Getting Off of Omeprazole: Share your success stories please.

Posted by Bonnie @nightngale1998, Jun 26, 2018

Hi there: Has anyone had success in weaning off of Omeprazole? I take it for GERD. Thank you in advance!

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Hi There:

I wanted to update y'all to my success in weaning off of Omeprazole. After several unsuccessful attempts, I have now been able to transition to Ranitidine (usually) twice a day. I am a coffee drinker and had to go to Cold Brew (homemade) for my transitions' success. During my change over, I realized I could intake a2 milk (much to my delight and surprise) without any stomach upset. Apparently, I am not lactose intolerant but intolerant of the a1 milk protein. Smaller meals helps and following my (mental) list of acceptable foods with minimal spices. I do live in New Mexico so green chile is a staple and I can indulge but not overdue it.

Praise be! Fingers crossed for continuing success.



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So glad for you. Can you tell me why ranitidine is a better choice than omeprazole? I have tried the switch but ended up back on omeprazole. Thanks.


So glad for you. Can you tell me why ranitidine is a better choice than omeprazole? I have tried the switch but ended up back on omeprazole. Thanks.

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@nightngale1998 I am interested in musicflowers4u's question also. I am on omeprazole for Barrett's esophagus. I know it can cause some problems for people who are on it long-term. Is ranitidine not that way? When I had cirrhosis but was not yet diagnosed I started on omeprazole and had trouble with it. My doctor tried two other PPIs but they were even worse. When you have cirrhosis everything changes -- things are supposed to get filtered through your liver but apparently it is not processing things as usual so medications can cause problems that they would not otherwise cause. If there is a better PPI, that doesn't cause problems for people who are on it for a long time, I would be interested in hearing about it.


Hi There:

I wanted to update y'all to my success in weaning off of Omeprazole. After several unsuccessful attempts, I have now been able to transition to Ranitidine (usually) twice a day. I am a coffee drinker and had to go to Cold Brew (homemade) for my transitions' success. During my change over, I realized I could intake a2 milk (much to my delight and surprise) without any stomach upset. Apparently, I am not lactose intolerant but intolerant of the a1 milk protein. Smaller meals helps and following my (mental) list of acceptable foods with minimal spices. I do live in New Mexico so green chile is a staple and I can indulge but not overdue it.

Praise be! Fingers crossed for continuing success.



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@nightngale1998 and others - I'm curious if anyone has had any success/knows of any difference between Ranitidine (Zantac) and Famotidine (Pepcid)?

I have been on 40mg of Pantoprazole (Protonix), another Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) since 2011 when a barium swallow showed a small sliding hiatal hernia while investigating the cause of persistent nausea. I recently have been suffering from some chronic health issues since June 2018, still largely undiagnosed, but one of the findings was a low Vitamin B12 (interestingly, I had taken a B12 supplement in August for a month when it was found borderline low at that time, yet my recent reading was even lower than it was then) and a Vitamin D deficiency. One of my doctors suggested Vitamin B12 shots as opposed to the oral supplement because my Pantoprazole could be preventing me from absorbing the vitamins (might be something to ask about @mariannamum ). In return, I asked her if discontinuing the Pantoprazole was something to consider and what the alternative(s) might be (whenever I would forget to take the Pantoprazole, I inevitably ended up with nausea later that day). She said that many people are prescribed PPIs because they only require being taken once daily; the alternative would be to take Zantac or Pepcid twice daily instead. She said a "tapering" schedule for the Pantoprazole was not needed; replacing it with the Zantac/Pepcid would work immediately.

Unfortunately, I've switched to 20mg of Famotidine (Pepcid) twice daily since Wednesday, and suffered from nausea daily (not life-altering, but certainly not pleasant). On the flip side (although possibly unconnected), I had my second B12 shot and third Vitamin D prescription dose on Wednesday, and have felt a marked increase in energy/decrease in the brain fog since then. I don't know for sure it's because it was better absorbed without the PPI -- it could just be I needed additional doses before it started working -- but it's a possibility.

So my question is, has anyone had success using Zantac instead of Pepcid or are they essentially the same thing?

As a side note, I had an upper endoscopy two months ago that found linear gastropathy/gastritis (although no bleeding or ulcers), despite having been on the PPI for seven years; and the gastroenterologist who performed it said he hadn't seen any evidence of the hiatal hernia. Not sure if/how any of that fits in to all this, but thought I'd mention it.

