DBT therapy
My therapist is recommending DBT therapy (Dialectic Behavorial Therapy) for depression. Does anyone have any experience with it?
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My therapist is recommending DBT therapy (Dialectic Behavorial Therapy) for depression. Does anyone have any experience with it?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.
Hello @junkartist
I appreciate your post on the topic of DBT therapy. Some time ago, another member started a discussion on this topic. At that time she found it quite helpful. Here is the link to that discussion. Please click on the link and you can read some of the discussions, https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/dialectical-skills/
I would like to tag, @zoobditty, @etreyz07, @micekja @jmgndph @jgl15 @lorrainechavez @suscros68 @rachelanne, @petangelkat1, and @gingerw to join in this conversation as they have also mentioned some interest in this topic.
This description of DBT from mayoclinic.org also may be of interest:
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). DBT includes group and individual therapy designed specifically to treat borderline personality disorder. DBT uses a skills-based approach to teach you how to manage your emotions, tolerate distress and improve relationships.
If you are comfortable sharing more about yourself, @junkartist, how long ago were you diagnosed with depression? Have you tried other therapies?
I have struggled with depression from a very young age - grade school, I'd say. I've done many different types of talk therapy and alternative therapy, group therapy (which I haven't liked) with breaks in between. I've been through a number of different medicines, some mentioned by @herbnj. (Don't know how to tag someone.)
Email, paxsal, Zoloft, Prozac. The most helpful has been Lexapro combined with Welbutrin whic i am taking now. The last two years I've been seeing a CBT therapist with a long break until recently. I've had a number of serious lows in the last three years with a series of fender benders and a couple of family conflicts thrown in.
I haven't been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, but I understand that DBT is also helpful with depression. I would not like to change medicines now since the ones I have work well. I do not want to lose creativity which is the center of my life.
I have found that energy therapy is extremely helpful. (Similar to Reiki)
Hope this is not much more information than you wanted.
@junkartist I have not done DBT work, but it sounds intriguing. Remember, we share here what works for us, and also what doesn't. So, I will be very interested to hear what your experiences are. I wonder why your therapist suggested this new-to-you therapy? In my own experience, the success of therapy and work on yourself seems to be in direct ration to how much effort i put into it, and how ready I am to embrace the possible changes.
Will you let us know how you experience it, please?
Tapering off Clonazapam: painful stomach cramping. Prescriber denies that pain is caused by withdrawal.
Went to ER because of pain. The doctors were great. They understood the pain and took pictures/ xrays? Not sure .. because of pain!
One young doc said he prefers a glass of wine rather than the Clon! He made us all laugh and relax.
The good news is that there is no need for surgery, I should continue with a very low dose of Clon and stay on it until I see the new doctor.
Thank God for this ER staff. I left there full of hope and will see the new recommended doc.
There is always a reason for gratitude!
I thanked them when they made the follow up call 😇
Thank you. It is good to know what works.
My sister profited greatly from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She over came her self-downing and self-pity .....And lost weight. She looks and feels better. She was on medication for a while but I do not know what it was.
I take yoga classes but I have always wanted to try Reiki.
Life is a struggle! You are taking charge. Good for you. I will try to do the same.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT teaches you how your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours influence each other. ... Dialectical behavior therapy or DBT is based on CBT, with greater focus on emotional and social aspects. DBT was developed to help people cope with extreme or unstable emotions and harmful behaviors.( from the internet)
Hello @junkartist,
Not too much information at all! I am intrigued about energy therapy, I'm not familiar with that. I'd like to hear a bit more about it. Do you still use it?
Is your therapist planning on using the DBT in an individual or group setting or perhaps a combination of both?
The therapist has recommended DBT therapist because I have had several emotional łows in the last 2 years due to a family conflict.
@junkartist Please let me know what you decide, and how you are affected by DBT therapy! We're here for you.
Never heard of th I s DBT therapy and would like to hear from others who've tired it and reactions. Thanks.