Inability to live normal life, lost, scared. Any light in my tunnel?

Posted by davidinvegas @davidinvegas, Dec 20, 2018

I have always had a hard time living what I would deam a normal life. I probably don't need to break it all down. My epilepsy has never been fully under control. 32 years or so. The number of seizes isn't the problem, although 1 is to many. About 2 a month, very severe. A lot of injurys over the years. Mostly head injuries. Getting to be a real problem on my mental outlooks. I have had a lot of changes in my life over the past 6yrs. Rainging from divorce too mom passing away, selling her house. Me moving and not being able depend on anyone. Taking care of business is feeling farther and farther away. Afraid, embarrassed and just plain lost. Getting work is proving to be tough mentaly and physically. Leaving it at lost, scared, can't see any kind of light in my personal tunnel.

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@parus-@falon, I think that normal means content. I hear people say I just want to be happy, I want to be normal. Why does everyone think that normal is happiness? To me normal is everyday, like a C on a report card, or being average. Happiness, I think is an award for special times.


@davidinvegas - just wondering how things are going for you recently? Wondering how your epilepsy control is and how you are feeling.


be positive,the fact that you are able to post is a plus,right?


@parus I think normal is when you are at a place in your life where you can be happy, can deal effectively with your problems without going over the edge, sleep well, and eat what your body needs. A place where you can enjoy socializing, hobbies, work, etc. A place where you can feel gratitude for what you have. That's my definition of normal, if that makes any sense. lol

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I like your definition.


How have things been David. I don’t remember if you’ve ever been to an epilepsy center but Sunrise Hospital has a Level 3 Epilepsy Center. You seem to have intractable Epilepsy and and a workup by an Epileptologist would probably be beneficial. Provided you have insurance now.
I hope everything is going well for you now.
EPILEPSY CENTERS LINK, You may have to scroll down to Nevada to find the Las Vegas Center.
I certainly hope your seizures are under better control now and you have a more understanding roommate now.
Take care,

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