Any suggestions/insight appreciated; thanks!


@nightngale1998 and others - I'm curious if anyone has had any success/knows of any difference between Ranitidine (Zantac) and Famotidine (Pepcid)?

I have been on 40mg of Pantoprazole (Protonix), another Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) since 2011 when a barium swallow showed a small sliding hiatal hernia while investigating the cause of persistent nausea. I recently have been suffering from some chronic health issues since June 2018, still largely undiagnosed, but one of the findings was a low Vitamin B12 (interestingly, I had taken a B12 supplement in August for a month when it was found borderline low at that time, yet my recent reading was even lower than it was then) and a Vitamin D deficiency. One of my doctors suggested Vitamin B12 shots as opposed to the oral supplement because my Pantoprazole could be preventing me from absorbing the vitamins (might be something to ask about @mariannamum ). In return, I asked her if discontinuing the Pantoprazole was something to consider and what the alternative(s) might be (whenever I would forget to take the Pantoprazole, I inevitably ended up with nausea later that day). She said that many people are prescribed PPIs because they only require being taken once daily; the alternative would be to take Zantac or Pepcid twice daily instead. She said a "tapering" schedule for the Pantoprazole was not needed; replacing it with the Zantac/Pepcid would work immediately.

Unfortunately, I've switched to 20mg of Famotidine (Pepcid) twice daily since Wednesday, and suffered from nausea daily (not life-altering, but certainly not pleasant). On the flip side (although possibly unconnected), I had my second B12 shot and third Vitamin D prescription dose on Wednesday, and have felt a marked increase in energy/decrease in the brain fog since then. I don't know for sure it's because it was better absorbed without the PPI -- it could just be I needed additional doses before it started working -- but it's a possibility.

So my question is, has anyone had success using Zantac instead of Pepcid or are they essentially the same thing?

As a side note, I had an upper endoscopy two months ago that found linear gastropathy/gastritis (although no bleeding or ulcers), despite having been on the PPI for seven years; and the gastroenterologist who performed it said he hadn't seen any evidence of the hiatal hernia. Not sure if/how any of that fits in to all this, but thought I'd mention it.

Any suggestions/insight appreciated; thanks!

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Hi Peabody 88 and others,
I have also been diagnosed with a Hiatal Hernia after having a Stroke! I have also had many swallowing studies as well, because the Stroke severely weakened the muscles in my Esophagus! I choke on some foods , but am doing markedly better, since the Stroke happened on 05/04/01! I have also been consistently nauseaous and usually vomit every morning ! I also have required Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B6! I have been on the gamut of on medications and I am therefore on Ranitidine, which definitely works! I also have Osteoporosis; therefore that's the reason I finally switched to Ranitidine!


@nightngale1998 and others - I'm curious if anyone has had any success/knows of any difference between Ranitidine (Zantac) and Famotidine (Pepcid)?

I have been on 40mg of Pantoprazole (Protonix), another Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) since 2011 when a barium swallow showed a small sliding hiatal hernia while investigating the cause of persistent nausea. I recently have been suffering from some chronic health issues since June 2018, still largely undiagnosed, but one of the findings was a low Vitamin B12 (interestingly, I had taken a B12 supplement in August for a month when it was found borderline low at that time, yet my recent reading was even lower than it was then) and a Vitamin D deficiency. One of my doctors suggested Vitamin B12 shots as opposed to the oral supplement because my Pantoprazole could be preventing me from absorbing the vitamins (might be something to ask about @mariannamum ). In return, I asked her if discontinuing the Pantoprazole was something to consider and what the alternative(s) might be (whenever I would forget to take the Pantoprazole, I inevitably ended up with nausea later that day). She said that many people are prescribed PPIs because they only require being taken once daily; the alternative would be to take Zantac or Pepcid twice daily instead. She said a "tapering" schedule for the Pantoprazole was not needed; replacing it with the Zantac/Pepcid would work immediately.

Unfortunately, I've switched to 20mg of Famotidine (Pepcid) twice daily since Wednesday, and suffered from nausea daily (not life-altering, but certainly not pleasant). On the flip side (although possibly unconnected), I had my second B12 shot and third Vitamin D prescription dose on Wednesday, and have felt a marked increase in energy/decrease in the brain fog since then. I don't know for sure it's because it was better absorbed without the PPI -- it could just be I needed additional doses before it started working -- but it's a possibility.

