Unexplained diarrhea,malabsorption,dizziness,feeling faint, confusion

Posted by ajstaley @ajstaley, Jan 24, 2019

I’m new here. My symptoms have gotten worst in the last year. I’m sick to my stomach or vomiting or have dry heaves everyday. I have developed food and medicine intolerance. Can only eat maybe small portions of rice and vegetables and plain bread throughout the day. And even then some days I am in the bathroom with diarrhea after eating. My gallbladder was removed some years back. When some of the same symptoms appeared back then. But there is no gallbladder to remove now. I’m losing more and more weight. I have periods of confusion and that’s really scary. The testing MRI’s , CT scans and blood work are coming back negative. My gi doc is repeating the testing with a CT scan of the Brian this time. I doubt she will find it. I’m getting sicker everyday. Really losing hope. I’m glad this website is here. It’s soothing to know I’m not alone. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Did your Doctor look into Celiac Compression Syndrome? Or MALS? Look that up. Most people with those symptoms have MALS/ Celiac Compression Syndrome. That can be corrected by surgery. Meanwhile give up all dairy, gluten and fructose for at least a month and see how you feel. If you eat rice please buy organic rice. The pesticides sprays and god knows what else they used on potatoes, vegetables and grains can slowly destroy your gut and overall health.
Good luck.

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My doctor literally said " that's the last thing we would teest you for" and seeing as testing is going very slowly I will probably die before I get tested for that. I mean I don't know how you can keep loosing weight like this and not have your body break down


Thank you for checking on me. I’m still very sick. Sick to my stomach everyday also chills/shaking a lot due to feeling so ill. I went to urgent care because of rapid heartbeats, spiked b/p and the nausea. The ekg came back ok. I’m at lose at this point. Still have some outpatient test scheduled but I’m not sure I’ll be well enough to make the appointments. How are you doing my friend?

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What tests do you have scheduled and how soon are they coming up. I'm worried about you these symptoms can cause serious issues.


My doctor literally said " that's the last thing we would teest you for" and seeing as testing is going very slowly I will probably die before I get tested for that. I mean I don't know how you can keep loosing weight like this and not have your body break down

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I was down to 89lbs 5’1 as long as your drinking they could careless I just learned to eat what ever I could most days was nothing I am still gluten free dairy free and sugar free I struggle everyday and it’s been 6 yrs 5 different gi drs they all know nothing and did nothing to help me most recently being treated for C-Diff I have learned what my body want and doesn’t I really hope you find out my last hospitalization was 2yrs ago after not being able to eat anything for 14 days they kept me for a week told me to eat salads lmao it’s really a joke


I am so sorry! They didn't do an IV or anything? You need at least some fluids especially if you are sick to your stomach as well! Do you have anyone who can take you to your appointments? I can't drive right now either due to how sick I have gotten and people are very irritated about having to help me but it's better than getting into an accident!
Can you try drinking like Gatorade? It has electrolytes and calories so at least you would get some of that in your system even if it doesn't stay for long.
It's been bad here too uncontrollable diahrea even with taking Imodium AD but I have been drinking boost shakes to try and keep up on some protein but the shakes just make there way our too. Does your poop seem to have a lot of mucus? They had me take a stool sample and it was basically all mucus which was scary.

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No IV was done. I’m drinking water/ginger ale mixture. Sometimes juice/water mixture. Straight ginger ale soda burns. I still eat small portions of rice and vegetables to keep my strength up. I haven’t been able to drink Gatorade it burns as well. I have been trying to go to most of my appointments alone but I do have one other person who helps me. But I don’t want to be a burden to anyone you know. My stool is yellow and yes often has mucus included. It is scary not knowing what is happening.


No IV was done. I’m drinking water/ginger ale mixture. Sometimes juice/water mixture. Straight ginger ale soda burns. I still eat small portions of rice and vegetables to keep my strength up. I haven’t been able to drink Gatorade it burns as well. I have been trying to go to most of my appointments alone but I do have one other person who helps me. But I don’t want to be a burden to anyone you know. My stool is yellow and yes often has mucus included. It is scary not knowing what is happening.

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Well at least you ate able to eat and drink some hopefully that helps keep your strength up! I am glad you have someone who helps you. I know the feeling of being a burden it's how I have been feeling since all this started but I just hope it gets better soon for my families sake so we can get back to some sort of normal life. Keep me posted with your test results and if you start to feel better!!


I was down to 89lbs 5’1 as long as your drinking they could careless I just learned to eat what ever I could most days was nothing I am still gluten free dairy free and sugar free I struggle everyday and it’s been 6 yrs 5 different gi drs they all know nothing and did nothing to help me most recently being treated for C-Diff I have learned what my body want and doesn’t I really hope you find out my last hospitalization was 2yrs ago after not being able to eat anything for 14 days they kept me for a week told me to eat salads lmao it’s really a joke

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I have lost over 22 pounds in a month and they just keep saying it's fine. How is that fine? It's super unhealthy and when your weak and can barely walk it's an issue but nope seems like they don't care


Well at least you ate able to eat and drink some hopefully that helps keep your strength up! I am glad you have someone who helps you. I know the feeling of being a burden it's how I have been feeling since all this started but I just hope it gets better soon for my families sake so we can get back to some sort of normal life. Keep me posted with your test results and if you start to feel better!!

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It’s really a blessing having someone who understands. Sometimes I feel so alone in this fight. I will keep you posted on my test results. Do you have any test scheduled? I CT scans and MRI’s scheduled. Thank you once again for your listening ears.


I have been diognoist with Functional Dyspepsia. It acts the same way. I could not eat or drink with out pain I had lost 30 lbs felt weak, dizzy, anxious. A Dr told me to try FDguard for the stomach . It is a over the counter tablet you can get at Walgreens, Amozon or cvs pharmacy. It worked wonders. I am eating and drinkinking again. I am still careful what I eat and how much I eat, but it is a good portion of food. This pill is FDA approved and recomended by Mayo Clinic Dr.s .It is 27.00 for a week so it is a little expensive ,but so worth it. Try it you will not be sorry. It is just oils, for the gut with needed acids.


I was down to 89lbs 5’1 as long as your drinking they could careless I just learned to eat what ever I could most days was nothing I am still gluten free dairy free and sugar free I struggle everyday and it’s been 6 yrs 5 different gi drs they all know nothing and did nothing to help me most recently being treated for C-Diff I have learned what my body want and doesn’t I really hope you find out my last hospitalization was 2yrs ago after not being able to eat anything for 14 days they kept me for a week told me to eat salads lmao it’s really a joke

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They ate testing my stool for C. Diff right now but it basically all mucus so I don't think they will find anything there. Last time I got hospitalized they took out my gallbladder saying that was my problem, unfortunetly it was not


It’s really a blessing having someone who understands. Sometimes I feel so alone in this fight. I will keep you posted on my test results. Do you have any test scheduled? I CT scans and MRI’s scheduled. Thank you once again for your listening ears.

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I understand how lonely this is and how it can affect you mentally. My husband has made it really hard for me as now all he does is complain about how he has to do so much for me. I have become a burden on everyone. I have a few appointments but no tests scheduled seeing as I have to first have a consult. Unfortunetly all these doctor's don't have emergency appointments so you just get what you get

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