Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.

I went to the mall yesterday and bought a new recliner and then far will all walk around the mall where it’s nice and cool. On my first walk around I passed the sees candy store up hard hard as it was but on the second pass by an uncontrollable overwhelming force overcame me And forced me in and so I bought my lunch at the candy store. Now that’s what I call a good meal. Perhaps not the most nutritious. So then I started to continue my walk and right across the way what is a chocolate chip cookie store. How much will power can any one person be expected to have. But somehow I managed to pass it by although I did stand there and salivate for a while and gave serious thought about going in but I didn’t. I walked 1.5 miles and walked up & down 6 flights of stairs. I joined the gym but fortunately my application hasn’t been approved yet. Nice to know some medical conditions are helpful at times.


I went to the mall yesterday and bought a new recliner and then far will all walk around the mall where it’s nice and cool. On my first walk around I passed the sees candy store up hard hard as it was but on the second pass by an uncontrollable overwhelming force overcame me And forced me in and so I bought my lunch at the candy store. Now that’s what I call a good meal. Perhaps not the most nutritious. So then I started to continue my walk and right across the way what is a chocolate chip cookie store. How much will power can any one person be expected to have. But somehow I managed to pass it by although I did stand there and salivate for a while and gave serious thought about going in but I didn’t. I walked 1.5 miles and walked up & down 6 flights of stairs. I joined the gym but fortunately my application hasn’t been approved yet. Nice to know some medical conditions are helpful at times.

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😂🤣😂 Did that chocolate contain nuts? I’m sure with all that walking you were probably exhausted, with blood sugar waning! So of course you had no other option than to get that chocolate! Don’t be so hard on yourself, Jake. LOL.


I went to the mall yesterday and bought a new recliner and then far will all walk around the mall where it’s nice and cool. On my first walk around I passed the sees candy store up hard hard as it was but on the second pass by an uncontrollable overwhelming force overcame me And forced me in and so I bought my lunch at the candy store. Now that’s what I call a good meal. Perhaps not the most nutritious. So then I started to continue my walk and right across the way what is a chocolate chip cookie store. How much will power can any one person be expected to have. But somehow I managed to pass it by although I did stand there and salivate for a while and gave serious thought about going in but I didn’t. I walked 1.5 miles and walked up & down 6 flights of stairs. I joined the gym but fortunately my application hasn’t been approved yet. Nice to know some medical conditions are helpful at times.

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So you were half good or half bad depending on your point of view. That's a good walk for you. Enjoy the recliner. Why do you need an application for a gym?

FL Mary


😂🤣😂 Did that chocolate contain nuts? I’m sure with all that walking you were probably exhausted, with blood sugar waning! So of course you had no other option than to get that chocolate! Don’t be so hard on yourself, Jake. LOL.

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Definitely, at least some of it dt did.


So you were half good or half bad depending on your point of view. That's a good walk for you. Enjoy the recliner. Why do you need an application for a gym?

FL Mary

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Well actually it wasn't an application I guess but I checked the a couple medical things and was told the manager would call me which didn’t happen. Turns out he didn’t know what he was doing. I called today and I can come anytime. now I just have to figure out how to be too busy to go. I suppose I could go and just use the sauna or maybe if push comes to shove the pool. But I shouldn’t be in the pool.


Well actually it wasn't an application I guess but I checked the a couple medical things and was told the manager would call me which didn’t happen. Turns out he didn’t know what he was doing. I called today and I can come anytime. now I just have to figure out how to be too busy to go. I suppose I could go and just use the sauna or maybe if push comes to shove the pool. But I shouldn’t be in the pool.

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We have 2 people in my class with walkers and one with a cane who do what they can. Joe our instructor is really good with them and gives them alternate exercises while the rest of us are on the routine ones.

Is there anyone who you could speak to privately in management who could advise you of possible machines (sitting) or use of weights. If you shouldn’t be in the pool then don’t use it. What will a sauna do for you? You can pay for a temporary trainer or, as was the case with me, a trainer was assigned to me to show me the ropes for 3 days and it was included in the fee.

Don’t sign a contract…is this covered by your insurance? Gyms are social…half the fun and can be addictive. People are generally very helpful and willing to show you the proper use of something and staff is suppose to help.

FL Mary



We have 2 people in my class with walkers and one with a cane who do what they can. Joe our instructor is really good with them and gives them alternate exercises while the rest of us are on the routine ones.

Is there anyone who you could speak to privately in management who could advise you of possible machines (sitting) or use of weights. If you shouldn’t be in the pool then don’t use it. What will a sauna do for you? You can pay for a temporary trainer or, as was the case with me, a trainer was assigned to me to show me the ropes for 3 days and it was included in the fee.

Don’t sign a contract…is this covered by your insurance? Gyms are social…half the fun and can be addictive. People are generally very helpful and willing to show you the proper use of something and staff is suppose to help.

FL Mary

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Yes, there are people I could talk to but the problem is they might have me using them if I do, probably best to keep quiet.


Yes, there are people I could talk to but the problem is they might have me using them if I do, probably best to keep quiet.

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Jake, I think you are looking for excuses. 😉 -although the you might consider a chocolate treat as a reward!


Aiy yi yi....forget the gym....just hang at the mall..people will get to know you....
..probably the candy store people more than anyone else.
Going to Orlando Saturday to stay with 2 of my grandsons and the 2 dogs...they have to fly home from vacation early because of summer jobs so I will be walking the 2 dogs twice a day..should get all my steps in. And I am only 5 minutes away from my favorite Italian restaurant where the best octopus is.
Will LYK how it was. They have such unique stores in the area so more walking ...yay

FL Mary


Aiy yi yi....forget the gym....just hang at the mall..people will get to know you....
..probably the candy store people more than anyone else.
Going to Orlando Saturday to stay with 2 of my grandsons and the 2 dogs...they have to fly home from vacation early because of summer jobs so I will be walking the 2 dogs twice a day..should get all my steps in. And I am only 5 minutes away from my favorite Italian restaurant where the best octopus is.
Will LYK how it was. They have such unique stores in the area so more walking ...yay

FL Mary

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“And I am only 5 minutes away from my favorite Italian restaurant where the best octopus is.
Will LYK how it was.”
Lucky me. No pictures please!
Just remember to walk the dogs outside and not into the oven or a pot!
Every time you talk about devouring an octopus I remember the cute octopus at the Seattle aquarium and how he changed color and texture. I hope you never visit in aquarium a zoo or go on an African safari. The only things that have a chance of survival would be the snakes and bugs. I think I’m still safe, I don’t believe you’re into cannibalism yet.

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