Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


I am so sorry this sinus infection has laid you so low.Glad they got an exact id of the bug so they can try to knock it out. When I get it in my lungs it also takes quite a while to treat.

And I am glad you have a friend able to help talk through some of your planning issues in real time. Such a hard thing, especially when you add your son's needs to the mix. Perhaps there I a way for him to get into a rental near an assisted living/senior living place for you.

Life is going along here-had a short camping vacation and the opportunity to spend time with dear friends and family, but glad to be home and indoors as the fires have made our air quality "the worst on record". Masks all the time outdoors here now, and with rising Covid numbers, in shops, etc too. Got to keep those unvaccinated littles safe!

Sending healing thoughts and hugs to you.

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My dear Sue, you are remarkable! Look what you do....camping! My goodness, you constantly amaze.
Bless you and those precious lungs...Elizabeth


“And I am only 5 minutes away from my favorite Italian restaurant where the best octopus is.
Will LYK how it was.”
Lucky me. No pictures please!
Just remember to walk the dogs outside and not into the oven or a pot!
Every time you talk about devouring an octopus I remember the cute octopus at the Seattle aquarium and how he changed color and texture. I hope you never visit in aquarium a zoo or go on an African safari. The only things that have a chance of survival would be the snakes and bugs. I think I’m still safe, I don’t believe you’re into cannibalism yet.

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We had pizza and octopus last night but there was only two of us so there is a piece left over. Little disappointed in the texture this time as it was a little chewier than normal Last time I had it here it was perfectly tender. But I read if you microwave it the next day it breaks down the fibers and becomes more tender so I am going to have it again…lucky me.Still tastes like steak tidbits though. Their pizzas are just like the ones I remember from NY.

Did you say no pictures or pictures …forgot.

FL Mary



We had pizza and octopus last night but there was only two of us so there is a piece left over. Little disappointed in the texture this time as it was a little chewier than normal Last time I had it here it was perfectly tender. But I read if you microwave it the next day it breaks down the fibers and becomes more tender so I am going to have it again…lucky me.Still tastes like steak tidbits though. Their pizzas are just like the ones I remember from NY.

Did you say no pictures or pictures …forgot.

FL Mary

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I was going to say
My stomach was churning just reading about it. I wont go into all the gruesome details of what happened when I saw the picture. I was going to say that is the grossest thing I ever saw but knowing you I don't dare!!!

Oh well, I reckon if a person can choke down dark chocolate their taste buds were obviously defective from the get go and will eat anything.


Aw poor Leonard. I just had a mini dark chocolate peanut butter cup after dinner. And yes reheated octopus is a little more tender. Sit down you’ll get over it. Promise no more pictures but that pizza was outstanding.

FL Mary


Aw poor Leonard. I just had a mini dark chocolate peanut butter cup after dinner. And yes reheated octopus is a little more tender. Sit down you’ll get over it. Promise no more pictures but that pizza was outstanding.

FL Mary

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I wouldn't mind a dark chocolate peanut butter cup either. The peanut butter compensates for the dark chocolate.
I won't get over it very soon. Although a candy bar will greatly ease my discomfort but what kind? One of each should do the job with a mini ice cream or two.



We had pizza and octopus last night but there was only two of us so there is a piece left over. Little disappointed in the texture this time as it was a little chewier than normal Last time I had it here it was perfectly tender. But I read if you microwave it the next day it breaks down the fibers and becomes more tender so I am going to have it again…lucky me.Still tastes like steak tidbits though. Their pizzas are just like the ones I remember from NY.

Did you say no pictures or pictures …forgot.

FL Mary

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my vote is with @jakedduck1 , no photos of that octopus please.... how about a photo of the dark chocolate peanut butter cup 🙂


my vote is with @jakedduck1 , no photos of that octopus please.... how about a photo of the dark chocolate peanut butter cup 🙂

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Has anyone had a good walk lately? We too the opportunity of our regular Monday "a venture" with our littles to take a 2 mile walk to and from the "big park" to use the big playground. Look what who found along the way! These guys made it all the way there and played for a half hour with only a few short piggy back rides on the way back. Boy, were they ready for a snack and a rest when we got back.
Best walk in a long time.


Has anyone had a good walk lately? We too the opportunity of our regular Monday "a venture" with our littles to take a 2 mile walk to and from the "big park" to use the big playground. Look what who found along the way! These guys made it all the way there and played for a half hour with only a few short piggy back rides on the way back. Boy, were they ready for a snack and a rest when we got back.
Best walk in a long time.

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@sueinmnm, and all....Precious! How adorable and so happy, so full of mischief and fun! Wonder, does soe of that come from Grandmother Sue? Bet it does....thanks for the share, Sounds like a good day. elizabeth


Has anyone had a good walk lately? We too the opportunity of our regular Monday "a venture" with our littles to take a 2 mile walk to and from the "big park" to use the big playground. Look what who found along the way! These guys made it all the way there and played for a half hour with only a few short piggy back rides on the way back. Boy, were they ready for a snack and a rest when we got back.
Best walk in a long time.

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Your little grandsons are sooooo cute, Sue!! They look like they had a blast! I know you did. ☺️


Your little grandsons are sooooo cute, Sue!! They look like they had a blast! I know you did. ☺️

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Thanks Lori - They wore us out! We both had a little snooze after lunch. I'm going to miss our "a ventures" when school starts next month.

The colorful hats are from Mexico - we have such fun choosing new ones twice a year, and they wear them everywhere - even lost one off the paddleboard into the lake this summer. The little one repeatedly settles his onto his head like a ballplayer...we hardly ever see his eyes.

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