Getting Off of Omeprazole: Share your success stories please.

Posted by Bonnie @nightngale1998, Jun 26, 2018

Hi there: Has anyone had success in weaning off of Omeprazole? I take it for GERD. Thank you in advance!

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@robinl If you are over 40 there are side effects of taking licorice for a long time... please look into it .. Licorice can reduce the amount of potassium in the body and can have some effects on the heart.. There are interactions of some medications with Licorice so when a new med is prescribed.. check interaction.. Its not like the candy we used to get for a penny... that was a long time ago.. Ken

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Yes I know. You can only take for 4 weeks but not if you have heart issues.


Always speak to your dr before you start anything


I am trying to get off omeprazole because this is a bad drug according to research, I have had a headache every day for a week as I have taken it every other day, and heartburn! Help!

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@karjack I was on Nexium for over a decade ... then after I had a disastrous Nissen surgery (in IA, not at Mayo) to reduce GERD, I was finally diagnosed with Gastroparesis when I asked to be referred to Mayo MN. The GI doctor there prescribed Esomeprazole Magnesium (20 mg).. That was about 5 years ago.. It works, but it does not allow you not to take the physical precautions like sitting vertical for at least 2 hours after eating and sleeping on an incline.. to keep the stomach acids/and food from coming up.... The GI doctor at Mayo gave me no indication that I will ever get off that medication.. He also prescribed Mirtazapine, "to make me think that I want to eat ... " ... I have gained back 25 of the 50 pounds I lost during the struggle after that Nissen Surgery... so I am at a decent weight now.. lean and mean as we would say in the Corps.. Ken


Thanks for sharing your story Ken, I just had to go back on omeprazole, after a week without it i was waking up with a headache every morning, eating tums all day, dr's ar no help.


Hi @karjack. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I am so sorry your are having headaches daily! I know your pain. As you will see I moved your comment to an ongoing discussion about getting off of Omeprazole so that you could connect with others who are going through the same process.
Besides heartburn and headache, have you had any other symptoms? Have you consulted with your doctor about tapering off of this medication?

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I have talked to my GP about getting off and she said, why? if it works then take it, really, I just think if it's so hard to get off of there has to be a reason for this. After all it's been in my system for over 40 years .


I have talked to my GP about getting off and she said, why? if it works then take it, really, I just think if it's so hard to get off of there has to be a reason for this. After all it's been in my system for over 40 years .

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@karjack If you are adamant about getting off of a medication, I would reiterate to your GP that you no longer want to take it and would appreciate a tapering schedule so that you don't have any unwanted symptoms from withdrawal. It may be your physician, but ultimately it's your body!


I would like to tell you to change Doctors.....but I won't. Please go on you tube and watch a brilliant video from Dr Jonathan Aviv that was life changing for me and hundreds of my friends. There are countless articles on the side effects of these meds. Small life style changes have me completely healed..unless I cheat Reflux disease is tied to the fastest growing cancer in America esophageal cancer. I might also suggest looking into a functional medicine Doctor.
PLEASE watch the video!!


I would like to tell you to change Doctors.....but I won't. Please go on you tube and watch a brilliant video from Dr Jonathan Aviv that was life changing for me and hundreds of my friends. There are countless articles on the side effects of these meds. Small life style changes have me completely healed..unless I cheat Reflux disease is tied to the fastest growing cancer in America esophageal cancer. I might also suggest looking into a functional medicine Doctor.
PLEASE watch the video!!

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I bought his book ( The acid watcher diet) great info no one would ever tell you.


I bought his book ( The acid watcher diet) great info no one would ever tell you.

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I read it as well
In my opinion this is a disease that is not understood by most physicians the GI doc might get the esophagus, the ent might understand acid effects on the upper airway and most pulmonary docs are shocked to learn much of asthma is related to reflux!
Truth be told it is much easier to give them a pill
Another thought leader is Dr Jamie Kaufman who wrote "Dropping Acid"(love the title)
Best of luck


Hi i finally was able to get my GP to refer me to go to GI doctor for the heartburn this from last may was on omeprazole 20mg it helped some doctor said it was gerd.When i went to GI doctor did a scope and a colonoscopy all was perfect with that the scope i had some inflammation she did a biopsy it showed no cancer and i have no hernia or ulcers.Doctor put me on pantoprazole 40mg for 2 weeks still having burning on left side of chest so she is having me take 40mg twice @ day for 10 weeks to calm the inflammation then i see her.My concern is that high dose but she said i need it at point.I changed my whole eating and life style months ago.I am very active senior i walk and and workout i am a small frame women at normal weight.Doctor said sometimes if you have stress it can cause the burn i try not to worry about things.I had given up my decaf coffee for months but still had heartburn so i added back.Ido take a probiotic ,multivitamin,calcium, baby aspirin.Any info would be helpful thank you.

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