy:

Here's some information that might be helpful if you look into stem cell treatment -- The International Society for Stem Cell Research has created a take-along PDF handbook with information to help you and your family make informed decisions about stem cell treatments.

Have you done any research on other complementary or integrative treatments like those listed on the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy here? -

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