Depression and Anxiety at an older age

Posted by pjss48 @pjss48, Sep 14, 2018

I am a 70 year old woman who has had depression and anxiety for a long time. It got worse 3 years ago when my husband lost one of his jobs. I panicked and my anxiety increased. I was afraid to do things. like driving. I have arthritis pretty bad and foot problems. I'm a Christian and my faith has helped me. My husband was a pastor and our church closed 3 months ago. We've had continual stress. Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself during the day. I've gotten help from several doctors, including a psychiatrist. I also have IBS. I am better. I'm taking trazadone duloxetine, remeron and xanax. Also on osteo biflex, probiotic , bentyl and celebrex. I want to get on Sam e but it may interact with one of my meds. Thanks for listening.

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Someone, in this group, recently posted the link to articles from Mayo Clinic about CBD oil. Can you please repost—-I can’t find them anywhere! Thank you


I too have experienced anxiety and depression much of my life so I have an idea of what you are feeling. It's something that's hard to explain to others and hard to feel motivated to do much. Unfortunately the depression became worse after I retired 2 years ago. My retirement planning didn't include much in the way of how I would spend my days. I started volunteering which helps, but it's not a cure all. I'm comforted in knowing about Mayo Connect and to be able to share with others who have similar feelings.


Thanks! I went out of work about 5 years ago and I’m finally on disability. I had such different ideas for my time off. I do volunteer when I can. With my depression I don’t ever want to leave the house. I’m so tired and I find it hard to find joy. I love babysitting my grandson but I do get so tired. The Cymbalta worked for awhile but it’s not working now. Do you know why it would stop helping?


Thanks! I went out of work about 5 years ago and I’m finally on disability. I had such different ideas for my time off. I do volunteer when I can. With my depression I don’t ever want to leave the house. I’m so tired and I find it hard to find joy. I love babysitting my grandson but I do get so tired. The Cymbalta worked for awhile but it’s not working now. Do you know why it would stop helping?

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@kdo0827 Welcome to our wonderful group here Others will chime in but after I retired it was difficult you don't know what to do There is an adjustment period I got through that my friends helped alot we where all retired so we would go places together planning our trips was fun if you have a senior center they have alot of activity there Thats my suggestion friends,family outings ,volunteering as you do.


With depression and anxiety in these older years-some days are better than others. Some days I don’t feel like I can go on. Some days I don’t want to continue. I would rather be working. This is it for me. Not much of a retirement. At least I am not a burden on another nor lying in some nursing home waiting to die. Yup, the depression monster has arrived once again. Is what it is. So, so tired.


With depression and anxiety in these older years-some days are better than others. Some days I don’t feel like I can go on. Some days I don’t want to continue. I would rather be working. This is it for me. Not much of a retirement. At least I am not a burden on another nor lying in some nursing home waiting to die. Yup, the depression monster has arrived once again. Is what it is. So, so tired.

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@Parus Hi I still have days that Im depressed over Christmas it was bad but everyone on here helped me get through it Im grateful for our connect family.I take St.John,s Wort for the downsies new word lol It has helped me but you need to check with your Dr to see if its going to interact with your meds . Im not depressed all the time so don't need med for it. Beautiful day here but chilly.


Thank you. I, too like the support we get on here. It’s comforting to know you’re not alone. I don’t think I can take St Johns Wart but I’ll ask my doctor. So glad it helps you. Stay warm!


@parus you have your beautiful grandkids remember them and activities you did with them


With depression and anxiety in these older years-some days are better than others. Some days I don’t feel like I can go on. Some days I don’t want to continue. I would rather be working. This is it for me. Not much of a retirement. At least I am not a burden on another nor lying in some nursing home waiting to die. Yup, the depression monster has arrived once again. Is what it is. So, so tired.

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@parus We never know when the "downsies" will hit us. Please be gentle on yourself. Recall things you have done in the past when you have felt like this, maybe they'll work again for you. We're here for you!

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