Gratitude Discussion Group

Posted by Debbra Williams, Alumna Mentor @debbraw, Nov 24, 2018

Hi everyone! Just before Thanksgiving @michellegraffradford posted a blog called Gratitude Changes Everything. She suggested three techniques to help incorporate gratitude into our daily lives:

  • Start the Day with Gratitude (before getting up think of three people you are grateful for)

  • Maintain a Gratitude Journal to record times when you are grateful

  • Count Blessings – not sheep! (Review the day and remember moments of gratitude)

Her blogpost was so inspiring that a lot of us decided we wanted to form a Gratitude Group to keep the attitude of gratitude going. The blogpost area is not an ideal space for a big discussion group so I am moving the discussion over here to the “Just Want to Talk” Group. Let’s use this space to share and discuss our Gratitude Journey. I’m going to suggest that we each try to take a minute from the day and post here what has made us feel thankful today. It can be as small as a stranger’s smile on the bus or as large as fulfilling a major life dream – or anywhere in between. We can also discuss how we are doing with the three techniques. Sometimes it is easier to form new habits with support from others.

Michelle's full blogpost is at the link below. You may want to review it or print it out to help get started!

I look forward to hearing from others in the Gratitude Group and to having others join us here! Thanks to those who already shared great stories. If you haven't yet, what gratitude will you share today?!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.

Although I’m grateful my drivers license wasn’t revoked. I’m not grateful that I got a Notice Of Reexamination from the Department of Motor Vehicles. They are concerned about the “Safety of the motoring public” but apparently not until after October 12th. Government, go figure.


Oh my, I sure wish I had a bowl of that chili!!! You can mail me some. Jeez, do you cook all the bloody time? I still haven’t gotten over making the Mac & cheese your ordered me to make.
YES, I’ve eaten zucchini before. I can stomach it raw, but a dip helps get it down. I really dislike it squishy. And I’ve had it that way too. Deep fried is best if you have to have it.
As far as having my mind already made up I’m not gonna like something, that’s not entirely accurate. Granted, your correct as far as liver is concerned. I haven’t tried it and I'm not going to try it and if by some miracle I do try it I’m definitely not going to like it. However, I have tried some of the repugnant things that you don’t seem to the good sense not to eat. Octopus ranking right up there with liver. But I have tried some icky foods like shrimp, those giant shrimp like things in Chinese restaurants, lobster, crab, abalone, sashimi. I ordered alligator once, it wasn’t bad. Your right about fish. I haven’t had any I liked salmon, if I had to I could get some smoked salmon down and I tried cod and some other yucky fish I can’t think of. I do like tuna. I’ve tried other stuff but can’t remember what. As far as zucchini pizza is concerned, it may be as cute, darling and precious as it can be but that doesn’t make it tasty.
Feel free to overnight me some chili.
Enjoy your 5 star chili while I have cereal.
Starving in California

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Who cooked all this fish you didn’t like? If not prepared correctly, it won’t taste good. Lots of people don’t like fish in general.
My family hates the smell of liver. I grew up on it and love liver, bacon and onions. However, you can’t get the calves liver today and the beef liver tends to be tough if not cooked correctly. I love chicken livers. My chili came out a tad spicy for me...forgot to cut back on the red pepper so had to use large dollops of plain Greek yogurt (I use in place of sour cream)...but still great.
The large shrimp you are referring to were probably prawns. Cod is very bland but not the way I cook it. Just take some omega 3 and fish oil (the non smelly kind) and you’ll be fine. The zucchini rounds were crispy, cheesy and delicious..even you would like them.
I’ve also stuffed a whole zucchini and baked it after scooping out the middle squishy part. Slice it thin and grilled...excellent!

Yes I cook every bloody day when not eating out. Now I can have chili for lunch tomorrow , see if my kids want some and will probably freeze individual portions.

I’m full...FL Mary


@imallears Or how about chocolate cake with zucchini! Very good

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Yes! I’ve had that...never made it though. Scrumptious!

FL Mary


@imallears Or how about chocolate cake with zucchini! Very good

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Oh jeez, another Hurricane Mary. Chocolate cake with zucchini? Are you kidding? Why ruin a good cake? I’m I the only person who knows how to eat normally?


Yes! I’ve had that...never made it though. Scrumptious!

FL Mary

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I’ve heard of some of the things you think are scrumptious?????


Although I’m grateful my drivers license wasn’t revoked. I’m not grateful that I got a Notice Of Reexamination from the Department of Motor Vehicles. They are concerned about the “Safety of the motoring public” but apparently not until after October 12th. Government, go figure.

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That’s a bummer. Wondering if you have to take a drivers test...maybe a vision test. Maybe not. Do you need to provide medical documentation? The worst thing might be just a restricted license like being allowed to drive only during daylight hours. I see lots of people here in Florida who can barely get out of the car and walk but that doesn’t mean once they are behind the wheel of a car they’re not good drivers. Probably different state laws.
I do see a lot of very slow drivers area seems to have a lot of older drivers. Causes problems when they are not keeping up with the traffic.
But now you have something else to contend with...hopefully all goes well.

FL Mary


I’ve heard of some of the things you think are scrumptious?????

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So moist and chocolately you wouldn’t believe it and wouldn’t even know what was in it. Don’t are not a 👨‍🍳 cook!



I’ve heard of some of the things you think are scrumptious?????

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The average person has something like 10,000 taste buds although they say older people have fewer working taste buds.
How many do you have ? 10 maybe 20? She asked with a twinkle in her eye.

FL Mary


Who cooked all this fish you didn’t like? If not prepared correctly, it won’t taste good. Lots of people don’t like fish in general.
My family hates the smell of liver. I grew up on it and love liver, bacon and onions. However, you can’t get the calves liver today and the beef liver tends to be tough if not cooked correctly. I love chicken livers. My chili came out a tad spicy for me...forgot to cut back on the red pepper so had to use large dollops of plain Greek yogurt (I use in place of sour cream)...but still great.
The large shrimp you are referring to were probably prawns. Cod is very bland but not the way I cook it. Just take some omega 3 and fish oil (the non smelly kind) and you’ll be fine. The zucchini rounds were crispy, cheesy and delicious..even you would like them.
I’ve also stuffed a whole zucchini and baked it after scooping out the middle squishy part. Slice it thin and grilled...excellent!

Yes I cook every bloody day when not eating out. Now I can have chili for lunch tomorrow , see if my kids want some and will probably freeze individual portions.

I’m full...FL Mary

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Chili will mail good frozen, I’ll be watching my mailbox.
I probably would like some of this awful stuff the way you cook it. I had lobster in Las Vegas and my friend said it wasn’t cooked right. It was like rubber.
A stuffed zucchini might(?) be good if you stuff it with something normal.
Yep, prawns that what it was. I went to lunch with a bunch of cops and one of them mixed one in with my deep fried vegetables when I was in the bathroom.
Most of the fish I tried was in restaurants and the salmon I had at a friends in Canada.


The average person has something like 10,000 taste buds although they say older people have fewer working taste buds.
How many do you have ? 10 maybe 20? She asked with a twinkle in her eye.

FL Mary

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Hahaha, Your in rare form this evening aren’t you. So if I have 10-20 based on my age, how many might you have? Far be it from me to make a diagnosis however even if you have all your taste buds intact I think you may have a problem with your insula’s. You have two in your brain that do many things. One of which is to tell us if we are eating good or rotten food. Considering what you eat I think we both know you may have a problem there.

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