Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Didn’t get much walking in today. I didn’t want the dog (or me) out in the heat! Just a short one on a shady, wooded path. I think I’ve come to terms with no long walks anymore. Well I’ll wait until winter again. Guess I could go to Walmart and walk big circles inside!

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I see less walkers out in my neck of the woods here in hot steamy Florida. I have been getting up around 5:30 to head out the door before 6 for my 2.5 mile walk. Some days it’s just too much humidity
to deal with and I turn back earlier. It’s exhausting.

I bought a Galaxy Watch Active which I love so far. My goal is 10,000 daily steps. It’s easier to get to that with a morning walk especially on gym class day but I find often my self walking in circles around the house to get my golden sneaker award for that day. The watch is a great motivator and I have 2 hour reminders on it to get moving.
@jakedduck1 I usually park farther away from stores also. It’s great that all the people here have walking on their mind even if you aren’t able to get much in on a particular day.

Here in Florida we have to watch for pop up storms..hurricane and rainy season here now. Last week I wound up walking back in a drizzly rain…gotta look to the skies!

Even if you can’t walk on a particular day any sort of activity or movement throughout the day is beneficial….get up and stretch. If I don’t stretch throughout the day I feel like a dried up rubber band.

FL Mary where we do humidity real well.


I'm afraid it's not exactly walking - I have been spending anywhere from 3-8 hours working in the yard and garden. I have averaged 4 - 5 miles a day without leaving my yard. Today I. got crazy and dipped my toe into the garage, which hasn't been thoroughly cleaned since our daughter's wedding here 7 years ago. I filled the big trash can, moved rarely used tools to a shed, cleared one shelf [and figured out there are 27 more to do!) and cleaned the floor.
Then I was rewarded with a gathering of gardening friends, homemade pizza and wine - the first in over a year and a half.

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@sueinmn Hi Sue. Holy crow, did you have any "spoons" left after all that? I admire what you can do!


Hello, all. Becky, @becsbuddy, I do that a lot actually, how I get in most of my walking for several months. I've told you about my walks at Mayo w/my hot pink walker through the inside corridors, connecting 3 main buildings, lined with huge wall windows and beautiful artwork, wide and carpeted and comfy with lots of folks pleasant and helpful if I need it....beautiful walking, comfortable w/ac, huge plants, the outside coming in through the huge windows, and the artwork that's so lovely.

In fact, I even got an unexpected walk in today, against my wishes as well. I had a nuclear stress test scheduled at 12:50pm. I arrived just on time, at the wrong building. I walked to the next desk, which I thought was correct. Wrong desk. I had to walk to the connected building....parked at Mayo Building, walked to other end of Mayo Building, then walked to the next building, Davis. Got there, I had an Atkins smoothie for breakfast with some yogurt and blueberries, since I hadn't had anything to eat since dinner last night and couldn't eat much and no caffeine anything. Well, pooh...the smoothie was a chocolate flavor and all chocolate has caffiene. So, I had to cancel the test! What a day. I really need this test asap to get closer to understanding what's happening with my heart and body right now....so, will be there tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. No smoothie.....just ate dinner I brought home from Mayo cafeteria, soooooo delicious. Baked salmon, with carrots and cauliflower. Green tea and chocolate pudding for desert...all from the Mayo cafe. I brought home food for tomorrow as well.

I had to walk back from the Davis building to the Mayo building where my car was parked. So, I got in quite a good, long walk today, unexpectedly and unwanted, didn't feel like it, but very pleasant and good for me.

Jake, @jakedduck1, got my chocolate in for the day! Have some for tomorrow as well. Exhausted, but now well fed and with delicious and healthy food from Mayo cafeteria. All in all, I'd say a good day. And, the nurse at the nuclear test area had a chance to tell me some other things she wants me to do for tomorrow, for my lungs to survive the stress and such.

It's 7 in the evening here, I'm beat and have to get up early. Had shower this morning...no shower tomorrow, so they get me as I am this time! But, I'll be so thankful to be there, to get this appt the next day -they worked me in somehow...Thankful for so much. Blessings to you all and may you enjoy your walking, no matter where or when or how you get it in. Be thankful we can still walk! elizabeth

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@ess77 WOW just wow! You put me to shame! You are amazing! I did walk this morning, though. It felt good. A friend is coming over today to help me clean out and start downsizing. I’ll get lots of arm exercise!


