Live Transcribe Problem
First, I bought a cheap Android tablet and downloaded Live Transcribe. It worked, but the mic was so weak that it was useless, except for my own voice. I ditched my perfectly good IPhone and switched to an Android (Samsung A20) and downloaded Live Transcribe. I tried it at home with the TV, but most of the time there were no icons at the bottom of the screen, so I couldn't make it start. I did go to "Accessability" and ask to use Live Transcribe, but it still didn't work most of the time. I thought perhaps the mic wasn't strong enough to pick up electronic voices from the TV. Today, I went to a meeting of 10 people and fired up Live Transcribe...and got a message "App is offline. You'll see sound events, but not transcription." I was able to connect to the internet, but my phone continued to give me the same disappointing message. Another meeting of mystery discussion, dammit! I've searched on line to find an answer, but haven't been able to. This is extremely disappointing...the IPhone could connect for phone calls, at least, even though Otter was a dismal failure because it lagged five minutes or more behind and was unable to understand tech terms. Anyone else have this problem or know what I might be able to do--other than hurl the phone at the brick wall next to my desk????
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Our small town will be affected by this for decades into the future. We require a large workforce to do all the jobs necessary for tourism...but we have almost no housing for those minimum-wage workers. The hundred homes burned were mostly the only places available for tourism workers, including a 35-unit mobile home park where the homes were owned by the owner and available for reasonable rent. The most likely outcome is that lots of tourism workers will leave the area due to lack of affordable housing. The City continues to encourage vacation rental dwellings (VRDs) that rent for hundreds per night instead of affordable housing. Over the past 25 years, most of the modest homes in town have been razed and replaced with two-story, 4-5 BR VRDs.
It certainly puts things into perspective. Be safe and blessings for helping out others.
FL Mary
I am having the same issue with Live Transcribe. I thought for sure it used to work great at the bank without having to change the wifi connection. But now everywhere I go that I do not have an autoconnect setup for wifi I get that offline message. It seems like something changed. I thought it used data when wifi was not available. Does anyone know if there is a way to use cellular data instead of wifi for the app?
Live Transcribe is not private and secure. It's not approved for conversations in medical or banking facilities where privacy and security is very important. That may be why it's not working in those situations. Same for business conference rooms where the conversations may be propietary. For a secure system that does work with WiFi and cellular data (the transmissions are fully encrypted) use It costs about $8.25/mo for unlimited use with as many people as you want (you're encouraged to share your subscription with others).
Thank you. I will check it out.
I would suggest Uninstall and make sure you install through Live Transcribe with their active help. Sometimes a program can be installed by clicking a connection obtained through a different source, and that can be a real problem. It actually happened to me the first time I tried to use it. I went to my cell provider (in my case, Target) and explained my dilemma, and tech helped me get it installed correctly.
Had a problem with another app installation, I believe it was DecibelX, and Best Buy geek helped me with that one.
It is Sometimes too easy to add things through sites that create problems with the effect, so I have help with others and make sure I am on exact site to do it.
Cheryl @th1 Thanks for useful info!
You are right. I would never install an app from a website....did that once years ago and desktop Mac got infected...had to have it serviced. I only get apps from the play store on my Android phone or from the App Store on my iPad or Mac..and even then I am cautious. Live transcribe was from the play store.
As for Live transcribe...I do use it a lot with mask wearing but always keep in mind where I am and what Information I am sharing.
It is still a major fail in restaurants and, while I was out of state recently, I switched to Otter on my phone (I use the free version) while in restaurants. Still impressed with how accurate it is and the greater distance it can be used.
I would like to share another phone app called Voice To Text. I find this works well when Live transcribe fails me. You have to hit the mic and it keeps the dialogue until you delete it. Fairly accurate but, with mask wearing, some voices are too muffled.
I think it works on IPhones also.
FL Mary
I know this is an old post but I solved the Live Transcribe problem of it not working in certain areas for me by turning WiFi off. Now I can use it in those places where I normally couldn’t. And I live in an area with great WiFi connectivity.
I also use Innocaption + on my cell phone....never had much of a problem with it except for unstable network messages. So now I have WiFi off pretty much all the time.
I also use Otter and all these speech to text apps work without WiFi turned on regardless of what the instructions say.
We have unlimited cell phone data plan but it has not increased significantly . For reasons I don’t truly understand my battery life is very much improved. Maybe because WiFi roaming is off.
This may help with the problem.
FL Mary
Thank you for sharing this.