I don't know, anxiety or something more?

Posted by tmvickery @tmvickery, May 16, 2020

I get.feeling not well, stuffy nose, itchy in back pf my throat, kinda sore/feels like something stuck just in back and i start coughing really bad, to point where i start to gag? It feels like i want to vomit. When all this occurs i get worried/upset and i cant sit, start pacing everywhere and it feels like a full blown anxiety/panic attack and they suck. I dont know whats going on with me i just want to be normal.

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Wasn't one with allergy as I live in dry climate of New Mexico, but that has changed. I now get sneezing, post nasal drip and this choking to point of gagging so much to point of vomiting. Here's a couple of things I did. First, went to see allergist but then went to ear, nose, throat specialist who determined that my throat was developing scar tissue from acid reflux. A procedure to done to open throat via a balloon. It was helpful in my swallowing and adjusted diet to avoid acid reflux. Hopefully some of this information is helpful. Good luck.

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@marjou I have the same problem live in SOCAL I found that the expectorant guaifenesin
in so many cough meds. helps a lot I take it at night . Lemon water cuts phlegm also .

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