So my question is, has anyone had success using Zantac instead of Pepcid or are they essentially the same thing?

As a side note, I had an upper endoscopy two months ago that found linear gastropathy/gastritis (although no bleeding or ulcers), despite having been on the PPI for seven years; and the gastroenterologist who performed it said he hadn't seen any evidence of the hiatal hernia. Not sure if/how any of that fits in to all this, but thought I'd mention it.

Any suggestions/insight appreciated; thanks!

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@peabody88 I find these PPIs so confusing. It is said to not take them long term but many of us, me included, have to. I am on Omeprazole for Barrett's Esophagus. I guess it's time to do some research to see if any of them might be better. When I was first prescribed omeprazole it upset my stomach a lot so the gastroenterologist tried two different PPIs but the omeprazole was the least bothersome, and eventually my system adjusted to it.
I appreciate any information that anyone has about these pharmaceuticals since I do need to continue taking them. I believe omeprazole is just prilosec, same dose and everything, but if it's prescribed then insurance covers it.


I take one prilosec in the am daily and a zantac daily in the evening and that combo works for me. It has been said to reduce the prilosec because of liver issues. I have acid reflux. I do suck on a tums before bed and that combo works for me.


@johnbishop John l went back to the mayo clinic just came back last week. When l spoke to Dr he told me you don't have cirrhosis or the liver when l come back home it said l did again. I was just discharged from the hospital before l left. But l found out it was the medicines and now they are covering up. And the omprezole was taking was on it to long. Also a medicine l was having an allergic reaction to in 2014 they were still giving it to me. And they never put on my chart l had a reaction to it. I didn't know l was unconscious my daughter found that out. The doctors out here are digging a hole in there own grave. Matter of fact the doctor that put me on the omprezole isn't practicing anymore. He is an alcoholic and he hit and killed someone. And then when l went to the mayo clinic they asked me if l had my mammogram, l said yes and it was normal because they thought there might be something going on. This was last year. I had my mammogram again this year everything was normal they said at first, yesterday l had to have a biopsy because they said they saw something. A year later. My doctors here are a joke. I just thank God l know him because you could lose you mind.


@johnbishop John l went back to the mayo clinic just came back last week. When l spoke to Dr he told me you don't have cirrhosis or the liver when l come back home it said l did again. I was just discharged from the hospital before l left. But l found out it was the medicines and now they are covering up. And the omprezole was taking was on it to long. Also a medicine l was having an allergic reaction to in 2014 they were still giving it to me. And they never put on my chart l had a reaction to it. I didn't know l was unconscious my daughter found that out. The doctors out here are digging a hole in there own grave. Matter of fact the doctor that put me on the omprezole isn't practicing anymore. He is an alcoholic and he hit and killed someone. And then when l went to the mayo clinic they asked me if l had my mammogram, l said yes and it was normal because they thought there might be something going on. This was last year. I had my mammogram again this year everything was normal they said at first, yesterday l had to have a biopsy because they said they saw something. A year later. My doctors here are a joke. I just thank God l know him because you could lose you mind.

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Hi Lisa @techi, Thank you for the update. It's really good that you are keeping track of everything. I have no medical training or background but from what I've read the long term usage of any over the counter drug is not good for you. Here are a few articles I've found on omeprazole long term effects.

Popular heartburn drugs linked to higher early death risk

Proton Pump Inhibitors: Review of Emerging Concerns



Wouldn't taking vinegar increase your GERD since it is an acid? I take 4 generic Nexiums plus a Zantac along with D3 and magnesium. My blood work is fine.

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Why are you commenting? Do you even know anything about the body of humans? They are right, long-term use of omperazole causes the acid pumps in our stomach to shut off. Which effects the absorption of vitamins and minerals. And who are you to questions a person’s right to stop medication.


Why are you commenting? Do you even know anything about the body of humans? They are right, long-term use of omperazole causes the acid pumps in our stomach to shut off. Which effects the absorption of vitamins and minerals. And who are you to questions a person’s right to stop medication.

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@plex091 - I don't believe any criticism or disrespect were intended; I think dadl48 was simply trying to understand what had prompted the change, and make sure that a doctor was involved in the decision/overseeing the transition. I'm sure there was no intent to hurt or upset anyone.

I'm interested to hear about your experience. Are you taking or have you taken Omeprazole? What brought you to this discussion?

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