I see less walkers out in my neck of the woods here in hot steamy Florida. I have been getting up around 5:30 to head out the door before 6 for my 2.5 mile walk. Some days it’s just too much humidity
to deal with and I turn back earlier. It’s exhausting.

I bought a Galaxy Watch Active which I love so far. My goal is 10,000 daily steps. It’s easier to get to that with a morning walk especially on gym class day but I find often my self walking in circles around the house to get my golden sneaker award for that day. The watch is a great motivator and I have 2 hour reminders on it to get moving.
@jakedduck1 I usually park farther away from stores also. It’s great that all the people here have walking on their mind even if you aren’t able to get much in on a particular day.

Here in Florida we have to watch for pop up storms..hurricane and rainy season here now. Last week I wound up walking back in a drizzly rain…gotta look to the skies!

Even if you can’t walk on a particular day any sort of activity or movement throughout the day is beneficial….get up and stretch. If I don’t stretch throughout the day I feel like a dried up rubber band.

FL Mary where we do humidity real well.

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@imallears ALL of you are so amazing! Such inspiration!


@imallears ALL of you are so amazing! Such inspiration!

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@becsbuddy , @imallears , @sueinmn , @artist01 , @gingerw, @jakedduck1 and all.....
Amen and amen! Becky, every person on this site is remarkable...look at what each one is dealing with in his/own lives, yet each one spends time and energy reaching out to others they've never even seen. Amazing is right!
And, to think of what you all do to help yourselves be better, feel better, live better....Also Amazing. You have each in her/his own way helped me personally and I want to officially thank you. Mary of Florida, the humidity is horrid....I live north of you, you live in hotter more humid Florida territory, yet you walk 2.5 miles daily. I don't know how you can do that. I can't take a breath in our rainy and hot season. My lungs shut down, so to do what you do is impossible and yet, you are an inspiration.
Sue, you're a monster worker, pusher, gardener, friend, organizer, mover, helper....Thanks for all you do for others, and for those of us you don't know but help so much. My only gripe with you is I feel lazy and incompetent when I see your accomplishments. You are a wild woman with so much talent.
I'll hit everyone else next message.

Had a busy day today, at Mayo. On the treadmill after shot of radioactive isotope or whatever...walked a whole 4.5 minutes! at an extremely slow pace. Of course, had trouble breathing, which is just what they want you to do, so I did fine. Not a fun walk for the day, but I did get a few steps in today.

Plan to begin walking again at the mall now we are 'maskless' and can be around other folks. And, will begin my wonderful pool soon. Largely, due to you folks and your influence.
Thank you all.
bless you as you walk each day. elizabeth



Your accolades mean a lot to all of us. It uplifts us when people say we inspire them. So great to have positive influences all around you. You have the right mindset and that is half the battle.
Your cheering section would like to hear of your ongoing progress. So help us all feel better about ourselves by reporting in and we can pat ourselves on the back for having a hand in that.

It’s starting to rain here more often in the evenings and at night which makes for slightly more tolerable early mornings but I can understand anyone with breathing problems having a hard time in this climate….. very similar to trying to breathe in frigid dry air. Some days you feel like you are walking out into a wall of humid. The heat in Vegas , where my parents lived, literally took my breath away when it was over a 100.

Regards from FL Mary



Your accolades mean a lot to all of us. It uplifts us when people say we inspire them. So great to have positive influences all around you. You have the right mindset and that is half the battle.
Your cheering section would like to hear of your ongoing progress. So help us all feel better about ourselves by reporting in and we can pat ourselves on the back for having a hand in that.

It’s starting to rain here more often in the evenings and at night which makes for slightly more tolerable early mornings but I can understand anyone with breathing problems having a hard time in this climate….. very similar to trying to breathe in frigid dry air. Some days you feel like you are walking out into a wall of humid. The heat in Vegas , where my parents lived, literally took my breath away when it was over a 100.

