Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


I’m on my way out to run errands. Hope that counts for my walk today. If not don’t tell me.
Remember Laure, inch by inch anythings a cinch. Well maybe not quite a cinch but with perseverance you’ll make it.
Let us know when you enter the marathon.

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@jakedduck1 Hi Jake. Thanks for brightening my day. Inch by inch anything's a cinch - I like that. My marathon is coming up, just about in time for our birthday party. How old was I going to be? 129?
😄 🤣 😂
Your errand run would definitely count for today's walk. X0 Laur


@loribmt Alas, it didn't happen as I planned. 😥 I wish I hadn't posted that previous message. I should have waited, and posted when I had accomplished the plan. Aaarggh. Silly, silly.
I tried. Too dizzy, too much pain, which caused more pain, which caused more dizziness. I know "tomorrow is another day", but DRAT it. I can do this. I've done it many times before. I have to remember the tortoise and the hare. I don't want sympathy, gang. Tune in tomorrow, or maybe the next day. Lol
P.S. The lunch was good! Hugs. Laurie

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@artist01, Please, don't feel bad that your plan did not happen today. I understand that on some days, the body just doesn't want to work, even with your best planning. I know, because our adult son is recovering from a serious accident last August and he is learning to walk again due to spinal cord injury. He plans and thinks thru any activity that he wants to do after practicing in PT, and on some days it just does not work for him. It is disappointing for him when that happens, and then on some days, the legs will cooperate. Spinal cord doctor told him early on that this would happen. For him, it is not pain but exhaustion from the mental and and the physical effort.

Your attitude is terrific (reminds me of our son!) who says he IS going to get thru this. And you will too. Glad that you enjoyed the lunch.
I'm sending gentle hugs.


@loribmt Alas, it didn't happen as I planned. 😥 I wish I hadn't posted that previous message. I should have waited, and posted when I had accomplished the plan. Aaarggh. Silly, silly.
I tried. Too dizzy, too much pain, which caused more pain, which caused more dizziness. I know "tomorrow is another day", but DRAT it. I can do this. I've done it many times before. I have to remember the tortoise and the hare. I don't want sympathy, gang. Tune in tomorrow, or maybe the next day. Lol
P.S. The lunch was good! Hugs. Laurie

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Hang in there my friend. Sometimes the body just has a mind of its own. Walking again will happen when it's time.


@loribmt Alas, it didn't happen as I planned. 😥 I wish I hadn't posted that previous message. I should have waited, and posted when I had accomplished the plan. Aaarggh. Silly, silly.
I tried. Too dizzy, too much pain, which caused more pain, which caused more dizziness. I know "tomorrow is another day", but DRAT it. I can do this. I've done it many times before. I have to remember the tortoise and the hare. I don't want sympathy, gang. Tune in tomorrow, or maybe the next day. Lol
P.S. The lunch was good! Hugs. Laurie

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@artist01 You are doing a great job! Just wanting to move and trying are big goals! Imagine if you just sat there and didn’t even try, you’d really be mad at yourself. You always give me inspiration! My walking has really slowed down because of the heat. 100 degrees just isn’t my kind of walking weather! Sure wish we could walk together—well, virtually at least. Becky


Yay! An official walk! When my Mom was rehabbing from one of her many setbacks, we used to follow her and her walker with the wheelchair - "just in case" - she staged her comebacks over and over and amazed us all - you are so determined I have no doubt you will get back on your feet as well.

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@sueinmn Bravo for your Mom, Sue. I know you must have been very proud of her.
They call me The Comeback Kid around here, for all the same reasons. Lol.
My mom used to say "Patience is a virtue...and we all since have lost our virtue." 😄
I'll be at it again tomorrow. Thanks so much for your encouragement, Sue.


@artist01 You are doing a great job! Just wanting to move and trying are big goals! Imagine if you just sat there and didn’t even try, you’d really be mad at yourself. You always give me inspiration! My walking has really slowed down because of the heat. 100 degrees just isn’t my kind of walking weather! Sure wish we could walk together—well, virtually at least. Becky

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@becsbuddy Hi Becky. I sure would LOVE to walk with you, but since you are suffering a heat wave just now, how about a nice cool virtual walk in my rain forest area? But bring a virtual umbrella and maybe a virtual jacket and hat! We've been having cool, rainy weather lately. Hugs, Laurie


Laurie! It’s ok to plan and not accomplish what you set out to do!
The fact that you do inspire to get beyond the wheelchair means you have not given up hope! Trite but true…tomorrow IS another day; an opportunity for a fresh start. And another day stronger! The end goal was ultimately lunch and you achieved that!! ☺️ I’m glad it was good!

Your body has gone through a lot of trauma the past few months and it’s taken it’s toll…sapped your energy and left you drained.
I’ve had my share of days like that, when my only goal was standing for 30 seconds unassisted (though a gait belt was around my waist, just in case) I know sympathy is the last thing you want but do accept the empathy and commiseration we all feel for you as you keep giving it your all to persevere!
Fondly, Lori 😘

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@loribmt Hello again Lori. You always know the right thing to say, dear friend. Thankyou for your message. I commend you for all that you've been through, and I sure do remember the gait belt and the 30 second stand-up goal too.
Today I feel like my "get up and go got up and went". A bit down and defeated, I gotta' say. I know that many of us here have been there before and I can and will beat it again! I know I'll be a new person with a new goal tomorrow, or, ...er, maybe the next day. Lol
Fondly back atcha! Laurie


@rosemarya Thankyou for that great message, Rosemary. Give your brave son a hug from me. You must be so proud to see him fighting that courageous battle toward regaining his mobility. Aren't sons awesome! I have three of them, and they bring me so much joy. I'm very lucky to be blessed with such a super-supportive family!
Loved your gentle hugs. X0 Laurie


Beautiful day to walk in the garden

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Those are pretty flowers.
Whoa, wish I walked that far. To bad accomplishments are so much harder than wishing.
I love blue and purple in a yard. I had a beautiful blue shrub but I got carried away trimming it and so now it’s history.
Happy trails,


@sueinmn Bravo for your Mom, Sue. I know you must have been very proud of her.
They call me The Comeback Kid around here, for all the same reasons. Lol.
My mom used to say "Patience is a virtue...and we all since have lost our virtue." 😄
I'll be at it again tomorrow. Thanks so much for your encouragement, Sue.

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Sometimes the attitude backfires. My daughter is in a cast after a fall, a gnarly fracture (surgeon's words) and surgery, but determined to be independent. Yesterday she confessed to being in a lot of pain after insisting on doing a number of things without help this weekend. She now has a very clear understanding of "no lifting " ...today is a little better, but I don't know if I can handle 6 or more weeks of her in the cast. And she's a trauma nurse!

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