How do you manage daily life with IBS-D?

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Dec 11, 2018

I have IBS with diarrhea. I'm taking med for it. Had several bowel movements already today. How do you get things done in house and go out on errands and going to Dr appointments? Driving me crazy!

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<p>I have ibsd and having diarrhea a lot. I'm on bentyl and immodium. Can they quit working? I don't know what to do.</p>


For years I have had problems with diarrhea. Coffee is the main trigger and I never drink that away from home.
My dr says just take Immodium which causes the opposite problem. Traveling is a nightmare as I am always looking for a bathroom. I don’t have control over the diarrhea and am constantly laundering clothes and cleaning up the bathroom. Any suggestions?

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How much immodium did you taking that controlled the diarrhea but caused constipation? Before I was diagnosed with IBS and went on the low Fodmap diet, I took only 1/2 of an immodium each morning which pretty much controlled the diarrhea. Once in awhile if I did have an episode I took another 1/2. Never had an issue with constipation. Of course immodium only treats the symptoms and not the cause. But there are days on this diet that I am tempted to just forget it and go back to daily immodium!


<p>I have ibsd and having diarrhea a lot. I'm on bentyl and immodium. Can they quit working? I don't know what to do.</p>

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luky06.ene number(unit) immodium.Diarrhea the and.


<p>I have ibsd and having diarrhea a lot. I'm on bentyl and immodium. Can they quit working? I don't know what to do.</p>

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luky06.For diarrhea one number do not get another one.


Thank you for your reply. I’ve had colonoscopies which were fine. I will try Metamucil. I take Klonopin and Mirtazapine for anxiety but don’t think they are a problem. I think I will find a probiotic, maybe that will help.

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Same here. Sorry to here. Seems like at times traded one problem to another. And some kind of science peoject


Every morning upon awakening I have a dull stomachache, just an overall feeling of malaise. Usually around noon I start to feel better and continue with my regular activities. Could this just be anxiety? Anybody have this problem?

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Could be what you ate the night before. Do you eat before bed or drink before bed? Sometimes that can cause stomach aches. But yes it could be stress or anxiety those things really can affect your body in a negative way


<p>I have ibsd and having diarrhea a lot. I'm on bentyl and immodium. Can they quit working? I don't know what to do.</p>

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For me everything changed when I started using Fiber twice a day. Not fiber gummy's but fast absorbing powder...It has no flavor and you can use it in coffee or tea and it really works...


For me everything changed when I started using Fiber twice a day. Not fiber gummy's but fast absorbing powder...It has no flavor and you can use it in coffee or tea and it really works...

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What is it called?


<p>I have ibsd and having diarrhea a lot. I'm on bentyl and immodium. Can they quit working? I don't know what to do.</p>

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Benefiber Fiber Supplement twice a day in any drink.... @ jackiem95


How can a person with IBSD have surgery on knee or hammer toes when I also have depression and anxiety disorder. I can't

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Hello @pjss48

I'm not sure I understand your question regarding surgery on your knee and hammer toes. Has your doctor indicated a problem based on your history of ISBD and anxiety issues? If so, it might be helpful if you could share more information as you feel comfortable doing so.

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