Bad constipation with Parkinson’s
Hi everyone. Been awhile since I’ve been involved. My Parkinson’s has been doing pretty well for 2/3 of a year now with the exception of REALLY, REALLY bad constipation!!! I have been drinking a lot of water(60 oz a day), walking 5 days a week(3-4 miles each day), and trying to eat high fiber foods. Nothing seems to work much. I have taken Magnesium Citrate on a couple of occasions and tried an enema on a number of occasions too. These work for a short time, but then it is the same old, same old thing. I’ve tried Ducolax and a number of other stimulant laxatives. Same result. Not much. Last week I took the Magnesium Citrate again and this time when I drank it I had a horrible burning feeling in my upper GI tract. Had to go to ER. Did CT scan and could find nothing. Saw a GI doctor at the Mayo a few months ago and he had me do some tests and determined that I most likely have Bowl Evacuation Disorder. He ordered evaluation to see if I am a candidate for therapy. I haven’t scheduled that yet. I plan on calling his office tomorrow and request to see him again. I just feel so awful. Constipated most of the time, nausea, bloated, especially in am, and cramping. I wake up every morning feeling very bloated with considerable cramping. This is NOT normal!!! So that is my sob story. Am I going crazy? I am sincerely starting to think so. Has anyone had or have a similar experience? Your input would be greatly appreciated.
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Here is another video from the Davis Phinney Foundation about non-motor symptoms of PD which include sleep problems, GI tract problems, etc.
The Parkinson's You Don't See: Cognitive and Non-motor Symptoms
Have you ever been diagnosed with pelvic floor dysfunction? I have a combo of this with stc. Might be something to look at. You can try therapy for it. The only thing that gets me to have bm is coffee/caffeine, stool stimulants, enema or suppository. Sometimes if i drink mag citrate. But will still have all the discomforts, gas, bloating, cramping. Ive tried most of the pills without luck, all the mixes. Though dr thinks miralax twice a day and low fodmap diet are the best.
Thanks for these tips, @januaryjane.
I believe from what you've mentioned elsewhere on Connect you are wondering about the possibility you could have Parkinson's or something else neurological? Is that correct?
My Mayo doctor told me to use warm prune. I warm it in a cup in the microwave, just like you warm coffee. It must be warm.
Yes, maybe neurological. I dont think its Parkinson's, but was referred to their page because I had mentioned experiencing inner tremors recently, at least that is what they sound like to me. I have raynauds, pins,needles, cramping or numbness in feet and hands on and off. This year started experiencing heavy hypnagogic hallucinations.
HI, @oronogo - did your doctor happen to mention why he or she suggested prune juice that is warmed, specifically?
Hi January Jane. WOW! I am blown away by your post. Everything you say you experience with the constipation and the things you do to cope with it are dead on with me. As I say, ditto, ditto, ditto and ditto again. Yes, I was just recently diagnosed with pelvic floor dysfunction and am getting set up to have the therapy. Both my doctor and therapy nurse say I am a really good candidate. I am willing to try anything. Thanks again for sharing your experience.
Thx Oronogo for your advise. I do eat prunes from time to time, but never warm. My pelvic floor therapist recommended a warm beverage in the am. Warm prune juice might help. Thx again.
Hello @susan62 and @oronogo
I have found that warm foods/liquids work much better for constipation than cold foods or beverages. When I take Miralax I mix it in coffee or cocoa. I also purchased pureed prunes (baby food containers) and warm them before having them at bedtime. It takes a lot of different treatments to keep constipation at-bay when you have Parkinson's. Hope some of these ideas help.
Nice to meet you, sorry we are in the same boat! Good luck with pelvic floor therapy. I also did some physical therapy, to help with breathing. Apparently you need to breath right! Some think its not fun, but i didnt mind my pft. Im still going, about a year, on and off.