To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That is the question.

Posted by silverwoman @silverwoman, Jan 4, 2021

<p>I know I am not the only post-transplant patient who is thinking about getting the coVID vaccination. My nurse coordinator has told me that the transplant team at Jacksonville has not approved vaccination yet because of the lack of experience with it for our group. One of the Infectious Disease doctors has indicated in a Mayo communication that transplants should be getting vaccinated. The nurse coordinator has said that if we choose to get vaccinated then we should do our laboratories once a week. I'm frustrated and confused by the lack of clear guidance and seemingly conflicting opinions. Is anybody else feeling like this? Have you made any decisions about when and if you will get vaccinated?</p>

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Thank you for asking! It’s been a short but intense journey from being a perfectly healthy individual to being diagnosed with stage 3 liver cirrhosis in July 2019, followed in October with finding out the cirrhosis was caused by PBC. Then almost bleeding to death twice due to bursting varices, having the TIPS procedure, and then in early August getting on the transplant waiting list. It was truly a blessing to receive my new liver on August 20.

My energy is good these days, although I’m struggling with gaining weight...still only weighing in at 104 (5.5 ft. tall). I have tremendous muscle and joint aches (possibly drug side effects?), I have pretty bad tremors, and my right leg is numb (not sure why...side-effects? probably have to see a neurologist). Liver enzymes fluctuate some between normal range and being elevated, but except for a very low platelet count most of the other blood indicators are good. I’m eating healthy, being good to my liver, walking regularly, taking my meds as directed, and trying to remain upbeat despite being isolated and unemployed. All things considered I’d give it a “not bad!”

I’d love to hear from others how they progressed post transplant.

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@athenalee, I want to invite you to join myself and other liver transplant recipients. Here are a couple of discussions to get you started:
Simply click on the blue link, and you will be taken directly to the discussion where you can ask your question so that our liver transplant members will see it.
- Liver transplant support group

- Transplant anti-rejection medications. What's your advice?


I am dropping in to check up on all of you transplant members. I hope that you are all doing well as you make your decisions and/or appointments for the Covid-19 vaccine. From what I am reading and hearing, the distribution is ramping up in some areas, and it is problematic in others. Those are the realities of the pandemic and a 1st time vaccine with a massive distribution agenda.
Anyway, I was on 3 different waiting lists, and am happy to report that I did get my 'invitation' to schedule an appointment! I feel a terrific sense of relief as I will be getting my 1st dose on Friday morning! I am somewhat overwhelmed by the fact that I will be going to a center that is administering 1000 per day. My friend, who went to the same site last week, told me that it is a well organized effort and well staffed. I am happy for his supportive comment.

How about you? Have you been scheduled? How did your appointment go? Have you reported to your transplant center that you have received your vaccine, yet?


I am dropping in to check up on all of you transplant members. I hope that you are all doing well as you make your decisions and/or appointments for the Covid-19 vaccine. From what I am reading and hearing, the distribution is ramping up in some areas, and it is problematic in others. Those are the realities of the pandemic and a 1st time vaccine with a massive distribution agenda.
Anyway, I was on 3 different waiting lists, and am happy to report that I did get my 'invitation' to schedule an appointment! I feel a terrific sense of relief as I will be getting my 1st dose on Friday morning! I am somewhat overwhelmed by the fact that I will be going to a center that is administering 1000 per day. My friend, who went to the same site last week, told me that it is a well organized effort and well staffed. I am happy for his supportive comment.

How about you? Have you been scheduled? How did your appointment go? Have you reported to your transplant center that you have received your vaccine, yet?

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I had Covid the end of december and am feeling ok. My PCP here said not to get the vaccine until 3 more months. Reasoning was to let my antibodies build up naturally. I have asked Mayo, through the Portal, to what they recommend. To date I have not heard back. Has anyone else heard what is proper to do?


I am dropping in to check up on all of you transplant members. I hope that you are all doing well as you make your decisions and/or appointments for the Covid-19 vaccine. From what I am reading and hearing, the distribution is ramping up in some areas, and it is problematic in others. Those are the realities of the pandemic and a 1st time vaccine with a massive distribution agenda.
Anyway, I was on 3 different waiting lists, and am happy to report that I did get my 'invitation' to schedule an appointment! I feel a terrific sense of relief as I will be getting my 1st dose on Friday morning! I am somewhat overwhelmed by the fact that I will be going to a center that is administering 1000 per day. My friend, who went to the same site last week, told me that it is a well organized effort and well staffed. I am happy for his supportive comment.

How about you? Have you been scheduled? How did your appointment go? Have you reported to your transplant center that you have received your vaccine, yet?

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I had my first shot on January 5th and have an appointment for the second on February 2nd; so I'm feeling quite fortunate. The community center where the vaccines are being given has quite a large area (probably three basketball courts) so social distancing was able to be maintained indoors. Everyone, of course, was masked; so I felt relatively safe. I had a little soreness at the injection site. I've heard that the second shot produced a much bigger reaction and that the doctors recommend not to use any anti-inflammatory to deal with symptoms from the inoculation lest it reduced the production of antibodies. My nurse coordinator has advised labs be drawn a week after each injection; my first set was okay. So, that's my experience, Rosemary. I hope you have smooth going and that everyone can be vaccinated soon so we can put this all behind us.


I had Covid the end of december and am feeling ok. My PCP here said not to get the vaccine until 3 more months. Reasoning was to let my antibodies build up naturally. I have asked Mayo, through the Portal, to what they recommend. To date I have not heard back. Has anyone else heard what is proper to do?

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@jerrynord, this is a commonly asked question.

"I've already had COVID-19, do I still need to get vaccinated."
Dr. Badley provides vaccine guidance for individuals who already been infected with the coronavirus in this video.

Short answer: Yes.
Read on to learn more about the latest vaccine findings from Mayo's expert advisors.


@jerrynord, this is a commonly asked question.

"I've already had COVID-19, do I still need to get vaccinated."
Dr. Badley provides vaccine guidance for individuals who already been infected with the coronavirus in this video.

Short answer: Yes.
Read on to learn more about the latest vaccine findings from Mayo's expert advisors.

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That is the reply I received today from my transplant coordinator.
But I still question how immune I am, say at 2 months. Or 1 month. I do not see how anyone can set a time for everyone. especially now with different strains of Covid.


That is the reply I received today from my transplant coordinator.
But I still question how immune I am, say at 2 months. Or 1 month. I do not see how anyone can set a time for everyone. especially now with different strains of Covid.

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@jerrynord- Are you asking how immune you are after having the vaccine or COVID-19?


@jerrynord- Are you asking how immune you are after having the vaccine or COVID-19?

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Covid-19. For hiw long?


I just received the attached from Lahey. Of course, some of it is specific to Lahey transplant patients. However, I thought the background info might be helpful to others getting the vaccine.

Shared files

COVID-19 vaccination FAQ (COVID-19-vaccination-FAQ.pdf)

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