Regards from FL Mary

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Hello, Mary. Yes, my breathing is adversely affected by the heavy, humid tropical weather, by icy cold weather, or heat like in Vegas - 110 degrees years ago when I was there for a week. I came sooooo close to a heat stroke just by walking to another hotel for shopping. I had a time that week.

Same thing happened the summer I spent as a college student in Estes Park, Colorado. Loved that place, but couldn't do anything that took me up more than a couple of feet above the YMCA Conference Center, up in the mountains. No hiking, limited walking or I couldn't breath. Yuck! Interesting, I didn't officially develop asthma until age 35...must have had it earlier

I'm realizing this isn't directly related to age! I never thought about that, have been associating much of my lung stuff with aging. Its not! It's been with me most of my life, I just didn't recognize it, went on about my business, played lots of tennis, ran, played golf, very active. At sea level. I got asthma at 35. Sarcoid hit my lungs at age 40. Since, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Severe obstructive sleep apnea and nightly bi-pap. Truly progressive.

Mary....you helped me just now better understand all this. I called a few minutes ago to the sleep doc at Mayo to find out if we can change the bi-pap settings to give me more air in my lungs at night. My O2 level at home stay around 91-94, 95. Rarely higher. In ED and hospital, mid-high 90's. Maybe she can help increase those numbers? Which I believe will help the heart issues as well.

I'm now having constant lung issues- asthma every day now, so I'm using Symbicort daily and Ventolin as needed. Singulair, for years, sinus meds often, Flonase at night, another nasal spray daytime. Steroids help a lot. It's worse and constant now, but, I will get in better condition by walking....at Mayo inside, at the mall, wherever I can breath.

I just called the YMCA that has the therapy pool with Brooks Rehab. The Y may not reopen the pool and only be run for physical therapy. So, tomorrow I'm getting a prescription for PT at the therapy pool. I'm desperate to get going again and get healthier.

I will share with you folks and look forward to sharing about walking in the pool!
Bless you on your walks and always. elizabeth



Your accolades mean a lot to all of us. It uplifts us when people say we inspire them. So great to have positive influences all around you. You have the right mindset and that is half the battle.
Your cheering section would like to hear of your ongoing progress. So help us all feel better about ourselves by reporting in and we can pat ourselves on the back for having a hand in that.

It’s starting to rain here more often in the evenings and at night which makes for slightly more tolerable early mornings but I can understand anyone with breathing problems having a hard time in this climate….. very similar to trying to breathe in frigid dry air. Some days you feel like you are walking out into a wall of humid. The heat in Vegas , where my parents lived, literally took my breath away when it was over a 100.

Regards from FL Mary

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Jiminy crickets 2 1/2 miles.
Although I’m not going to give you credit for your restaurant menu choices I must give you credit for your walking. Excellent job but I think I would wait for one of those hurricanes to come along and blow me back home.
I feel so old and decrepit compared to you as far as our walking goes, you have me beat hands-down but I'm going to catch up and surpass you. But that’s what happens when you read a sedimentary lifestyle for too long. I only walked a mile and a half today but wondered if I was going to make it home before I crash landed in someone’s yard. I can't believe I use just to swim 5 miles a day and walk at least 10 miles after I couldn't swim anymore.
Have you been to any restaurants recently? It's probably best if I don’t know but my curiosity is winning out over my good sense. I often think about what undigestible concoction you chokeded down. I know I will regret finding out what it was but at least my curiosity will be satisfied.
Suppose to be 108° tomorrow.
it was a mild 106° today. Once it hits 110° or more it gets a bit toasty although I did once pruner ladys hedge when it was 112° but better that than snow, ice and subzero temperatures plus unimaginable wind chill temperatures that some here endure.


Hello, Mary. Yes, my breathing is adversely affected by the heavy, humid tropical weather, by icy cold weather, or heat like in Vegas - 110 degrees years ago when I was there for a week. I came sooooo close to a heat stroke just by walking to another hotel for shopping. I had a time that week.

