How does hearing loss change you?

Posted by joangela @joangela, May 11, 2019

For me, hearing loss has always been a part of my life. Those darn hearing tests in elementary school always put me in the category of hearing loss. Now, that I am much older, in my late 50s my hearing loss is profound. It is so bad, even my hearing family, has a real hard time adjusting to it.
How it has really changed me?
I was a small business owner, and a top notch sales person. I was a huge people person and an excellent communicator. It’s all gone.
A major change in my life.
How about you?

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Ignorance and pride have no limits. So sorry to hear of your feelings of powerlessness ... helplessness ... isolation. But, now, you no longer need be shy as you atune yourself to today's "all out there wonderfulness." When you see someone who could use your help and you feel comfortable to be of aid, that will make you feel your self-worthyness, as you are, truly, one of God's miracles.

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Hello. I am trying to decipher who this message is meant for. Please let me know, and if so, I will respond accordingly. 😃


Hello. I am trying to decipher who this message is meant for. Please let me know, and if so, I will respond accordingly. 😃

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I (marijaneb) was replying to the one above me, who said her/his parents' friends thought her/his hearing loss was "catching".


My parents ‘s friends did not want their kids playing because it was “catching@


I (marijaneb) was replying to the one above me, who said her/his parents' friends thought her/his hearing loss was "catching".

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@marijaneb It will help a lot of when people direct a question of answer put the @sign before that person's name not so confusing then


I've posted this before but, despite years of reminding my wife that I can't understand her when she speaks from another room or doesn't mute the TV first, she continues to do those things. It's a daily/nightly thing for me to, once again, remind her... or simply give up and not try to understand. She understands the situation but, for some reason, doesn't remember from day to day. We both accept the reality of the situation but it's odd to me that it continues. I guess because it's not a big deal when it happens - we don't get frustrated - it doesn't "stick,"


I forgot to add... I have taught a State required licensing class for 13+ years and wonder how much longer I can effectively do this. The class requires interaction and many students are either shy or simply don't speak loudly enough and I can't understand them. Classes are small so I can always walk over to the student and ask them to repeat but I'm assuming my hearing will get worse, not better, so not sure how much longer I'll be able to do this. Just turned 65 and aren't relying on this income, it's just extra spending money for my other hobbies such as SCUBA diving. One thing I like about SCUBA diving is that NOBODY can hear so we're all in the same boat! 🙂


I've posted this before but, despite years of reminding my wife that I can't understand her when she speaks from another room or doesn't mute the TV first, she continues to do those things. It's a daily/nightly thing for me to, once again, remind her... or simply give up and not try to understand. She understands the situation but, for some reason, doesn't remember from day to day. We both accept the reality of the situation but it's odd to me that it continues. I guess because it's not a big deal when it happens - we don't get frustrated - it doesn't "stick,"

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@bradmm I have the exact same situation with my husband. I think he has more trouble accommodating my hearing loss than anyone else who knows me does. He often talks from the kitchen when I am in the family room, and his back will be to me so there is no way I am going to understand what he says. It's really frustrating when I ask him to repeat more than once and he just drops out. He has finally gotten used to muting the TV sound when he says something to me.


To @contentandwell and @bradmm
I’m the partner with hearing loss but sometimes I find myself talking from the other room to him so we’re both guilty!! LOL it does get frustrating. We have a cable box w DVR so we record shows and we each have a remote so we just pause it to talk or rewind to catch a caption or something we missed.


To @contentandwell and @bradmm
I’m the partner with hearing loss but sometimes I find myself talking from the other room to him so we’re both guilty!! LOL it does get frustrating. We have a cable box w DVR so we record shows and we each have a remote so we just pause it to talk or rewind to catch a caption or something we missed.

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@judysmayo We too record many shows these days, even ones that we want to watch the same night. We start watching about 15 or 20 minutes into recording so we can fly by the lengthy advertisements. We do occasionally rewind to catch something we have missed.


I am not sure if this is the right thread to be writing on but here is a problem I have noticed the last 6 months. Yesterday I was taking a walk on a scenic path. I have BTE Phonaks about 2 years old. Wind whistling is an issue. Walking on gravel I could hear every step. I could hear the dogs neck chain clanking back and forth. I could hear the birds in the trees loud and clear. But my families voices are very hard to hear and distinguish. Hearing aids help if you are one on one with a person but every place else is very tough. I realize that hearing aids are really just help but not a total solution. All the high tech programming they can do I believe is overrated.....they are simply amplifiers. I also realize that everyones hearing loss is unique to their own selves. I am sure that my greatest hearing loss is in the frequency where voices are and that birds chirping/etc my hearing loss is not that extensive.....anyway just wanted to throw that out there. Have a nice day!

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