Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


We’ve arrived home safe and sound. You do the same!! I’m thrilled to hear you have a trusty friend going with you! This is a huge relief as honestly, it’s difficult when we become like family and our members are so far away…we can’t personally help!!

I’m giggling at the mental view of the walker parade!! Love it! Cars have no other option than to stop for you!! Strut your stuff, ladies! 😘

Joking aside, I do hope this isn’t too laborious of an effort for you and that you can get the bite plate to fit properly. They do need adjustment from time to time. (Dental Assistant, Lori speaking).

Bless your dining staff for catering to your needs! Wishing you well! Lori

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@loribmt and @sueinmn And my pedometer says I walked a total of 454 steps. Not too impressive, but at least it's a start toward my walking regime. Maybe tomorrow?


We’ve arrived home safe and sound. You do the same!! I’m thrilled to hear you have a trusty friend going with you! This is a huge relief as honestly, it’s difficult when we become like family and our members are so far away…we can’t personally help!!

I’m giggling at the mental view of the walker parade!! Love it! Cars have no other option than to stop for you!! Strut your stuff, ladies! 😘

Joking aside, I do hope this isn’t too laborious of an effort for you and that you can get the bite plate to fit properly. They do need adjustment from time to time. (Dental Assistant, Lori speaking).

Bless your dining staff for catering to your needs! Wishing you well! Lori

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@loribmt and @sueinmn And my pedometer says I walked 454 steps. Not too impressive but at least it's a start toward resuming my walker regime. Maybe tomorrow? And @jakedduck1 Does this count as a "walk"?


@loribmt and @sueinmn And my pedometer says I walked a total of 454 steps. Not too impressive, but at least it's a start toward my walking regime. Maybe tomorrow?

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Hi Laurie,
That sounds impressive to me.
I just checked and it says I walked 25 steps today & 6 yesterday. I forget to put it in my pocket.
Hope all went well today.


Hi Laurie,
That sounds impressive to me.
I just checked and it says I walked 25 steps today & 6 yesterday. I forget to put it in my pocket.
Hope all went well today.

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@jakedduck1 Jake, you brightened my day. I beat you at something, and it wasn't just eating candy! 🤣 Things went very well today, and thanks for asking. Laur


@loribmt and @sueinmn And my pedometer says I walked 454 steps. Not too impressive but at least it's a start toward resuming my walker regime. Maybe tomorrow? And @jakedduck1 Does this count as a "walk"?

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Sounds like a walk compared to my recorded steps. Like the therapist says “any movement helps” so it sounds like your batting 100 to me. Although batting 100 isn't very good. So let's say your batting 500.
Get well soon, My birthday is coming up in 32 years (100th)
You’ll have to celebrate without me though I would hate to live that long. I am a mess now I’d hate to see me at 100.
Take care,


Sounds like a walk compared to my recorded steps. Like the therapist says “any movement helps” so it sounds like your batting 100 to me. Although batting 100 isn't very good. So let's say your batting 500.
Get well soon, My birthday is coming up in 32 years (100th)
You’ll have to celebrate without me though I would hate to live that long. I am a mess now I’d hate to see me at 100.
Take care,

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@jakedduck1 I don't think I'm gonna make your 100th birthday party either, Jake. My 86th is coming up this month, and at the rate I'm going I'll be lucky to make it to my 87th!! 🤣
Who wants to live that long anyway? When I was young and mobile I used to say I wanted to live to be 97 and then renegotiate! 😉


@loribmt and @sueinmn And my pedometer says I walked a total of 454 steps. Not too impressive, but at least it's a start toward my walking regime. Maybe tomorrow?

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@artist01 That’s awesome, Laurie!! It sure does count as a walk and it’s very impressive since you just ditched your wheel chair and haven’t been feeling well lately! I’d say that was a victory walk today!!

The response from the dentist and her assistant reminds me of experiences with our great patients. I miss the camaraderie! I’m happy you had a good experience. And, that you were able to have an uneventful, yet successful adventure today! ☺️ Rest up now!


@jakedduck1 Jake, you brightened my day. I beat you at something, and it wasn't just eating candy! 🤣 Things went very well today, and thanks for asking. Laur

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@jakedduck1 Jake, you brightened my day. I beat you at something, and it wasn't just eating candy! 🤣 Things went very well today, and thanks for asking. Laur

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I doubt anyone could beat me at eating sweets. The greatest health food ever, at least for me.
No high blood pressure, not over weight, no heart disease, excellent cholesterol levels, blood sugar level great. If I get diabetes though I'm a goner for sure. Remember, it is what it is but that doesn't mean you can't change it. Inch by inch you know!


@artist01 That’s awesome, Laurie!! It sure does count as a walk and it’s very impressive since you just ditched your wheel chair and haven’t been feeling well lately! I’d say that was a victory walk today!!

The response from the dentist and her assistant reminds me of experiences with our great patients. I miss the camaraderie! I’m happy you had a good experience. And, that you were able to have an uneventful, yet successful adventure today! ☺️ Rest up now!

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@loribmt Aw, Lori, you always know just what to say to boost our sagging spirits up to the sky! Thanks a bunch. And you rest up too, Ms. City Slicker.

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