Same thing happened the summer I spent as a college student in Estes Park, Colorado. Loved that place, but couldn't do anything that took me up more than a couple of feet above the YMCA Conference Center, up in the mountains. No hiking, limited walking or I couldn't breath. Yuck! Interesting, I didn't officially develop asthma until age 35...must have had it earlier

I'm realizing this isn't directly related to age! I never thought about that, have been associating much of my lung stuff with aging. Its not! It's been with me most of my life, I just didn't recognize it, went on about my business, played lots of tennis, ran, played golf, very active. At sea level. I got asthma at 35. Sarcoid hit my lungs at age 40. Since, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Severe obstructive sleep apnea and nightly bi-pap. Truly progressive.

Mary....you helped me just now better understand all this. I called a few minutes ago to the sleep doc at Mayo to find out if we can change the bi-pap settings to give me more air in my lungs at night. My O2 level at home stay around 91-94, 95. Rarely higher. In ED and hospital, mid-high 90's. Maybe she can help increase those numbers? Which I believe will help the heart issues as well.

I'm now having constant lung issues- asthma every day now, so I'm using Symbicort daily and Ventolin as needed. Singulair, for years, sinus meds often, Flonase at night, another nasal spray daytime. Steroids help a lot. It's worse and constant now, but, I will get in better condition by walking....at Mayo inside, at the mall, wherever I can breath.

I just called the YMCA that has the therapy pool with Brooks Rehab. The Y may not reopen the pool and only be run for physical therapy. So, tomorrow I'm getting a prescription for PT at the therapy pool. I'm desperate to get going again and get healthier.

I will share with you folks and look forward to sharing about walking in the pool!
Bless you on your walks and always. elizabeth

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Do you know what your O2 saturation levels are while you're asleep? Have you ever had a sleep study? I'm wondering if they are lower during sleep and if you need oxygen connected to your cpap.


Jiminy crickets 2 1/2 miles.
Although I’m not going to give you credit for your restaurant menu choices I must give you credit for your walking. Excellent job but I think I would wait for one of those hurricanes to come along and blow me back home.
I feel so old and decrepit compared to you as far as our walking goes, you have me beat hands-down but I'm going to catch up and surpass you. But that’s what happens when you read a sedimentary lifestyle for too long. I only walked a mile and a half today but wondered if I was going to make it home before I crash landed in someone’s yard. I can't believe I use just to swim 5 miles a day and walk at least 10 miles after I couldn't swim anymore.
Have you been to any restaurants recently? It's probably best if I don’t know but my curiosity is winning out over my good sense. I often think about what undigestible concoction you chokeded down. I know I will regret finding out what it was but at least my curiosity will be satisfied.
Suppose to be 108° tomorrow.
it was a mild 106° today. Once it hits 110° or more it gets a bit toasty although I did once pruner ladys hedge when it was 112° but better that than snow, ice and subzero temperatures plus unimaginable wind chill temperatures that some here endure.

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I think a mile and a half is great and don’t dwell on what you used to do. Those are hot temps to be walking in. I never swam 1 mile much less 5 miles and have only been this active since I retired 8 years ago. Like everyone I have up and down days. What I like about my new Galaxy watch active is the reminder to get up and move or stretch at a predetermined time intervals that you can select. It’s currently set for 2 hours…originally preset at every 50 minutes which was so annoying. But I do listen…it’s like a personal trainer and a little animated person appears saying “That’s Great” when you’re done.

I have only had “normal” food at the few restaurants I have been to since my birthday dinner but I will let you know after Fathers Day Brunch. Don’t know where we are going yet but I have a yen for Escargot. I do pick up a 1/4 lb of chopped seasoned ahi tuna at Sprouts when they have it. Did I ever tell you of the time I had mashed sheep’s brains? Thought it was mashed potatoes….tasty. People I was with told me to order this strange sounding dish without letting me know what it was….so I did.

Not a bad walk this morning and I managed to do the 2.5….there are days I only do 2 because of the humidity. Met up with some runners and walkers part way so it made the walk go by faster but I was starting to drip swift when I came through the gate.

Keep moving throughout the day even if it is only a stroll into the dungeon and back to the chair.

FL Mary

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