Recipes, Food Tips, Healthy Eating & More

Posted by Debbra Williams, Alumna Mentor @debbraw, Feb 22, 2019

Some of the members of the Gratitude Discussion Group were interested in having a place to share recipes and food ideas. I’m hoping that we can use this thread as a place to have that kind of discussion. I’d love to hear your ideas for quick meals, comfort food, healthy snacks, and more.

Personally, I’ve just been through a bad reaction to one of my medications that left me with a very queasy stomach. I would love to hear ideas – or recipes – that might be used when you need to get something on your stomach, but don’t want to overdo it.

Hopefully, this thread will even be a place where we can share recipes for special treats and yummy rewards. It doesn’t always have to be healthy!

I’d love to hear from members who have been part of other discussions AND from new members who have good ideas, recipes and food tips to share. I’m excited to see who might start us off here with an awesome food suggestion!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


I don't dust very often, I don't want to disturb my friends.
Would you mind letting me borrow your hubby for a day or so?
Take care,

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You have dust mites as friends? Actually there is a crust dust solution to soggy pie crusts if you ever feel so inclined. You sprinkle a mixture of flour and sugar in the bottom of a pie crust before adding the ingredients. I always did this to apple pie.

My dad would never wash the car...he said the dirty windshield cut down on the sun’s glare. He eventually hired a live in housekeeper/cook/aide after my mom died....he used a wheelchair or scooter due to a stroke. She was an amazing cook.

Am I wrong or do you seem to have an abundance of lady friends who cook for sly dog you😏

FL Mary


You have dust mites as friends? Actually there is a crust dust solution to soggy pie crusts if you ever feel so inclined. You sprinkle a mixture of flour and sugar in the bottom of a pie crust before adding the ingredients. I always did this to apple pie.

My dad would never wash the car...he said the dirty windshield cut down on the sun’s glare. He eventually hired a live in housekeeper/cook/aide after my mom died....he used a wheelchair or scooter due to a stroke. She was an amazing cook.

Am I wrong or do you seem to have an abundance of lady friends who cook for sly dog you😏

FL Mary

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Well let's just say there's always room for one more.
Take care,


@loribmt, @jakedduck1, @sueinmn, I'm laughing too and loving the "dust as a protective cover". Despite the highly advertised windows installed to cut down dust, in my windy, dusty area, they seem to make no difference a'tall!

Sue, So after a short 49 yrs, Congrats on getting your fella' trained!! If I send air fare, will you ship him my way for some spring cleaning??????

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BACK OFF FIESTY, I asked first!!!!!


@jakedduck1 Sounds like it is certainly better without when your favorite foods are made outside your home. No surprise there to find out you were first in line to order and a customer for 40 years. Who needs meals on wheels? You get the foods you want at the time you want them. Plus, you won’t get the daily fuss of cleaning that comes along with cooking. The food smells in the house may be missed. There is nothing like the fresh smell of pies and cookies in the oven but a car air freshener can make a great replacement. Hope the barbecue can be used year round. Keep the stove since it matches with the other appliances. Used it to complete the look of your kitchen. And if it is ever needed it is available. Toni

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Hi @jakedduck1 I agree with @avmcbellar. Keep your kitchen, it's good for resale value😀


BACK OFF FIESTY, I asked first!!!!!

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@jakdduck1, Yeah, but I offered air fare!! LOL


@jakdduck1, Yeah, but I offered air fare!! LOL

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I thought that airfare was a given. My airfair will be first class. Jeez feisty I didn't expect him to walk out, lol.


I don't dust very often, I don't want to disturb my friends.
Would you mind letting me borrow your hubby for a day or so?
Take care,

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& @fiesty76 No fighting!
I don't lend him out - except occasionally to our daughters.


Doing without is definitely better, absolutely, positively, no question about it!!!
My cook usually fixes junk at her place.
I'll get my roommate a barbecue if that pans out.
People with seizures are better off using a microwave. As far as my 5 food groups are concerned I get candy, pies, pastry, cake & cookies from the store, bakery or cheesecake kitchen (surprise, I was their first customer over 40 years ago) and my friends also provide me with goodies and real food too.
No need for a stove. I think I only bought it because at the time there was a lady living here for a few months and she cooked.
And that's the way it is,

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Perhaps this will help, just a little.


Doing without is definitely better, absolutely, positively, no question about it!!!
My cook usually fixes junk at her place.
I'll get my roommate a barbecue if that pans out.
People with seizures are better off using a microwave. As far as my 5 food groups are concerned I get candy, pies, pastry, cake & cookies from the store, bakery or cheesecake kitchen (surprise, I was their first customer over 40 years ago) and my friends also provide me with goodies and real food too.
No need for a stove. I think I only bought it because at the time there was a lady living here for a few months and she cooked.
And that's the way it is,

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I also like these.


I also like these.

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@mockinbrd I really like those but what would you do with them when you are actively cooking? I guess they are only meant for people like Jake who prefer to not use their range tops.

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