Severe COPD and Interstitial Lung Disease
I was diagnosed several years ago with COPD after 40+ years of smoking. In the subsequent years we have learned I have 4 or 5 interstitial diseases including Interstitial Lung Disease. The two have been about equal but recent testing showed the interstitial is much worse than the COPD. I would love to know if anyone else has this problem and what the effects of the interstitial side are. I have been on O2 for years but just recently I have gotten so bad that I can barely pull 91% while sitting and on my home concentrator. I had always been able to pull 90% without the oxygen. That's how much worse it's gotten and walking is almost impossible. Everytime I get up & walk around I drop down to 80%, even while on oxygen. It's getting harder & harder just to breathe. Would love to hear any comments or advice.
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I'm on 40mg 3x daily. Yes, no history of diabetes in my family,yet sterroid.induced my sugars are high. I have opted not to do a sliding scale imsulin. I'm miserable,but I'm alive. I am a bit more congested and wheezy today. I also have oxygen therapy.if I need it. Took 2 weeks home for me to go to as needed. I'm just wanting a diagnosis?? I've been tested seems like everything, then the broncoscopy, they could only specimen fluids, that went to Mayo?
I told my primary care physician I'm not doing this steroid stuff. I left the hospital a size 10/12, I had been 3 weeks on the Paleo plan(75%), had lost 13#, at Discharge was 154#, last Thursday 174#, I'm 5'2. I already battle depression and feel like my meds don't even phase me. It's like I'm in a fog, memory is poor, I'm unsteady, I just don't feel right? Something is being missed here? I'm 49, I just don't get it?
Thank you so much. I guess when I go to my pulmonologist tomorrow I'll get copies from Mayo. They are open b-day til 5( mayo business) to help me create an acct. I really love this website. This hospital looks amazing! Wish Arkansas had it!!
@seanlroop you may have noticed I removed your email from your post. I appreciate the generous offer to @tcont2000 to share your personal contact information to answer questions etc. However, I'd also like to underline the benefit of sharing here on the forum. It was because of the sharing here that @tcont2000 was able to find these conversations in the first place. By asking questions and getting answers here, you will both be creating a treasure trove of valuable information and first hand experience for those with COPD and interstitial lung disease. I encourage you to continue your exchange on Connect and thank you for being willing to do so.
I did not mean to do anything outside the limitations set forth in this blog I’m just not on it very much. Just trying to share my experiences and hopefully help someone in the future. Thank you for your help in guidance and I will stick to the blog and not put in my personal information. Thanks Sean
Hi @seanlroop, one of the main reasons for keeping email addresses out of the posts is to protect each members personal information from spamming. You can still send a member a private message (PM) by clicking on their @username and then clicking the Send Private Message link at the bottom of their profile description at the top of the page. There are a lot of tips and how to information in the Get Started on Connect link at the bottom of every Connect page in the left column.
@shawnb1 Hello Shawn. Some of the lab results from the bronchioscope can take six to eight weeks to come back. That is because some organisms take that long to colonize in a petri dish if they are present. Hang in there!
Thanks for the info
Correction: I am not on Presnazone, I Was told one has to face lot of other problems for on going use.
I have IPF and my breathing is deteriorating also. I am goning to Dallas in a month or so. Do you know what drug they are considering?