possible focal/partial or non-convulsive status epilepticus
I have been having lightheadedness now for 2 1/2 hours. I’m wondering if I may be having a Focal Aware seizure. Previously known as a simple partial.
This type of seizure usually only last a couple minutes. If it is in fact a seizure I’m wondering if it’s nonconvulsive status epilepticus.
Has anybody ever had a Focal/partial or any other type of nonconvulsive status epilepticus? Any and all information appreciated.
Anyone have any other ideas?
Thank you for your help,
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Ummm .. I hope you are feeling better Jake???? That is a yukky feeling. Pretty simple... But could you be dehydrated??? I know you will see the doc if you don't start feeling better??? Right??? Jake, please Keep us posted. Thank you Casey.
Jake do you need some help, ie.. 911?
Hello Casey,
No I’m not dehydrated because I donate platelets and plasma tomorrow so three days before that I have to drink a lot of fluids so I’ve been pushing fluids big time awful as they are. if I remember correctly this is similar to what I had a while back and I stop by the neurologist and he said it was focal seizures so I’m just curious if that’s what this is to however this is lasting a lot longer. I think it’s been about three hours now and that’s a very long time for I see you should’ve last. Normal seizures don’t last that long that’s why I’m wondering if it’s status. The scary part is that nonconvulsive status can last months. So I hope it’s not that.
Take care, I appreciate you writing.
I’m not quite sure what to do since I live alone and I have a history of convulsive status epilepticus I just hope this doesn’t turn in to that since it’s a dangerous medical emergency. I think I’ll call my brother and have him call me every so often just to make sure I am conscious.
Jake, I think calling you brother is a positive step but I think you should call 911 or have your brother drive you to the emergency room.
You are a describing a change in symptoms and this should be taken seriously.
Jake- Will you please let us know what you decide to do?
So tough!!! But that's a good idea to make your.brother aware. Lifting you up tonight, again... Please keep us updated.
I’m taking it serious all right but I think it might be a little early to call 911. I called a friend of mine and she’s going to come and spend the night with me so that makes me feel a lot better. at least she can check on me every so often and make sure I didn’t go into convulsive status if this is indeed a seizure.
Thank you guys for being there that means a lot,
Jake, I just appreciate you, you are super knowledgeable & you have a huge heart. Would hate to see you get into trouble. Thank you Casey.
Super knowledgeable? Thanks I needed a laugh.
My friend is here now and I told her to call 911 if I start to convulse just in case it’s Status.
It's been going on for almost 5 hours now.
My blood pressure and heart rate have been up for quite a while which could indicate seizure activity but so could many other things. I guess I need to wise up and stop trying to diagnose myself.